The Second Kind

You feel every bone break, and let me tell you the worst ones are the hammer, anvil, and stirrup. your back twists becoming more curved, and you lose your collar bone.

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The Rat

Her bowels flexed with bone breaking strength, but by some miracle, josiah survived... barely. the wind knocked out of him, he pushed against her bowels, his ribs sore.

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Untouchable: Chapter 2: Ice Breaks

Give me a big hug you wonderful furs," sean said crushing each one, in turn, to him with near bone breaking enthusiasm.neal, fred's partner, was going to join them at the club, he was very very tall for a river otter, and fred, a ram, had to look up at his

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Screaming for axel's cock, he threw his head back while the horse surged into him with bone-breaking speed, pushing his legs backward until he folded in half, showing no signs of discomfort. "fuuuucck."

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Once Broken Draft 1 CH 33

He heard the bones break as he fell back, ripping the rifle out of tristan's hands. he moved to a crouch as the woman brought her rifle up, grabbed a knife off alex's harness with his uninjured hand and the barrel with his other hand.

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Pool Balls (2021)

Pete bent over forwards as the raccoon came around to the side and with another arc, lim slammed the balls again against the back of the skull as the loud crack sound came from the bone breaking.

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Dragon Hunter, Chapter 6 [Fight Only]

The green dragon quickly crashed to the earth with the sounds of its bones breaking and twisting into ways that were completely unnatural, thri'sa having spoken many times with jace about dragons and combat in midair which was far from as easy as dragons made

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Request story for manmadehell (micro)

Blood gushes from the stumps of my now legs, cut off just under the knees as the taste of my blood rewards the canine now and then chewing at me like some sort of toy a few bones breaking but back then just as now i take in every single antagonizing

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Ember Chapter 2

He rammed into mason's assailant, feeling the lizard's bones break as his head collided with its side. his horn had missed its mark but had grazed a long bloody cut. the lizard soared off mason's body, landing several feet away.

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The Rogue Chapter Two

He lay on the ground writhing, he body feeling like it was splitting, he felt his bones break and reform, and his muscles grow and move about.

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The Disciplinarian

Another loud crack was heard as this time the cheetah swung his baton at the bear's arm, his bone breaking from the force of the impact. "augh!

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TDWTTJ - Cuchan.

"but can't bones break? and my spine is exposed - what if-?" "oh, you don't know how strong pokébones are, jason." tera said, "and that's a false spine, too. it'll take much more than that to paralyze you. now come on, slave.

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