Happy Valentine's Day Have a New Body!

Along the back of their necks, where small little fuzzy hairs already sprouted, fur began to grow out from the top layer of flesh, first in a thin patchy covering but then with growing density.

fun begets fun

Stepping into the rays of the sun streaming into the window my fur a mixed patchy blue and black color.

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In Heat (Part 6)

It required using my electric razor to trim his fur, leaving him looking patchy and kind of ridiculous. he didn't react to the gentle scrubbing with soap and water, or to the sting of the rubbing alcohol i poured generously on his cuts and gashes.

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The Stonehouse Mysteries 1.3 - The Malicious Masquerade

I lay back and stared at the patchy plaster ceiling. she flashed me a weak smile. "come on, em. we'll be fine." i smiled back, but did not share her confidence. the night was filled with more then the normal country sounds, which kept both of us up.

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Webshow Hijinx

"we're paying you boys good money, so you'd better give us a damn good show" roared the large bear, his brown fur was patchy and greasy looking, the look of a life-long fighter and not someone to test.

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Cabin Break

He was a little tall for his age but well built with short black hair and patchy grey and white body fur with dark green eyes sam hated the school holidays, especially the summer holidays.

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When Tully Comes Home Early

Occasionally he'd pull back his head far enough to see where the brown on the shaft became patchy, with bits of pink in the mix. the taste of excitement was starting to drip onto his tongue. the smell of the horse invaded his nostrils.

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Derelict: Chapter 5

The sheer amount of cuts made it impossible to cover up everything without entirely covering my eyes and mouth so i was left with a patchy job.

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Failure to Leave

It seemed like every strand of fur on pika's body was standing on end, making her look like a patchy chia pet. "wow. wow! i really thought you weren't going to fuck me like this, wires. and you are the one that fucked me.

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We'll Figure it Out

After a short while, a raccoon nurse with patchy grey fur scoots out from behind the receptionist desk and calls my name.

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Serving the Queen (Vore Story)

Though it was patchy and not very restful, owing to the constant shifting of the world around him, it did pass the time, and the kobold soon awoke to the grunts of her queen attempting to pass the solid mass.

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