Arms To Hold You

The 'scurrier' ran a supply run from luna station to phobos to ganymede, a trip that took on an average of 2 terran years round trip. perrin touched my arm as we came to the most recent events of my life. "we were sorry to hear about the accident."

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Judy Hopps, Corporate Cop: Part 1

The station had been built by marsco to service the terraforming and colonization efforts on ganymede and europa, a bluesky station separated into habitat regions to accommodate employees from all over the solar system.

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9 - ATOI&F - The Eve of the War

I have no idea how long this fight's gonna take, and we'll be abandoning one of the major factories, on ganymede." he warmed his voice, adding a sympathetic tone. "we'll be in earth orbit in about two weeks.

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A Movable Fortress

Ceres-class asteroids/dwarf planets and slightly larger rocky moons were the only ones that would do, but something mercury or ganymede sized would be too large, and much more likely to contain an active core.

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Space Rats 3.0: Up & Down

"shuttles around ganymede are practically falling apart." he scratched at himself through his gray ex-suit with reflective stripes. "you ever been there, kid?" i shook my head. "never been outta saturn's system."

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The Gam3 - Chapter 6

_"we sincerely apologise for the disruption in the_ ganymede's respite _event yesterday. rest assured, the event is back on track and all parties involved have been rewarded with extra recovery potions and amulets of resurrection to compensate.

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"zeus became an eagle and elevated ganymede to olympus, the most beautiful of mortal humans, to be his cup-bearer, and his bed companion. and i would gladly have you, the most beautiful satyr... not to carry my wine, but to share it with me.

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Boys in the Aviary, Baby (Space Dandy fanfic)

"why does your room...look almost that fucking ganymede mold lobster monstrosity...that spike accidentally grew in one of his refrigerators back when he was still room form?"

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Down In The Dumps

"io, ganymede, elara, carme, amalthea, metis, pasiphae, europa, leda, sinope, himalia, adrastea, ananke, thebe, lysithea and, drumroll please, callisto!" he rattled off at lightning speed. mrs.

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