Cave Robbers

(the gryphons weren't particularly good at vertical flight and wanted to conserve their energy for the heavily laden return trip.)the surface of the hills was slightly damp, with large cracks along the surface and a large ravine between the two hills.

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Magic is Real

She flips to the next page, and writes in small text, hoping to conserve the notebook pages. _magic is real._ when she finishes writing it, she lifts her pen up. sparkles drift off from it, falling like snowflakes to the floor.

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The Nevada Circle Main Character Sheet

He is also pretty protective to dylan at the rate he got a liking to him, though he comes from a pretty conservative parents.

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Dragon's Heart Ch. 4

His head then swiveled back to the front where a brown haired, blue eyed girl stood panting in a rather bad looking conservative dress. the girl decided to speak up at that moment.

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Anima Chapter 8

"the pair is currently at the mavis conservation society's care and are being studied in the group's sanctuary." the article read. i knew where mavis was.

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Severence Policy

The young female rat in the conservative blouse and skirt. ben was actually happy that she was the traitor. he'd been wanting to get rid of her for some time. the very idea of a woman on his board of directors made his stomach churn.

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Timely Complications (Chap18, Book8)

If that makes me conservative, then so be it. i believe that if someone works harder than the others, he should make the most. that's the heart of capitalism, man.

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It was a more conservative suit than most would wear, but still adorable on the small framed girl. the one piece acted as a dress, coming down to just above kris' knees, making her more comfortable than she'd be in a bikini.

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Memorial Day in Devout America

This has caused some passive division amongst the more fiscally conservative party members.

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Valentine's Day in Devout America

The more conservative (by devout standards) the state or city, the more restrictive these dances could be. in some towns, even the act of simply kissing in public or kissing while romantically dancing at a public celebration might result in a fine.

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The Chilly Night

The blue glanced over the green, who stood just outside the mouth of the cave, shivering and hunkered down slightly, his mature but yet small body huddled against itself in an attempt to conserve what body heat it had left.

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[QC-12] Hunter in the Wrong Place

Hunter in the Wrong Place Tara growled at herself as she stood over the bones of a dead dezelle, silently vowing to do everything she could to bring its killer to justice. She worked as a conservationist at the Wild World Foundation, a government...

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