The Secret Ingredient
Nothing human remained now, no trace at all.
Whiskered Wager
Only by virtue of the human remaining deathly silent is qiang able to forget about the third wheel.
After four years at my masters side, we were on the edge of victory with only one human remaining to be assimilated. i will always remember his final moments as an organic creature fondly.
Old Lang Syne
Eventually even sticking together proved no defense as one by one an arm or hand was grabbed and a man or woman was dragged away by one species or another until only two human remained and that was only due to keep their arms around each other to pretend
Chapter 10: Love and Understanding
We make sure that balance is never changed by ensuring humans remain at the top of the pecking order and pokemon remain beneath our divine authority.
Code of Dishonor: New Horizons
His humanity remained, broadcasting to anyone that saw him that he had once been darian. a powerful wave of pleasure ripped through the professor as his change completed.
The Reluctant Incubus, Part 1.
And i kept staring down in horror at the thing i had become, an inhuman bestial monstrosity with nothing remotely human remaining. finally i looked up at vulva in sick anguish.
The Legacy of Anubis
The human remained frozen in fear before it suddenly clicked in his head to run and risk capture rather than whatever fate would befall him here, but by that point the tentacle had darted forward and pushed straight into his partially opened mouth.
A Swan Song (1/6)
The entire time though the human remained asleep as he finally reached orgasm, his hips bucking up in the air as he released his seed before eventually collapsing back into his bed...
Code of Dishonor: Salt of the Earth
remaining in their faces.
Treacherous Shoals Part 1
There are one hundred five and thirty humans remaining on this island willing to take part in the reclamation of their water. it is time to begin your transition. "manaaki," truth finished by calling out his name.
Hands & Hooves II
Using its clawed fingers, the equine beast spread ben's cheeks while the human remained preoccupied in its passionate makeout. bending down, alex pushed his elongate furred nose deep into the widened crack of ben.