Looking Up

A new ship meant new shipments, and those shipments needed hauling. with most of the station's heavy machinery in disarray, it was the norm for enterprising young space captains to hire dockhands off the streets.

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Tales from Silicon City 20: The New York Run

At a glance, "super-eating" was perhaps one of the most useless powers to be given but the vixen made it work, she made it work brilliantly in the discreet shipment of contraband.

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New Routes (Chapter 13)

It's been three weeks since the last shipment, and i want to be around once the hardware arrives. yes, i know, he snorted. i also have been keeping a stick after you mentioned yours.

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Suspicions concerning the origin of the dragon eaters are raised by a trail laden with traps, a shipment of magical reagents which arrived in likonia before tina, and the information gathered from the maldavian.

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A Night in Hyperspace

A carrier done with its latest shipments of troops and armaments to a remote station, it set its path to virtue of piety, a cruiser currently orbiting an ocean world.

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Lilika Trisain - Chapter 1 - The Goblin Balloon Brigade

She had hitched a ride on a caravan leaving to deliver a shipment of cargo to the archipelago, and she was able to get a ride for a few copper pieces.

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Chapter 12: Return

"i've come to see to my shipments." she says as formally as possible leaning over from exhaustion wearing what amounts to little more than tattered rags at this point. "you have no shipments here.

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necronik 1: intro

Bright light illuminated the office in a circle the desks and the floor were littered with papers, shipment orders, and personnel files.

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Desires 4

I've even managed to secure an extra shipment. we should be able to start replacing the slaves soon."

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Syngeneia Kathairein part 14

She tells you the guards left, and soon the shipment will be picked up by the workers, so you got to work fast. she takes you to the shadows of the walls in the alley. "we got a small window to do this" she says.

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Chapter 7: Routine

"unless i get a shipment in, it's just waiting for customers. and since my next shipment won't be here until monday, it's just waiting. today's thursday, so it'll probably be slow today."

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The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll Episode Nine: You wouldn't happen to be looking for a job would you?

You have two shipments to tarricco in two days. i heard that they raised security and there is a rumor that guards are now going to shoot first and ask questions later." "guards?" charlene asked.

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