Jade and Amethyst (Chapter 1)

The greedy looks on the bandits' leering faces made it crystal clear just what they were going to do to her. not very far off, there was a large, amethyst coloured dragon swimming about the ocean, hunting for its meal.

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07 - Of Mice and Men

He leered at me, then turned to craig, whose teeth were showing as he growled softly. "maybe i'll have your thug fired and thrown out, though."

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Pokemon Dark Generation Episode 2- Tränenreicher Anfang Teil 2/2

Neben den 6 magnetplätzen für die pokebälle von denen bisher aber nur einer besetzt war, eine kleine tasche befestigt in der er leere porebälle und ein notizbuch aufbewahrte das ihm ebenfalls seine mutter gegeben hatte, der rest der fächer war noch leer.

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Seeds of a Glowing Ember - 17

The sinister leers of the wretched things filled the old templar's vision, but he did not allow fear to stop him.

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A appointment with a predator...

The predator leered. "well ... yes and i had more mare than the stallion before me!" the tiger snickers as he takes leather strapping, and tightly garrotes the stud's testicles.

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Governor Pussy

Captain norric asked the leering equine as the unicorn stood grinning at him. "my lord asked me to go down to the taproom and have a bottle of their best sent up... along with a couple of new guests for his pleasure!"

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Star Fox: Kinky Fun and Games

With a clearing of his throat he walks closer to the bed, moving to the side and looming over his captured wife, "but" he starts, "i think you need to get...more comfortable" he says, leering over the zipper of her suit.

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Hooves and Sento Rematch

Sento smiles leeringly as his foot smashed up repeatedly into hooves fat stud nuggets.

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Begegnung im Nebetal

Als sich die phiole tatsächlich verfärbte seufzte der wolf laut auf, er griff sich ein leeres stück papier aus seiner tasche und fing an langsam eine karte zu zeichnen.

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New Captives

The big wolf leered, as he watched the fat pig's cock bounce up and down with the pounding of the abbots racing heart.

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Dangerous Breeding

The money was good, but just about every farmhand and member of the vanden family had kept leering at her every chance they got. even bendis' wife had made some very unwanted advances.

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