Of Animals and Nature

Of animals and nature once in a land, where the wind blew and the ocean pounded upon the shore; there were two kingdoms. one was of dogs, loyal and homey. the other of cats, sophisticated and fickle.

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Serevokin Nature

- faora, of the flowing tide **serevokin nature** so much could have gone wrong.

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Of Natural Bearing

"Liarca," Khain began, his voice coming somewhat strained with all the blood rushing to his head. "Must we really have to meet like this so often?" Though caught in the most compromising of positions, swinging by his ankles some fifteen feet above the...

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Naturally Engineered

"we're natural engineers jerry. our kind used to make vast homes and structures out of our silk when we were primitive. nowadays, things can be a bit different."

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Unnaturally Natural

Disturbed by a natural creaking, the squeamish man retracted his hand and slipped under the covers of his king-sized bed, the drawer left half open. once his fear had vanished, he returned to his task, only to be betrayed by the rickety brass handle.

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?A Natural Suit

Pieces of bark were wrapped about his arms and legs, the strange natural latex inside flowing, squishing across his scales as the individual parts reached out, bonding, adhering to each other and to his body as the individual pieces of bark were brought together

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The Nature Hike

The nature hike by vandercat deep in the verdant forest stretched a long, quiet trail that ran along a very scenic section of nature. along the trail, a lone wolf jogged peacefully in the solitude of the outdoors.

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Trapped in Nature

One of his friends good naturedly shoved up against his side and made him stumble slightly. he grinned over at him. "now i know why you didn't kick up a fuss to come out here. you're busy looking at the beauty of nature, eh?"

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On the Nature of Soulless

It is a commonly held, but false, belief by the common being that the soulless are incapable, or at least less capable, of feeling emotion and are less capable than their fellows. I write this paper to educate just how wrong this notion is. It is my...


Natural Talent

#8 of thin paper walls # _06 - natural talent_ #### #### the silent anticipation just half a lap before gave way to cheering and applause from all around.

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Human Nature

Human nature common knowledge would tell you that the end of the human race would be an earth shattering event, the skies would split and the earth would shatter beneath it. the cities would burn and the waters would boil.

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Steele's Nature

Balto struggled ahead, setting a faster pace than Rosy's father was trying to set. The man was perplexed, his sled dogs kept pressing forward despite his lack of insistence. Balto's team was with him, understanding the wolfdog's pace. He had told them...

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