Law Dawgs Unleashed

Two standard issue police cars pulled up next to the crashed truck, and tom turned the three crooks over to the l.a.p.d. then he joined mike and liam in looking at the cargo.

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Zootopia Guy

Judy took a quick turn, and drove the cop car back to the police department. once back there, all of the cop car windows had been rolled down, and judy was quick to leave the car. nick had a lot of gas, so much so it smelled up the entire police car.

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DEAD ENDERS Ep 1: Boomer's Breakfast

Were those frisbee bombs we threw at the cop cars chasing us in mama booms cab last night, or was it our week-hold of donuts?" joel asked.

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Chapter 9: Calmonte Lighthorn

The two of them led the massive mystery man to the police car, resting the front of his body on the passenger side of it.

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Deserted Part 3

There are only a few cop cars in this small town but they are at shepherd's eye almost every night, almost every couple of hours even.

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All Good Things

And i do mean "all such oddities" because like cop cars and ambulances and stuff went by the place at least four more times in the morning, although i wasn't really paying all that much attention.

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BOOMER ROO Job 1¤ Bank heist & Breakfast

Were those frisbee bombs we threw at the cop cars chasing us in mama booms cab last night, or was it our week-hold of donuts?" joel asked.

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The short chain had been looped neatly around the shunt bar of the sleek police car of which he was clinging on to, as if his life depended greatly upon it. he squeezed his eyes shut out of mild frustration.

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A Treat Sweeter Than Candy

I felt the cop car roll forwards, then suddenly stop, but i didn't bother to look. i heard the sound of whispering.

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Ch. I: So long Sergeant Saber

They set their coffee cups down in the cup holders of their police car and see the sun has fully hit. "now all we do is wait," says sergeant saber. **\*\*\*12 hours until sergeant saber retires\*\*\*** "come on! get the money damn it!"

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Wolves can't be caught

Then they saw that the colonel's car had crashed into a police car. "holy shit." "help the wounded!" the sergeant ordered. the sergeant and the corporal ran to the army jeep.

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Maverick Hotel Part 7

Right on time, the four of us ducked down from sight and waited for the police car to pass by us, then lowell started it up and picked up nick on the ground floor several minutes later. "did you get away?"

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