Pony Joke (part one of four)

It was hard for fyr to get into, but she couldn't catch ropes' eye, even as she tried to join in and get in on the game, to be a part of her husband's life and his new friendship, within acceptable bounds, too.

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Sally on The Red Lounge - Gunge - female

True this new friendship had spurred any number of rumours and gossip to fuel the tabloid press, going so far as to suggest the five of them were in an open relationship, although some tabloids hadn't been as kind in their phrasing there, sally reflected as

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The Runt: Double Trouble

Sheila bent down and began helping as well, much to tod's chagrin, but he kept his mouth shut, preferring not to voice any complaints lest he ruin his new friendship. he smiled softly at sheila, hiding his discomfort behind it.

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A herms Discovery 2

But that was far too close to what those boys had tried to do earlier, and shi refused to destroy the new friendship shi was laying the grounds for. steeling hirself, shi kncoked on the door "angie? i have the clothes, are you okay in there?"

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Princess and the Dragon 11

If i was to tell you the entire meeting, it would take me an entire day and night, so i'll just be short and tell you that many a thing was accomplished that day and agreed, new friendships made and new plans arranged.

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Pawford, Ch 6: Hangin' Out

#4 of pawford chapter six of a story arakupa are working on, set in the burb dog world, but detailing an entirely new friendship between derek, a civil engineer, and cj, a good-ol-boy blue collar mechanic.

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Locks and Picks: Chapter 1: Making a splash.

"here's to new friendships, and a new life!" dark said he raised his glass. carefully, michael raised his glass. he wanted to be popular, and he wanted to impress the only schoolmate that seemed to take very big interest in his life. 

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Redwall: A Noonvale Wedding

Celebrations and welcoming parties were being held and new friendships were being forged. one animal in particular, though, was busy nervously gazing out the window of his noonvale home.

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 17

Have you any friends here amongst the wolves, or is it new friendship you seek?" "we have traveled from himmel. sent by the aventh himself, in a fashion. we've been traveling from kingdom to kingdom with grave news.

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Innocent 2

Drac picked up his glass he lifted it up saying, "to new friendships." he said in toast and i lightly clinked my glass to his.

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{Pokémon/Diapers} A Diapered Dungeon Adventure

With that, today's adventure comes to a close, and through the power of courageous deeds and crinkly diapers, a new friendship was forged. end

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The Rockshow

"on that note, i think we need a break...time to celebrate our new friendship!" inferno returned to the middle of the room with a bottle of champagne, popping the cork and cursing as it shattered an overhead light.

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