Integration: Part One

"then those maternal instincts merge with the predator kind and you end up with that crazy stunt we pulled at the beginning. i would never trust anyone else to do that. christ, i know damn well how crazy it is.

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A New Life New Body: Everyone Goes to Hell

But it made sense why she was hanging around now, she was my maternal instinct taking form in my psychotic psyche. feeling a sudden pain i found myself being dragged out of their realm and back into mine.

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Binary Genetics - Chapter 1 (Revised Update)

The other four mares crowded nearby, their maternal instincts driving them to defend the creature that was no longer human, but not yet fully one of them. mercifully, the cold snow dulled some of the pain.

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Growth 2

It was a tough decision, all things considered, but maternal instincts won out when henry's big watery eyes melted her heart and made her acquiesce to the small request. "alright, you can but be careful when you are with them.

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Consequence and Confession

When we get the mark one back, we can use the two and three to test the maternal instincts. this will give us an edge when the time to begin the hybrid's breeding program. someone get the janitor to mop up the blood."

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Icy Winds

"because you've never honed your maternal instincts." he said soothingly. izaac put his face to crystal's and yipped at her questioningly, lifting the mask from her face. she responded by licking his nose, making him smile- and glow!

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Workplace Fun: Doctors Appointment

No pregnancies, no babies, no fulfilling that maternal instinct. but, she got the pluses that canceled it all out. so, she smiled and settled in to wait a little longer. the collie left. then a few of the nurses did.

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To You, I Belong: Chapter 7

Tapping into her maternal instinct, she took the blanket and tucked erik back in like a child. holly simply stood there for a minute and watched him sleep peacefully.

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Daddy's Girl

maternal instincts pushed her past sexual wanting. "after i gave her a little help to get her started." "she's bleeding, isn't she?" "yeah. yeah, she is." a drawn-out sigh. "goddamn, kahnso, she's already twelve.

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The Cetra and the Lion, chapter 4

My mind is racing a million miles a minute, but i force it to quiet and follow my maternal instincts. i slowly start to rock my hips, moaning at the sensation. the movement seems to help my entrance open just a bit farther.

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Friday chapter XIV Selective Breding

He really wished he had fathered a pup on her that night, she seemed the most at piece when she was taking care of that toy, and the fox pups brought out even more maternal instincts, and a few of tiffany's traits and teachings stayed with the collie bitch

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Jungle Love

She wagged her tail slowly, her flared-up maternal instincts being stoked by the newborn, and she murred gently as she nuzzled its cheek as it suckled.

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