Depth's of Winters Embrace - Chapter Five -

Depth's of Winters Embrace Chapter Five © Cederwyn Whitefurr 11thOctober, 2021 All Rights Reserved. I stared down at the unconscious... _Could a spirit, a construct, even -go- unconscious?_ My mind whirled, then I carefully slipped off him and...

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Lavish Love Labyrinth

When she made it to the last step, she looked at him inquisitively and asked, "you called, sir?" "yes, come inside. i must speak to you." he beckoned her to come follow him into his bedroom.

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The Furry Rebellion: The crossing of Two Paths

They looked at me with confused, and inquisitive eyes. the fox a gunny sgt. the leader of this group probably... walked up to me. he raised up an arm...

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Scott's Remote | Chapter 17

The wolf padded up next to him, and giving the air one more inquisitive sniff, settled down on his front paws and settled down for a nap.

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Solis Chapter 3

With a inquisitive look, and a pivot of a barstool. friday faced vex to listen to him talk, wanting to her about his adventures as much as zev did. wondering what life was like just beyond venus and traveling.

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Entropy Express (part 1)

"how seriously are we taking the rumors that the zealots have discovered the truth and are planning to include us in the next inquisition, helga?" asks the mechanik asks of the monk.

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Hungry Like the Wolf

This caused the wolf to rise from between her legs and cock his head at her inquisitively. after a moment of eye contact, she saw him lick his chops and go back down.

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A Patient Death 04: Civilised Folk

"if you'll hear reason for a moment, and re-examine the order with a closer eye, then perhaps you'd see that the inquisition's seal is pressed firmly in the top right-most corner, quite authentic.

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Constricting Emotions

Her brows perked upwards inquisitively, and the shiny black pools of liquid that were her eyes peered at him inquisitively, her cheeks visibly flushed pink now.

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All within the folds of a Rose

Touch soft beyond measure, only to be found by the inquisitive, the velvet skin only covering the silk within.

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WestWood 5

Johnny looked at her with an inquisitive look. "how many students has this... rapist guy gotten to??" "well." johnny began, looking at the ceiling, as if in deep thought.

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The Hunt

Furthermore, the inquisition is never unnecessary in our actions. unless of course, your master means to imply the punishment of the wicked is a task he would let grow lax.'

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