The Green Monster

Not just the physical bodies of the hundreds he had devoured, but also their very souls, giving him strength.

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Evoking Greatness

She emerged from the devoured countryside and licked her lips with playful demeanor as she spotted a mountain not very far away.

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The Golden Hymn and the New-Found Flesh [Part 4]

My insides drink his tentacles.i need to drink the gold, devour the gold, be the gold.the hymn is the gold.the touch and taste is the gold.he is the gold.i drink him, i devour him, i let him make my body his cathedral.he is my flesh.

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The territorial Hydreigon

Hydreigon opened his mouth and devoured his head but the riolu with his paws tries to push back to escape but he couldn't.

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Rise Of Relix's Third Kingdom

His legs thickened and resembled that of the cougar he'd devoured. his beak remained and retained its sharp downturned point yet much of its shape also resembled the muzzle of the cat.

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Frosty Loops - Chapter 9: "Mission: Failed"

He'd postponed the test entirely, survived the day in _both_ timelines without incident, been devoured _several_ times in the other timeline...

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Late-Night Park Snack

It shifted and shaped itself until it looked like a trimmed bush facsimile of the devoured lionesses' head, with linda's arms stuck inside the mouth.

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Out of the oven, onto the plate

Ilene drooled constantly during this period, fighting her bestial nature to just devour harleen right then and there.

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Acephalous Bukkake Crotch-Hockey Buttrape Anarchy

As soon as hii had devoured her tail to the point where hii could devour no further because of the collar, hii started to gnaw and shred her flesh without hesitation.

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