A Demonstration

By the time he'd explained all that, most of serling's upper body was softened and jelly-like, with his fur having long since melted into his flesh to give him a smoothed out, grey skinned appearance like a video game character whose textures hadn't quite

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Chapter 15: Shirdan's Resolution

"tell me that i'm wrong comparing a video game character to real life?" "uh...spyro, take this seriously, will you?" said seraphor to his counterpart.

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The Brotherly Line

Alek was sat on the right of the sofa, wearing a pair of loose-fitting tracksuit bottoms and a shirt with a video game character on it. his phone sat face down on the armrest. "i'm alright," he replied, "very long day though."

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Runaways: Pt. 3

A video game character or something like that!" jeffery also shared the same confused expression. "yeah, boss. where'd ya get that name from?" he crossed his leg and stroked his furry chin, trying to make a connection.

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From Ice Cream to "Topping" - Chapter 1

I've noticed you like drawing video game characters and figured you'd like to play some time." i'm wasn't sure if i was hearing him right seeing as my heart was beating so loudly with excitement i'm sure he could hear it too.

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From Ice Cream to Topping | Arc 1, Chapter 1

I've noticed you like drawing video game characters, and figured you'd like to play some time." i wasn't sure if i was hearing him right, seeing as my heart was beating so loudly with excitement, i'm sure he could hear it too.

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Merge - 06 - Connections

'_ he clicked a few times to move his video game character within a few yards of the monster, and began clicking buttons to launch holy magic at the beast. _'i've known matt for like forever. it's super strange that he just suddenly got narcolepsy.

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My Hero and Me: My Greatest Adventure Ever 1: Fiction or Alive

I then got under my covers silently thinking about how lucky and happy i was to have a real video game character in my life. i wonder what we'll do tomorrow after school, i thought, i know, we'll hang out at joe's place tomorrow.

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Haunted House

They opened up the door together and couldn't help but smile as the two video game characters cheerfully chimed off the usual rhetoric that went with trick or treating.

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Man Vs. Planet Chapter 7

I was new to all of this; considering twenty-four hours ago i had been playing games on my laptop, not even realizing i would be traipsing through a frozen wasteland with a video game character in a mere day's time. "i need a few minutes.

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Tux's Story part 1

At first, he thought he was dreaming as he saw gridlines over his hand like some overlay on a video game character. it was then that he saw it: his hand had only four fingers, was stained red, and was clearly not his own.

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He knew that someone from up there was watching, and probably toying with him like a simple video game character, which made him super anxious that whoever was playing would suddenly get bored and switch to another "gameplay style".

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