At Dinner

The King sat upon his throne at the end of a full dinning table. the stresses of running his kingdom had worn on him giving him his white hair, long rather untrimmed beard, his blue eyes seemed drained of any youthful spark, he simply did not look...

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Star-Crossed Lovers Act II

Bosco confused at what just transpired could only respond with a quiet thank you, and adam, tired of being around his traitorous ex-lover and his betraying uncle, ran out of the house with a red face and eyes that look like two lackluster stones floating in

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Out Of Time - Book 1: The Witch - Chapter 3: Trapped

Kaodina finally came too in a room with no windows and only one door. The walls, floor, and ceiling where solid concrete. There was no telling how thick any of it could be. The door was a metal door, but had no handle on this side. She assumed the...

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Foreword: Unfinished

...Here I am. Stuck in a exhibition suit for all to claw and drool over, by the same person who vowed to always protect and cherish me. Funny how that works, huh? Friends, enemies, lovers... They're all the same to me now, just labels with...

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Random Poetry 2

Hello again. As you can see, I have some more Random Poetry for you. Yes, it is depressing, just like the last one, but this one has more a plot. I know, it's wierd for a few poems to have a plot, but thats just how it worked out. And again, I...

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Chapter 8: Coup d'etat

The fox who was sitting at the head of the main table, who had confronted mark during the battle shouted, "betrayed!", and then too slumped down.

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dRagUN, Chapter 1

Just another average day in the Sascirian village of Julnum. Everything was as it normally would be. Church bells ringing, birds chirping, stores were opening. Truly peace full, sadly everything changed that day. As usual, I was sound asleep not a...

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Chase Your Dreams Chapter 1.

"What does daddy mean by you have problems Momma?" Sophie was always the kind of child to ask too many questions. Most of the time,they were ones Annuh didn't want to-or know how to answer. Annuh stopped her small silver Focus beside the sidewalk...

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The Orphan

The orphan By jacob Vandadire It was a terrible morning, not in the way it was bad because it wasn't, it was a beautiful day out side but the reason it was so bad was because my parents were never around to enjoy it with me. Feeling bored I looked...

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The Orphan book 1 chapter 4

Mincridarn? Chapter 4 When I entered my room I went straight for the right side of my room wear my training hall was that mother and I used. When I entered I walked along the three plexiglass windows, which I thought were overly large...

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Eddie's Pokemon Adventure: The Betrayal

My eyes peeled open and the stunning light forced them shut again, I massaged my forehead as the realisation of what went on last night struck me like a truck. I slowly awoke as I laid in a dried pool of various Pokemon's cum. I noticed Rio and Night,...

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Stabbed in the Back

Hello, and good day, My heart you did slay. I loved you, truly, You left me, unruly. You were the love of my life, Now a memory of strife. I'm lonely, and cold, Didn't pick me, over gold. You're selfish and shallow, Thought our love...

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