Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 17 - The City of Dis

It was here the first immortals were born and lived. they were born from the two greatest immortals of all time. yin and yang, the masters of all. the immortals at this time were nothing more than simple villagers.

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The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 5

Devil's bane stops an immortal-class demon's ability to regenerate, but it also acts as a poision to any other kind of demon, but only if they're weak.

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The Stallion Guest

The Stallion Guest For DrakeHavok By Draconicon Doran shook his head as he gathered up his possessions. As the last of the stallion's pouches were passed back to him by the policemen, he gave them a nod of respect, and turned his steps...

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Existence in Peril -Prologue

-Prologue- Three Hundred Years Ago 1000 Years After Entreatment The two shadows passes over the final ridge. There they stood, struggling to stay upright and gazed upon their destination. The human city of Schelschwene, capitol over Lasvielle,...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Death of the Firstborn Now our story comes again to Vacka, who during this time was not inactive. After emerging from the tomb with Morgara in his possession, his time had come to use it. His singular focus was restoring his mother's soul...

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Icereach, Misc: Conversation with Rahn

"i need to know how you got that time, and i know it wasn't an herbal suppository of immortality\* administered by a wandering lion scholar."

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The Beasts True Colour

Was she being, no that attack was meant for me, only two immortals i know of including myself can see other immortal's life energy with our eyes. oh man, just when i was gonna... can't an immortal have a lucky break now and then.

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Numbering just 19, the immortals were beings with a rare none-clonable, unstable genetic mutation that prevented the immune system from destroying the nanites.

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Trapped and trained chapter 8: Dealing with the twin

One of my fathers was a light immortal and the other was a dark immortal. i carry the blood of both inside me. i can easily mix light and dark together without much difficulty.

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The Blessing and The Curse - Part 16

To make you immortal would rob me of my own immortality, thus killing me. and to be honest, having lived on this earth for so long, it is not the luxury many expect it to be.

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Korban vs Volcan. Stylish Skills vs Brute Strength

The light got brighter and brighter, then as quickly as it appeared, it vanished, revealing korban in his 3rd level of power, harmonic immortal trigger.

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Custodian history lesson.

The immortal emperor himself had committed the entire of his civilisation to this one goal, all others were unimportant.
