Sure Beats Belen

Jezabelle, all her friends call her jess though, is a young female coyote who has been living out in the new mexico desert all her life. born and raised in belen, barely making it through high school didn't give her many options after she graduated.

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A Day in The Life...

It was a dark muggy night in late june, her location new mexico. the target, salvio o'mally, a tough looking orange haired cat. she remembered him all to well.

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Once and Ever More

Born in new mexico, worked in a garage, smoked cheap tobacco, ate from the taco truck for lunch, had a girlfriend, drove a 1974 chevy camero that was turbo charged. he wore casual clothing most of the time.

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Black Project Files Chapter 1 (Sofawolf Press)

By the end of ww1 between 1918 and 1919 the d-virus had taken root in utah, new mexico, and arizona.

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Shattered Union Prologue

July, 2037 californian troops begin advancing into arizona, prompting texan troops to do the same with new mexico. their troops meet and engage each other in the arizona desert. losses are heavy on both sides and no gains are made by either side.

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3, Moving Forward

It didn't take long for the husky to get on someone's bad side though, getting beat up and left for dead in the new mexico desert.

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Jeremy 079; Future Concerns

Mexico also holds the land northward all the way to central california, the southern tip of nevada, most of arizona and new mexico all of texas and the southern half of oklahoma as well as the western fringes of louisiana and arkansas.


Second Honeymoon (Part 1)

The "desert night" suite had been decorated to resemble the scenery you would find in new mexico (the owner of the honeymoon hotel visited new mexico on a trip with his own wife and decided to let their experience guide him into making this suite).

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A space ship crashed in new mexico? sure, the roswell incident was all nonsense, air force antics at its finest. but this was the real deal? "any survivors?" "one, and he's magnificent!" harry tugged on her sleeve.

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The Ryan Story Part I

Glorieta new mexico: that's where they were going. the church had a conference center there and they were able to get tickets at a good price.

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03. Inmating

**"inmating"** the bus heading out toward the prison was only slightly hindered by a new mexico downpour, but it traveled more uphill and the roads soon cleared enough for a steady drive.

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Preview - Coming Out to a Werewolf

I've seen people do lots of drugs in new mexico, but never meth out in the open." "there's a lot less private space in la. everything is really crowded and i think that's why people do crazy things on the subway.

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