Matteus Chapter 4 "1/1313"

I still don't know why she wants me to continue this repetitive crap. i've told her numerous times that i'm better and got my emotions under control, except in here. anyways, i should go on and talk about my week.

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Ever since i signed with that asshat auramus, it's been repetitive bullcrap in which only me, myself, and i could ever make a spot of difference.

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By the time he made it around to his building again, alv was well and truly sore, knees and hips aching from the repetitive motion of stomping around the block. still, he couldn't bring himself to head up to his apartment quite yet.


[SNEAK PEEK]Mission Failed

It was a thick, repetitive, syrupy sound, like a swamp being disturbed by an oar. the double doors, like the rest of the facilities, were unlocked.

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"You Never Said You Were..."

By the time he has scrambled to pick it up the shaking had resolved itself into a repetitive heavy rumble in the ground that seem to get stronger with every repetition.

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Corrupting Studies

Its repetition spurred him to investigate, and with a mixture of worry and curiosity, he opened the door to the break room and stepped through.

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Territorial Obligations

The twisting motion and the thrusting motion worked together to give each of them a new variation of movement with repetition.

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Bloody Knuckle: Old Wounds #2

He made sure to flex as he completed each repetition, with his knees bent as he dipped, huffing short breaths. he approached his 14th rep and his ears alerted him to chief's voice.

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Car meets tree

I apologize for any odd choices of word or repetition, or poor grammatical use if that is the case.

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The Journey

It could have disturbed him, to indulge in such fantasies, but he realized in the matter of passion and love, one had to be exuberant, to keep an open mind to make sure that life wouldn't be a mere repetition of tasks.

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NC 20: The Choice of Teacher

Within two repetitions, a sigil had formed on the floor on the other side of the room. in four, a new presence had entered the room. in six, the sigil had disappeared, replaced with a woman in...surprising attire, to put it mildly. "well, well.

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Cage of Pleasure

But all she could do was hold onto the wolf and gasp as they pounded her in perfect repetition, as one went into her the other went out. they did this for what felt for eternity to her till she cam again hard on the first wolfs huge cock.

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