Castaways - Chapter 5

I'm trying to stick with third-person omniscient narration for this because i want to portray feelings for both of the characters. please let me know what you think about it and how i'm doing.

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Rat Prince: Act I

Cigarettes came out of his pocket, a zippo from the other, and he stopped to light it: for a moment his face, the boyishness and the perfection that was being eighteen, untainted by the coming ravages of weed, nicotine, booze, was framed gorgeous against the omniscient

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James was feeling a little weirded out her sense of omniscience. she looked back at him. "you could say that i am observant of the obvious." fixing the glasses on her nose so they didn't droop so low on her snout. "okay..."

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Stella Novus - Chapter I, Viæ

"pyra valentin is on the quad," replied the white knight in his omniscient manner.

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The fox backed slowly away as if he were weirded out by the other cubs' perspective omniscience. "i am a toon. we are the guardians of your boons. our job is to ensure happiness and you sir...are not but sappiness!"

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You are not omniscient, omnipotent, nor omnipresent! far from perfection, you will _never_ be the heroes you think you are! without that power, you cannot truly be 'guardians!'" kara exclaimed.

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Ch.4 Evolution

His eyes were now a solid white, taking away from his appearance of constant vigil, yet making him seem more... omniscient. as well, he was missing feathers in several places. "char...what happened to you?" she asked, concerned.

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Megalopolis - Rescue of a Queen

As he closes in on the mental screams he sees the omniscience hotel coming into view and frowns, "awfully high class for something like this to be coming from."

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Evolution's Gate First Anniversary - Reader's Guide

They're practically omniscient. **these po-lice seemed to wield big authority . . .** is a cave really under their jurisdiction, i wonder? sorry that this is mostly observations; there isn't much going on in the way of symbolism in this chapter.

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Porking poor foxes

This hat blocked the lion's view of the interior but he omniscient gaze upon him, as if centuries-old jedi sat behind him seeing even through his flesh and mind as to what he was up to.

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You are neither omniscient nor omnipotent. you may be different, you may think you are better, but you are foolish to believe that you can protect the world. you are just four individuals.

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The Firm Law

I'd rather go classical and holler out, "omniscient oracle of delphi, i beg a boon." instead, i got the right app, spoke the address, and let some presumably female voice give me directions.

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