Hero, Chapter 2

"in third place, winning the bronze medal and a check for $2,500, from new york - steele sandow!" steel broke ranks with a victorious pump of his big fist.

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Chapter 1: Welcome To Firewall

They, and the rest of the troop, had had a marvelous time, and the medals and badges in their bag, they had won in the various events.

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Zombies are Wankers: Time for Some Backstory (ASH AND CHIP ARE NOW RECURRING CHARACTERS!)

Sheer was vicious and unstoppable in combat, earning medal after medal, killing enemy soldiers with ease. however, they were sent home when their antlers were broken in an explosion caused by a nearby grenade.

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Responsibility Part IV - Interwoven

The rat's arms carried a thick cushion, plush velvet of brilliant azure upon which sat a brilliant silver medal.

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In My Wildest Dreams Ch. 22 Robbing The Cradle

He was presented with his medal and then stood to the side next to the elkhound. "and first place goes to pup number 430 with a fantastic time of 19:18." of course it was logan and he bounded up the steps to get his medal.

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Anything GOOOes (2/3)

Flicking his wrist, the tiger tossed the cell medal into the dragon's head, causing the slot to immediately close after receiving it. at that, aleis collapsed to the floor, knocked unconscious.

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Never Again

Did you get those medals in a cereal box? a toy store? because from what i can see, you haven't earned them." "hey hey, everyone calm down. remember what happened the last time dante got really angry."

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Squirrel Sutra

Yes, yesss ... " in the minute afterward, as the noises died down and their breathing returned to normal, kody pawed at her breasts and murmured, "i think we earned a gold medal with that performance, babe."

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Breeders Cup Champs

The official went to one at a time and said their name and time escaping being bred, before placing a bronze, silver, or gold medal around their necks.

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Presses it down further than the medal and the car accelerates quickly down the street.

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"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part A

As for the gold-and-violet ribbon, that's what recipients of the valour medal of faerie wear. it's the highest award for bravery any soldier, squaddie up to general, can receive from the king.

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