, the jeep's howls were sending tremors of pleasure through the sergeant's frame and straight to his groin.** **"primus!

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Growvember Day 24

Chances are we probably made the news with the tremors we sent out." i shrugged. "we'll give them real tremors next time." he gave my butt a grope as we started to walk. we were not prepared coming back to the others. "so, its what we figured."

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Horns and Horny

Despite the slight tremor followed by the closing walls, the silky touch stole a gruff exhalation from him. another squeeze and the massive and hoary rhinoceros moaned...

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Druid's Ritual

Her lips were split open from being fucked, but that wasn't what sent a tremor of fear through her.

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Morton Construction

The hot, wet walls massaged his cock and sent warm tremors through his body, forcing deep grunts and drawn out huffs. steady, wet slaps rang out, joining the brothers moans and grunts against each other.

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The way to a gryphon's heart

"fire's mercy, but you're leaking something fierce," subtle tremors shook jarnolvr's words, his lust manifested in the heavier breaths he drew, each of them laden with her noticeable scent.

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CrunchVille Days Off

The shockwave of displaced air smacked against him like a blast from an air canon and mixed with the tremor the impact caused to send him stumbling backwards.

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Maternal Leave

The teacher feels tremors of her own as organs crease and rearrange to clear the way.

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The Kitsune and the Thief

The transformed rat relished each clench and strove to repay them with tremors of his own, though his rigid form muffed his reciprocation.

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We Used to be Wild

I remember the tremor, midnight feathers aquiver when you found me. yawning maw filled with wind and the sheen of your fangs. you scented past my silence, my hollow bones. the trees were old friends. we dove into dew. flesh blooms.

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The Dragon Dance (letter)

Some where violently stomping on the ground, causing the tremors. some had their gargantuan muzzles lifted up to the sky, releasing their inner fire to the stars.


Celine - Dance Dance Devastation

Soon those small tremors were full-blown earthquakes that began to rattle buildings and crack glass. soon her luscious, wide hips were too broad for the narrow side street she was strolling down.

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