Wilderness Khajiit

Her hunt unit killed orc warchiefs, mafias operating from the sewers of ancient ayelid cities, slavers who raided and raped villages... everybody they killed deserved it. none of it was political- they were doing good work.

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Anduin Wrynn's Adventures: Ch. 5 - An Honorable Foe

Sure, jaina did occasionally share secret meetings with horde warchief, thrall; but they were usually conducted on neutral ground rather than in alliance or horde territory.

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WoW: Lessons Learned

With a gentle smile, he turned and went back beside the warchief. tree? wait, did he mean three? she wasn't used to such a thick troll accent.

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Bors: A Warmaster Jack Novella part Eight

Jack's warchiefs, maybe? or ... i looked around, and realized i'd been thinking this was all of the sharpened spits, but this was just the wolf lodge. and here and there, i saw some wolf warchiefs.

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Plumbing the Depths

They are deep within the mountain plumbing its depths, assigned to their duties by thrall warchief of the horde.

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Darkness of the Heart: Chapter Two

Her father wouldn't approve, his warchief wouldn't approve, his chieftan wouldn't approve. she would have to decide between her father and the tauren.

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Syngeneia Kathairein part 18

warchief entity catharsion discovered. you will find out in due time." charis is the throne of charity, she had no problem divulging this info. it is all even the thrones know. koriza and you remain silent as it sinks in. "bizarre.

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Streams of Life: An Ancient Letter

There is no formative structure that unites the land and the villages are most often lead by an elder or warchief, which is humorous given the fact that they do not as near as i was able to discern in fact make any wars.


Darkness of the Heart

The earthen circle was a group of powerful shaman, led by the one and only thrall, former warchief of the horde. the earthen circle was doing a mission that would take them into the centaur's enclave, for which they needed an escort.

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World of Chaos: Chapter 8

warchief of clan bloodspear." i whispered to rekkdyr. the massive orc wore a close cut beard dyed in a strange greenish-blue color, to match his hair. he wielded a wicked looking thrusting spear, and held a large wooden shield in his other hand.

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Bors Alone

That kind of surprised me, but from his remarks, paw didn't think much of kett's propects as a replacement for me, as far as warchief went.

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