Out of Juice (HH)

Considering checking out my patreon here [www.patreon.com/gruffy](https://www.patreon.com/gruffy)for exclusive stories and sneak peeks :) see you on next monday for the next chapter! cheerio!

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Proper Tutoring (w. art collab. by Linkin Monroe)

See and find out, in this first time ever gruffy story-art collaboration, with linkin monroe! _story by gruffy. idea by gruffy & linkin monroe. cover art by linkin monroe._ _[![avatar?

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Jeg elsker deg – A Hockey Hunk Fanfiction

User=39198&character=0&clevel=2) gruffy](https://gruffy.sofurry.com/ "gruffy"). seriously, go check it out at [![i'm with the hockey hunk](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/thumb?

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Long Distance Relationships

#8 of poems got the initial inspiration from gruffy months ago, but finally managed to put something into writing. been months since i've managed to write anything.


They Reign - 5

Considering checking out my patreon here [https://www.patreon.com/gruffy](https://www.patreon.com/gruffy) for exclusive stories and sneak peeks :) cheerio!

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Just Like One of your Stories

Considering checking out my patreon here [www.patreon.com/gruffy](https://www.patreon.com/gruffy)for exclusive stories and sneak peeks :) my twitter for updates and randomness: [www.twitter.com/therealgruffy](http://www.twitter.com/therealgruffy) cheerio

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Halfbreed: Chapter 1- Dealing with my Demons

User=39198&character=0&clevel=2) gruffy](https://gruffy.sofurry.com/ "gruffy") , for reading over the story and offering some, much needed, pointers. go check out his page, he's a very talented writer, with a great sense of humor. peace out

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Bent Over Behind the Barracks

Considering checking out my patreon here [www.patreon.com/gruffy](https://www.patreon.com/gruffy) for exclusive stories and sneak peeks :) my twitter for updates and randomness: [www.twitter.com/therealgruffy](http://www.twitter.com/therealgruffy)

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07 - Kit Kat Jam

Once again, professor druff belongs to gruffy and has entered the story with permission and chapter-by-chapter approval. go read gruffy's stories, too! you can find many of his works by joining his reading group. here's a post about it.

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Play it Again (Gruffy vs. Hammerfist)

User=39198&character=0&clevel=2) gruffy](https://gruffy.sofurry.com/ "gruffy") is meeting up with his old acquaintance [![avatar?user=174069&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?

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Industrial Espionage (3)

Considering checking out my patreon here [www.patreon.com/gruffy](https://www.patreon.com/gruffy) for exclusive stories and sneak peeks :) my twitter for updates and randomness: [www.twitter.com/therealgruffy](http://www.twitter.com/therealgruffy) cheerio

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Drums and Balls – Crime and Punishment

#31 of commissions by gruffy andy's in trouble after a drunken crawl, leaving the college footballer bear in some hot water with the coach...who has a perfect punishment in mind for the big bear boy!

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