Mother's Day Surprise

#2 of random ideas that may become part of a longer series since today is mother's day where i live, i have a one-shot story about a male braixen deciding to give his mother the most special gift ever when he's unable to purchase one.

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Field Test

I've been writing random ideas, exploring themes, and trying to find something that sticks for a long time, but i think i may have found it (hopefully). i won't make promises, but this story might be the beginning of a new world. enjoy!

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Young Americans

"random ideas. like, this dude with the clock can take a bridge and make it turn on or off for a period of time. this is a signal character, and this is a listener character. they work together. that... um. that's just this cute tiger i know."

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Schoolgirl Bikini Car Wash Special

Story i wrote based on a random idea i had. completely unrealistic and absurd scenario, but it's just smut so meh. enjoy! zach nearly ran his car off the road.

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Owe You

This was a random idea i had that i wrote in a day. imagine a world with only pokémon, no humans. like... pmd but in the modern-day and no dungeons. okay? enjoy.** * * * grant had known will forever. forever to them, at least.

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To Bind a Dragon

This was some random idea that grew into something entirely different. see what i did there? well you will eventually if you read this before the story. really this story is kind of weird, and not even in the good way most likely.

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What Goes Better with Magic than a Rabbit?

She prodded them, grinning as they all blurted out random ideas from face paint to ribbons. for a moment she paused, listening to their voices as she considered the harm in embarrassing him a bit more before the final act.

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The Great Silverback

It's one of those odd, random ideas that i knew i had to go for at some point. although this is going to be a first for me. i'm going to ask you guys what male you think she should go for next? just keep it to a general species please.

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MoN - Ch. 10: The Sheltered Land

Asked the typhlosion, shooting out a random idea. "eh? what might?" answered jazz, who was a bit unclear about what waltz meant. "you said that humans aren't welcome on the island... do you think there's any connection?

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Save Me

It was a bit upsetting for her to say she wasn't concerned about work because she was supposed to pay me back for the things i bought for her. such a thought was petty, but we can't often control the random ideas that course through or little heads.

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As Nature Intended

It was just a random idea for a story about a nympho kari that i wrote in a physical notebook i write in if i'm playing a resource-intensive game like league of legends and can't get access to notepad++ or googledocs.

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