Blazing Revenge

"i start paying back that debt." sitting up, he slid forward, his cock resting against scaly lips. the slave trader groaned, tried to turn his head away, but he didn't allow it.

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Saving Robbie...

"then let's pay back..." dran said, taking rob over and sitting him on the bed, kissing him deeply and then laying on top of him. rob kissed back, licking the inside of drans mouth and teeth.

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Augmented Souls Chapter 7

I had so many loans to pay back, and i didn't have the money for any of it. i had to put all my money towards new legs, eyes, and the drug to make sure my body doesn't reject them.

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Journal of The One-Eyed Dragon Entry 6

Though i had no forked tongue like some snake, my dick forked plenty to drive me to pay back the countess for her more than kind words. the evening soon fell and i found my way through the inner workings of the castle.

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Sins of Our Elders: Chapter 2

If i need to pay back eighteen years of child support i'll-" "does it look like i need more money?" she sneered, pointing to her house, "i did just fine raising her without your help." "then why is she sleeping with someone older than you?"

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To provide a steady income and security for me and my newborn, and to pay back friends for supporting me when i was in need of help." shi said, looking a little guilty for being a bourdon on nati and hir family. "i see, and what of the father?

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The tale of an Outcast

Ray moans, hearing this outcast thought a little pay back was in order so before ray blew his load outcast stopped making him whimper once more " why you stop???"

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I Most Certainly Did Infact Not See That Coming

Of course, jake still wanted pay back and revenge for what chris did to him... but it's ok... he has an idea ;]

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Paw Play

Grinning, tal realized he had found the perfect way to pay back casa for the game, he would tease him, not realizing that casa had figured out his own paw fetish. so he rolled onto his side, and started playing with casa's feet.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 105 - The Long And Short

"if you participate in the market but don't sell well--and it happens--you may need to work out some chores with your parents to pay back the allowance.

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"just when the grunt was going to get his pay back on red he was stopped by a voice as he turn to see a guy walk in "what are you doing?"


10th December

._ _"and the mother was just paying back the good deed, that this bunny once did."

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