Wastelands-The Final Chapter

You guys have done more than enough, i already owe you a debt i can never pay back, it'd be criminal to ask any more of you. besides, i just wanna be normal, live a normal life, was never cut out for this job.

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Battery Disposal

When a person's crimes are so heinous, a lifetime isn't enough to pay back for their sins. turns out we should punish them by taking away their time in heaven, just as we do on earth. at least, that's what the lobbyists say.

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Winter Tent Ficlets - Chapter 2 - Voyeurism

"think you can resist long enough to let me pay back last night's indulgence?" she smiled. her hands went lower and tugged down her pants, taking her underwear with them until both were around her knees.

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A RedTail Story Part 3..Remembering RedTail

Don't bring yourself down to there level over come whatever comes your way, don't change who you are, just for any type of pay back it makes you no better than them" so i let what the man did go and i would keep a smile on my face.this part is very hard for


payback's bitch

Everyone soon just gasped and collapsed in a heap, enjoying the after glow of the hot and long orgy they had, and the paying back of things to coyote, knowing they'd be doing it again soon as coyote will never change his tricking ways and that he secretely

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Some Fun.

As a pay back, he massaged my butt, inserted a finger in it softly, causing me to whine, but to relax and let him do it.i got harder, but decide to let it up to liontari. i wouldn't indulge alone this time; i wanted his paws.

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UOPI. Chapter 3 page 11.

"hmm... still need to pay back a kindness.." i said with little chuckle. "hmm?" he mhurred, with my member still in him, i put my muzzle between his legs and started to suck him off hard and fast. "wha??!! ooohhhh!!!!"

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Yazdar the Priest

"i'll pay back my cost, you will see. i'll even earn enough money to buy another slave. please. i'll do anything, anything," he stuttered, addressing both the ram and his owners in his panic. no response came.

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Ruined Nights: Part 2

In his final will--written when his years of business-related stress was finally taking its toll on his brain--he fixed it to where i would lose all my inheritance, including having to pay back anything i had spent previously, if i attempted to find work or

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Horsey gets Bullied

The unsuspecting stallion was hobbling along slowly, thinking of how best to get pay back for the massive insult that monstrous beast had dealt him, when he suddenly head large hoofs approaching.

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Cinder-Ella Chapter 8

She asked, walking over to a fancy restaurant "i've got to pay back some friends." "alright." elias said, walking with her into the white building.

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