Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Flash Sentry

I hope nopony is trying to-'' his sentence is interrupted when a chloroform gag managed to catch him in his mouth and knocks him unconscious again. twilight stares at his unconscious captive. ''hehe, now that's what i call...... science!!!

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United We Stand: Prologue

Denis slowly woke, trying to shake off the unconsciousness caused by the massacre that had just happened. he struggled to stand up, and he was in shellshock, looking at the wartorn battlefield.

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Birthday Present: All Wrapped Up

As he approached the bed he noticed no more than little twitches from the unconscious form and the gentle rise and fall of her chest.

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Breaking James Ch 1

The taxi opened as the panther climbed out, dragging the unconscious mouse with him. when he stepped off the side of the road, the taxi turned around and drove off again, back towards the city.

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Party After

The bull's tail whipped behind him in pleasure as the heat from the unconscious slut wrapped around him like a glove.

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Superhero Project 01

For a moment it looked like he'd managed to go intangible in time, but his translucent body was flung across the warehouse, unconscious.

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Fallout - Prologue

A body lie, apparently unconscious, near the center of the clearing.

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 28

She turned to marine's unconscious form and her voice softened, "don't worry, marine. soul heart will fix this." "and just who is soul heart?"

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Venturing: Bronx Beat

I wondered with thoughts, faint smiles unconsciously crossed my face as i stared to zander for a moment before grabbing his arm and headed down the stairway into outside.

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Changed Fates: Crola - Chapter 2

Crola screamed until all of a sudden, he fell to the ground unconscious.

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The Consideration

They fell unconscious as i pulled a sleeper hold with the whip on them hitman style. i used my body's keys to unlock the cages and shouted for them to hurry and run free.

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Slayer Slain

Her wings fell loosely around her as she fell unconscious. a few moments later the knight fell unconscious as well. \* \* \* the knight woke with a start. he kept his eyes shut, trying to remember the horrible nightmare he'd just awoken from.

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