
+ + + + "the portland astrological society has informed us that a rare astrological phenomenon will make an appearance in the skies of northern maine tonight, so you farmers who are within the western half of aroostook county will get a nice light

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Terra, chapter three: Rain Of Stones

Terra was outside while her mother was indoors.she noticed the neighbor girl, emily portland, laying in the sun in her bathing suit. terra cautiously approached her.

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Sleepless Night & Trying Day

Sooner, the director of the portland branch of family services. all three were dressed for success; susan was in her white pleated dress and blouse, top two buttons open showing just a little fur.

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Down the Rabbit Hole

It's our second day on the road right now, and we just passed through portland, oregon, so we should be in la in 2 days or so, if we stay on track. around 5 hours or so later, we were on the lookout for a gas station to refuel.

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Black Project Files Chapter 7

July 1943 at portland, main main docks: fbi sp. agent heff molder was assigned to get onboard the queen mary to investigate the rumor of a sue-chef being thrown in a stove.

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Daisy and Boss: 18 - Conversations

"i need to get back to portland." boss realized with a sinking feeling. "he'll retaliate somehow... i know his type." "well i stuck him back in the pit.... told the guards to keep everyone clear.

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The Choice: Chapter Two Questions

That was when the portland detectives showed up and showed him the video.

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The Curse of the Yellow Monkey - Chapter 2 - Wheels Are Set in Motion

The officer was dialling the portland hospital by the time the doors swung shut behind them. the cia agent indicated a nondescript sedan and they climbed in. "there's a plane waiting for you at the portland international jetport.

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She noticed almost immediately that the climate in portland was very much like that of any mid latitude coastal city and with that climate came a familiar rhythm of life and holidays.

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Love Will Bring Us Together: Chapter 1- Commission

Koda dragged his tail as he walked out of portland airport. making sandwiches wasn't making him happy or money. he had already put in his notice, but was just that day talked into staying another month. the ride home was miserable.

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Towards The Top

We were just lucky to escape the loss in portland," ren says. next to him, a certain bear catches some zs, possibly dreaming of food again. the orange fox giggles. "well, good luck to you guys in this round.

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