Burying Bones Chapter 4: The Caves

Alex comments, her maternal instinct kicking in as her sister stares at her with a strange expression. "you mean you understand her? how? all i hear is a bunch of randomly strung parts of her name." saki replies, her voice getting harsher.

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Lustfully Young

Watching the children enjoy themselves and lunch satisfying her maternal instincts. as their lunch ended they calmly shuffled their way back up to their classrooms. once the hallways were clear the next wave soon flooded the cafeteria.

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Maternity by Moonlight

A giant sugary feeling which she guessed was maternal instinct came over her. she was a werewolf. a formerly-pregnant female wolf. now she had babies...

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Humanity; Lost - Chapter Four -

"happened out there - " elara finished, her voice barely controlled, her maternal instinct to protect her offspring rising like a volcano about to blow, inside her.

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Trailblazer Part 13

Vanessa and annabelle share her maternal instincts as they watch farryn hold her son, the mare moves to where she hugs magnum from behind as the skunk joins the full embrace from her side, soon sabrina and saraphina join them as well, vanessa glances to bensen

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Grin and Bear it (Black Bear TF/TG)

He had been following the bear for several weeks now, staying downwind and out of sight, lest he wake some maternal instinct and come under attack.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Rock Tunnel

Not too say kangaskhan didn't trust me, know it was more to say her maternal instinct was just that powerful. the last two were mr. mime and gyarados, mr.

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Virile Vault

His friends had been changed, not just in body but in mind, a twisted sort of feminine maternal instinct, made them unwilling to free themselves.

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Ch. 9 From the Ashes

She opened her eyes and saw her child, which char was pressing against her chest, and her heart instantly melted at the sight as maternal instinct took over. she couldn't reach her, and char lifted her closer to her face.

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Gift of the Sauia

She could feel the maternal instinct that forced her to protect the eggs already raging in full, placing all sorts of sickly ideas in her mind; even killing her own parents.

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Reunion of a Rape

Her maternal instincts begged her to save her daughter from this horrible treatment, but the feral lust inside her kept her squirting over the cub's face, deep down needing this moment to last as long as it could.

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Lefkosa Country

But the human did know that her maternal instinct and his italian cavalry carbine under the bed would keep any potential threat at bay. the human rubbed his cheek against her muzzle receiving a gentle murr.

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