The Transcendent

mother plays a training video for roy, teaching firearm safety, aiming, basic actions such as reloading, and taking cover. it isn't long before roy is finished with all the tasks. this time, mother's voice comes through the radio in roy's helmet.

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Inhuman | Chapter 15: Resolutions [old edition]

She was not going to let her mother play that hated "because i say so" card on her, certainly not now. she was only too aware how she had never so much as snapped back at her mother, let alone outright silenced her.

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Cabin Break: Chapter 11

Sam chuckled; he enjoyed how his mother played the character of a shy innocent girl and considered asking her to dress up like a schoolgirl at some point in the future.

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The Start

I don't feel like sitting in my room whole night and listen to jacob bitching about me or my mother playing the 'yes girl' for him." kevin said darkly. he hated his home. he hated his mother and step-father.

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A Haunting

Mei-ling sighed and pushed her mom playfully. "please don't start that, mom!" she said.

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A New Game

"were you and mom playing again before i woke up?" tommy asked, sounding hurt by the thought of being left out. "no, not really.

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Family Business II

Sam panted, purring in pleasure as he watched his sister and mother play with his cum, using their tongues to transport it from one maw to the other. when they were finished, they didn't simply end things, though.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 2.3 - Eye of the Beholder

"i played this all the time back home, even my mom played it a couple times!" "well it is thuh same company that did beast fighter, they know them good fighting games."

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Do it for Mommy

I look toward little lila, innocently watching her new mommy play with big sister. i decide the little ball of flesh is too delicious to pass up. i slink toward lila's little feet.

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The Third Gift

Flashes of her father carving toys, and her mother playing with her in the rain left her eyes tearing up. "and then i had to land because i was sobbing." "wasn't quite the reaction i was hoping for," velorek said, squeezing her paw. "it still worked.

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Changing Times: A Vampire's Tale

mother played the flute, and once in a while the banjo, and grandmother, in her crazy fun ways, played the fiddle and the piano. my father was a poet of sorts. many times he would put his writings to the music mother and grandmother would play.

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