Troubled Paradise

The nurse continued to take off the cast and continued to struggle until she finally got it off michael. while michael was getting his cast off, alex was in the room next door and cindy was taking off his cast.

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The Wizards New Staff

"so, are we just taking turns casting spells?" mark asked. "would be a rather weird sort of duel, but a fair one i guess." he decided to cast a spell of his own.

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A Changed Life

"let's get these casts off. ask wunder if he has the nanites ready, will you nurse?" "yes doctor." casts? how many am i in? 'wrrrvrrrrrrrr' i heard from the direction of my feet "should we remove the back part of the casts?"

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The End and The Beginning - Character Sheet - Aran Winwood

Aid level 1 casting time: 1 action range: self/party member within 20 ft temporary bonus to targets on next action anchor level 2 casting time: 1 action range: self/ target within 60ft target gains temporary bonus to all damage stat

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Firedancer 3: the Lesson

Pyrrhi awoke with a start as sunlight quickly flooded the room. His paw shifted up to rest over his chest, the familiar thud of his heart seeming to travel up to his sensitive ears. "It's Midday." Rana's voice called from near the previously draped...

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Earth's New Masters Part 18 Definitely Not Just Useless Ferals

We taught them about loop control and how to time your power strokes on the forward and backward casts. we showed them the puddle cast, the roll cast, the curve cast and finally the double haul cast to be able to cast a long distance.

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destroying a bully 2

I dashed the cross with a bit of sapphire dust and started casting away. it took me a good 30 minutes to get all the spells casted right, but i got them all in there successfully.

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To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 35

cast a spell at me!" sarina raised her hand, and paused, saying, "i still detect magic somewhere between us. faint, but there. that spell, or a variation of it, is still there, isn't it?"

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Snow Fire

A seam of illumination cast from between her frozen labia, creating a line of violet light upon the far wall. her stomach glowed violet around the bulge that had been left in her.

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odds are against me:chapter 2

"uhhh leave me alone verona i'm not in the mood" she sat down next to me and i felt a scratching on my cast. my eyes shot open and i looked down to see her name in red pen with a heart around it on my cast.

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The Jubjub Way

She shouted as she cast the spell. error. not enough mp. how did erakir not have enough mp to cast a simple spell like esuna?

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Two Mares One Kupo

"so, i just cast a spell and then watch the magic happen? is it like the other spells where i just focus and cast?" "pretty much." myu replied.

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