The Spyro Chronicles Chapter 12: Operation Black Glove

Almost all of the uermc forces had been diverted for this operation. he saw small figures standing in the brush where squads had taken position. lt.

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New Life in a New Body V2 Operation Countdown

#5 of anlnb remastered co-written and edited by averis a new life in a new body operation countdown "what's the word on the sod?" i asked.

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Chapter Ten Operation Evacuation: Robert's Finest Hour

"we execute the operation at night, keeping in the shadows. avoid any contact with the guards at all times and use the darts only if you cannot avoid being seen."

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Tales from Adipose City: Operation Party Crashers

=p tales from adipose city: operation party crashers by psion all rights reserved adipose city, gluttonous cyberpunk city of the future.

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Russian police operative in united states. (part 1)

Vd operative." chief leaned back in his chair as he took the cup of coffee in his right hand and the file in his other. "it gets interesting, valery left the ruskie land in 2009 of december, sound suspicious, jackson?"

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A Day on the Farm story

The farm operates like a well-oiled machine, each member playing a crucial role. the bond between the farmer and the team is unspoken but deeply understood.

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Operation: Oblivion (Chapter One: Confusion, Escape, and a New Objective)

#1 of operation: oblivion **author's note:** this is a story that has been rattling around in my head for a while.

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War tails of the white Wolf (Ch 6) Operation Harbinger

Now that everyone knew what their missions were, all they had to do was wait till they arrived at the operation area.

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A Base That's Gone Dark

As the two operatives entered, they then saw something akin to an operating table, though with no one laying down on it. why would there be an operating table? "something's up." michael said as he pointed to the table. "operating table.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 44: They Whose Blood Does Not Flow

He knew it was foolish of him not to read this before approving operation red wolf 2--heck, it was foolish of him not questioning this operation thoroughly. he was the one at fault here.

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The Rise of Shiny Nightmare Moon

"smooth operator i like you to meet project. project, smooth operator.

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