The New Wolf Chapter 10

Depression, bipolar, ptsd, i need to know what medication he needs and you're the only one who might be able to diagnose him at the moment.

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Master Stripes

A tiger with a serious bipolar disorder and one that i learnt not to tease about his name. once was enough for me to earn quite a few 'stripes' of my own at the thin end of a cane. our first session however was something else entirely.

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The Boy with the Wolf Eyes 12

I think i'm bipolar, i should get tested." i said, laughing with him. "well i, still have one more shot, and if i fail i can always just graduate on time," he said. we sat there a minute just enjoying each other's company. "oh fuck," he said suddenly.

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The Dream That Turned Real - Resurrection, Part 2

Kraig started a bipolar switcharoo, as he went from freaking out, to crying his eyes out, then cursing at the whistle before tossing it away from him, crouching.

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A Rape at the Party

Her sensations were bipolar- one second she was empty, the next she was filled to the brim from both directions.

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AbortUS strikes back 1

But unfortunately when one is bipolar like me you can never be sure when depression or mania will hit. so to put it short you little @!#!@*!

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Family Matters. Chapter Three.

He knew people that were bipolar with less changes in their conversation. it was like trying to navigate an emotional minefield where the mines kept moving in on you. "wouldn't understand?" she asked her eyes growing large and watery.

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From Ice Cream to "Topping" - Arc 2, Chapter 5

Oh wait charlie, yeah that's really smart; tell your bipolar boyfriend you're randomly breaking out in hysteria because you can't handle the breadth of your life anymore. yeah that's sounds good_..."

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The Really Gay Party

\* **_peter_** **_ _** **_ _** it happened that instead of that delightfully bipolar individual of jacob holden, the door was opened by a suitably harrowed-looking rory wearing what appeared to

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Family Days 31

The bipolar argument went back and forth the entire while he served customers, and while filling out prescriptions, and even through lunch. _ben wouldn't mind i'm sure....i mean, i do want them to get closer....and well, maybe it would be a good idea.

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Not The Best Babysitter - Part 1

The bipolar, self-harming little slut lived and breathed wex's approval. "good boy", he sent back, along with a picture of his own boner. that would keep the kid alive for another few days at least.

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Hidden Desires: Adventures in Kennywood - Remastered

"bipolar one," malaika said as he rummaged through his backpack. hashigo just nodded and followed shiro bout the door being guided by the leash. hashigo sat in the passenger seat this time with malaika behind the wheel.

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