Claire's Little Niece (Part 4 of 5)

She tickled his belly playfully. "don't be embarrassed." andlat sighed and took a deep breath. "my daddy put some diapers in my suitcase and jenny and jessie found them and they made me into a baby and then took me to a movie" "whoa!

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Spring Fling

He patted his gut playfully, smirking at how the jiggle instantly drew the little bellylover's attention. "now... i think its about time i showed you my place. i'm sure my friends will be glad to meet you.

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Date Night's Been Stalled

Sighing and crossing his arms over his plump belly, playfully pouting, adrian spoke "aww, you're no fun!" and stuck his tongue out at the chuckling retriever. "are you really that needy?"

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Winter Cabin Escape - Story Commission

He laid both of his claws on mhisani's belly, playfully rubbing while his tenting briefs rubbed against his crotch as well.

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Toys Make the Couple

She folded her large, feathery wings around herself and curled up on mistress' belly, playfully tickling the dragoness' muzzle with her tail, which aracha seized and began to play with as she watched the news.

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The Institute

"go on, admit it," he said, lifting me up high and nuzzling my belly playfully. "you love this - or, at least, a part of you does." "hey!" i said, caught off guard by the question. "n-no, of course i don't like it, that's silly..."

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Influences: A soft touch

The feeding and belly play had built up a reservoir of cum that was now being unleashed like the niagara falls.

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Claire's Little Niece (Part 1 of 4)

She tickled andlat's belly playfully, leaving him in just a diaper on the changing table while she went to grab the dress.

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Born to be a King - First Lesson

Barely touching the soft furs, he traced a line across vannik's chest, then down his belly, playing with each tensed abdominal in turn, then the deep well of his navel.

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Out Of Mother's Closet

The soft equine lips worked down her belly, playfully running his tongue just between the rise of her soft breasts and trailed downwards.

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Alchemess Part One

Excitedly, she pressed her claws into her deflating gut, playfully pinching the ivory flesh and brushing along its smoother surface. she couldn't help but giggle while watching her flabs recede, "it's working! kim, this is amazing!"

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"A Friendly Experiment" - Story by Kaz

He gave both dicks a squeeze and leaned over to lick at vivi's belly playfully, swabbing up a tongueful of sweat with his sandpapery feline tongue. he already knew the answer, but he figured he'd ask anyway.

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