Fill The Void

Sparks of yellow and red flickered across his water-covered orange body as he pushed himself, hovering between relapse and recovery. "is there," he struggled to hiss, "anything else i can do to help?" he wheezed.

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My dad is dead (revised)

He relapsed shortly after, the blow was hard, and took him down, deep. he would not have a chance to fight this time. i was told that was it. he was still alive but now he would never, ever wake up. i had to go back.

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Luca's Story Ch. 12

I just hope he doesn't relapse." "i don't think so," harold said. the girls looked at him. he looked at them, shrugging. "his face looks the way i feel when i am with beccah," he explained, holding beccah's hand tightly. "it's happiness.

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Chapter 1: Cielo's Secret (Prologue)

With fear and paranoia setting in, luna's relapse to becoming nightmare moon again, seemed all to certain. celestia would now lay awake through sleepless nights, listening to her sister cry out in fear, yet powerless to help.

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IWSC: Camp Dependable Part 2

Report will say his pranking drove luna to have a slight relapse as nightmare moon. as the mare in the moon she chased disocrd for half the night before being too exhausted.

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From Heaven, or Near It: Part 9 (Book 3)

It's all i can do to keep him from relapsing. and besides, my -- well, my other business isn't helping." "you're still seeing that ashleigh girl? that is a rotten business!" "i know. but i can't help it."

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Stripe and Chains 2 - Measurments

You could very well have a relapse. and the second time will be much harder to over come than the first. speaking of which. yesterday? you came out of it yesterday?" he watched the tiger hang limp and lifeless.

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Half-Blood Chapter XXXIV

I don't want to risk him relapsing. you weren't there when i found him after he attempted suicide. i'll never forget the sight of him foaming at the mouth as his body was convulsing... it was terrifying and i felt so helpless.

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[THE WORLD] of Monsters - Chapter 02

We don't shame a bitch for relapsing, we celebrate them working on beating their problem. chloe lifts her glass, as she clanks the rim onto the empty pint glasses that littered the table, a facsimile of a toast in butters honour.

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Cold Detective

The rat stood and began to tell his own tale of relapsing. of how he met, murdered, and fucked a cute woman. frank smiled a little, knowing that at least he wasn't alone in all this. \* \* \*

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Soul Racers (Finale Pt 1)

I'm not asking for our alliance to relapse, what i'm asking is for your forgiveness. do i have it?" deedee holds a paw out. kit thinks about this a moment. what she did was cold and unforgettable. however, it's not unforgivable.

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His eyes close as a relapse of thoughts swirl through his mind. "that voice...body...demeanor.....nah. it can't be..." the school day wore on as the final bell rang, students were all hurrying out the doors, eager to get home.

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