Chapter 15: Experimentation

Almost exactly one week after the failed kidnapping attempt, Blueblood found himself sitting next to his aunt while they waited for the gryphon ruler to show up in the castle's dining hall. He was not looking forward to this meal, although Celestia had...

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02. Experimental Doseage

"experimental doseage"** --cole peters: 07/14 (tuesday)-- mark suggested i start keeping a journal to keep a record of my experiments. my name is cole peters, a student of cu and head of the pi capa theta house just outside campus.

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Love In Negative

In my soul I know I'vegotta lose my love for you, but I can't let you go, no matter how impossible you are, no matter how toxic I know it is to live my life in waiting for your lips, to lose my mind in the times you don't commit your all to me as I do...

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Jhuthi Rsi Ka Gana

Thousands of years ago, Medhavi was born a sage and looked on the world with wisdom. No sooner had he learned than he walked away from his family and into the rituals. He had no sooner...

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[Old Story] I Can Be Kinky Too!

Disclaimer: All characters and events are fictional, and any similarity to real people and events is purely coincidental. This is a work of erotic fiction intended to be read by people over 18 years of age (or 21 in some areas) where reading erotic...

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Blood Tracks

Blood tracks. Computer entries of the experiment process on subject 7 written by the deceased former director of the genetic division of world security. This is the entries detailing the horrific experiments that turned a 17...

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The Writer's Curse

The Writer's CurseThe blinking line on the screen flickered on and off in a steady rhythm. He had timed it. It blinked once per second in perfect sync with his system clock. He began to suspect that it was actually programmed to do that, but he would...

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Area 84

{Crackling sound of recorded voice coming from speakers} "Staff are reminded to keep hands clean and to wear their hazard suits in areas exposed to the DNA experiments. And as a extra precaution not to eat anything for two hours after being involved...

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chapter 2

chapter 2 I do not own Pokemon Nintendo does I awoke to the sounds of birds chirping their annoying sounds. I tried getting up but I felt a throbbing pain in my shoulder where I got shot. I reached out with my psychic powers as far as they would go....

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Savannah Heat 3

The equine flesh was still hardening inside of Sam; his stretched hole had become a pleasant, arousing shed of red, and burned with sensation; he felt every pulsing vein on the zebra's member as it penetrated him, every glistening inch of the...

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The Beginning Of Xrohne Chapter #4

**CHAPTER 4** ** ** When James' eyes opened, he was on his back, being carried down a long circular corridor made of stone. The only light came from highly luminescent fixtures on the roof directly above him, there was only a few seconds until the...

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Bane. Chapter 2 : A stroll through time.

The sound of a rooster woke me up along with a sweet smell of coffee. I opened my eyes, shifted to my side and saw Bane standing near the table with his back facing me. "Here, have some coffee." Somehow he knows that I'm awake. At home, I would...

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