A Shadow in the Mountain

The only inconvenience was the snowfall, the snow slowly piling up on top of the houndour's body, so he had to shake himself from time to time to disperse it.

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The Third Gift

The scent of ice tinted the breeze, and she suspected they would see their first snowfall soon. it was early, even for the mountains, but the sky rarely lied.

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Spring Break - Prequel 2 - First Christmas -

. \* a light snowfall began to fall, forcing reuben to slow and put the wipers on, before he pulled off the road and parked in the gravel parking lot. grabbing the spare coat, he slid from the car and hurriedly followed the path.

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One Of A Kind: The Beginning

All of these questions panged in his mind as he walked on, the snowfall becoming more harsh the later at night it became. the form shivered, wearing only a pair of regular denim jeans, and shook his head.

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Meet Me in the Cabin

High above, a low rumble of thunder echoed and the snowfall seemed to pick up in strength. the wind wailed a solemn cry, trying its hardest to deter the lone scout that had been surveying the area for the past few days.

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Another Sleepless Night

People danced and raised glasses of beers to a cameraman in the middle of a light snowfall, not caring about the freezing temperatures. utah weather, be damned!

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Chapter 1: Hatching

One, a female dragon with hide as white as snowfall, was eyeing the other suspiciously, but maintaining her promise not to kill him. it was tough though, considering the elderly looking human was less than four feet from the darker of her two eggs.


Our City: Chapter Two

It was the sweet smell of grass, old cigarette butts and that oddly nostalgic scent of the first snowfall that would sometimes blow in from up north, telling of the winter to come. it was the smell of another like himself.

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A Brother's Love Ch. 01

Jeremy scratched at his belly fur that was as white as the first snowfall of the season. it was one of the things he had come to like about his appearance. he thought it made him look foxy both figuratively and literally.

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Wander Lust

The tree barks were white as snowfall, and the leaves had golden illumination. as he looked into the nearby waterfall of the creek, he saw the back of a rabbit girl in a toga bathing herself peacefully.

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A chilling experience

The snowfall gently covered it's corpse. as the creature disappeared with it's eggs.

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A New Life (Part 1)

With plenty of energy drinks, snacks and the day off work due to heavy snowfall, he was ready to finally get back to his passion. "okay nester. you got this." his mind was racing, his heart pumping, but his fingers refused to move.

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