Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 137
I lose myself in a way..." he added, thinking back on when he'd disintegrated the truck and nearly burned the gyarados leader to death. "i've got to learn to control it when i'm feeling negative things.
Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 163
The wisest kadabra is treated like the simplest magikarp, and even they aren't completely mindless, as it's their vengeance for how we treat them more often than not that turn them into gyarados..." he point out. "i want us, all of us...
Shadow of Beginnings
A golduck, croconaw, maybe a gyarados. what he saw instead was a vulpix, her crystal eyes wide and staring. something stirred, but he shoved it aside. breathing in, he lept into the air, releasing a harsh arial flamethrower.
Burying Bones Chapter 1: A Tale of Two Sisters
We have a red gyarados; we have lugia, suicune, raikou, ho-oh, and entei, but no lucario. we don't even have riolu or torchic running around here. there's no possible way a wild lucario was outside the window.
Babysitting hell
She shouted as she deafeted her first opponent, a gyarados. abra was also facing his battle knocking out bug types and training against jumpluffs.
Pat's Wet Webcam Fun
"gyarados used waterfall! it's super effective!" "seriously, can i have your babies? you're even hotter when you're desperate for a wee." pat didn't think he could hold on for much longer.
Chapter 1: A New School
Pokémon: sally (salamence), grace (gallade, yes his gallade is a girl, don't ask me how that works), tony (metagross), wall-e (forretress), helen (heracross), kraken (gyarados)name: marine nesquikpersonality and details: a childhood friend of chris's, she
C + M: Pokemon Adventures Part 1
On the other side, a few lapras swam in formation until a gyarados broke the surface and forced the lapras to swim around him. a couple of krabby walked along the beach, occasionally picking up shells or whatever else they found interesting.
Chapter 6: Cerulea Gym Battle, Another Attack From Team Rocket, We Travel to Vermilion City, and The Search For Moltres Begins
Maya summoned out a gyarados who's scales were a deep sea green. and had silver whiskers. i blinked and mumbled "wonderful way to start off." the others nodded then her opponent summoned a crystal golem.
Mysteries of the East Chapter 4: Research (Pt 3)
"first of all, gyarados are sea dwelling pokémon. you'd never find one in a glacial runoff lake like this one; they're in the ocean, or in lakes with rivers that feed to the ocean - which they can migrate to.
West Islands Chapter 4: The Heartless Warrior
'i can face a pissed off gyarados but i can't find the courage to tell him how i feel?'
The Story of Daniel - Chapter 9
"so you wouldn't mind if, say, while you were eating lunch, a giant gyarados slithered in and started eating everyone?" daniel wilted. "well, i mean...no. but, suppose it was a tame gyarados that wouldn't..."