Hypnovember Day 12 - Program

Sponsored by sanmer ### 12 - program (sanmer) megakat city had not faced a single invasion or attack in weeks. this was generally the norm around winter time. maybe it had something to do with the season.

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SWAT Kats: Joining a Pride, Ch 19

If he upheld the laws of megakat city on pride hunts, he broke the law of the pride. yuck, what a mess. he closed his eyes and groaned. he wasn't a lawyer just a cop who enforced the law. maybe he should have ms. briggs intercede in this.

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SWAT KATS: Take A Chance On Me Ch. 16

He didn't like the feeling as got up from his seat, his hand in his pocket flipping through his roll of $20 dollar bills, he got his check today and being the owner of the best gym in megakat city meant big cheese for him.

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A Warm Fire in a Blizzard - Chapter II

The megakat city department of transportation says subways will run during the storm, with trains every 20 minutes on most lines.

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Cecil's Midnight Stroll

. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nightime in megakat city. cecil van albergaster, 28 years old and already looking 38, was traversing the city streets by his lonesome. he was a slender, charcoal-gray tom with short, messy brown hair.

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Taking Chances - May Rule 34 Story #2

"but if we're going to combat crime in megakat city, it would be awesome to be able to be at the crimes in the blink of an eye right?"

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A Strange World

They had returned the truck to its owner and stopped at the megakat city park. the truck had taken all of yesterday to fix, now they could relax.

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It's essential to the continued health of the enforcers, as well as megakat city, that all divisions in this building run as smoothly as possible. the robbery investigation department hasn't solved one crime in an entire week!

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Cartoon/video game characters in peril: tale I: Swat Kats

Several years have passed since jake and chance became the swat kats to protect megakat city. they've fought hard for several years to defeat all super villains threatening the peace and they've finally managed to completely defeat them.

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Take A Chance On Me

Jake was laughing at a comment made by litterman on the recent traffic jams in megakat city, he took the top part of his jumpsuit off exposing his wife beater he wore underneath.

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SWAT Kats Civic Duty

I mean, you both deserve a reward for constantly saving megakat city." callie said as she traced her finger over his chest, feeling his muscles even through the cloth.

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