The Eye of Horus

The scales around his right eye glowed as the twining loops were inscribed by some invisible calligrapher. a conservative rendition of the symbol formed around his right eye, but i was too taken in by the eye itself to really assess the tattoo.

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Eye of The Storm

Moments later they arrived among the ruins keeping an eye on the sky for anything that might surprise them.

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With Eyes Open

Death stood by and watched, seeing our eyes were open, she came down from the shadows into fire's light.

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In The Blink of an Eye

He had closed his eyes to it, but his mind had latched on and hadn't let go. it was a good thing his time here had been so short and the memory had not faded. it was just possible that they could do this. that thought jolted her to reality.

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Eye of the Storm

#9 of fuzzy logic in the eye of the storm, the calm is relative. jason's flight part 6: eye of the storm.

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Eye of the Tiger

Colin rubbed his eyes and found a soft sob escape him. he rubbed his eyes with the heel of his palm. the sensation was odd.

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Crossed Eyes

3) my eyes are getting crossed. italian saying for when you are so tired that the eyes are doing tricks :3 4) very small town near rome, on the seaside.

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The Mind's Eye

My eyes were fixed upon his features, noting their intense arousal and desire burning behind those otherwise innocent blue eyes. i saw fred's member, a cock that made even me whimper at its size, as it neared peter's tight looking mouth.

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To The Naked Eye

. ^_^ zylen andel, francisco "fran" delvin, and the story are © to me, zylen andel apollo musea is © to apollojay89 **to the naked eye** **written by: zylen andel** the door to the bedroom opened and in stepped the regal elegance that seemed personified

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Snake Eyes

For the fist time since the transition began, his eyes snapped open... but they were no longer human eyes. they had become lime green snake eyes, the vertical slits of black the only part not as radiant as the sun.

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Golden Eyes

Scott closed his eyes. "so when i open my eyes again i'll be able to see your face then?" the dog folded his ears back his whiskers drooping a bit as his eyes went a bit wide caught off guard as he was. if only for a second.

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The Eyes of Twilight

Your eyes tell me what would be the best item of my wares for you." shi walked back into behind the bead curtain. "a mystic?" the fox thought to himself as his eyes fixed a gaze on a key hanging on the wall.

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