The Legend of The Mountains of Fire and Ice

So who is their reincarnation i suppose you'll just have to find out

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"…and now come Cats!" (prologue)

I've seen a man who had been reincarnated take the oath beyond death for a second time. i've seen the emperor weep. but this... this was _strange_.

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Patreon Story - A Brooding Mood

Had i the option, i would have chosen reincarnation as a milk cow or egg laying hen, destined to spend the rest of my fertile life impregnated. i however feared i would become a spinster at my current rate.

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Chapter II: Prologue to Chapter III

His reincarnated form appeared with a puff of dust. "from this day on i will be known as john daniel salko, j.d to my friends and will attend j.

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What If?: Wrong Choice

Although...she did want to see who he would be reincarnated as. would he look different? would be look the same? would he even act different or be a female? she had eternity to find out...

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Reborn As A Dragon #1/12

If i don't reincarnate you here, you will dissipate and join the lifeless energy of the world. it is painless and peaceful. but if you feel the desire to live still, you will have a new life ahead of you.

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The Lost City's God

The woman in front of him was the high priestess of their civilization, and had waited fifty long years for the god's reincarnation to return to them.

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RH's Beastiary Compilation #1

Asura, asura are souls who have transcended the cycle of reincarnation and become devas who compete for power in the realm of moksha by serving the deities of the dharmad pantheon.

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The Body Snatcher

If you can do that, i'll let you get a full reincarnation here and you may even live here permanently if you like it." said the god. "so what do i do in the mean time?" i asked confused.

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Watcher of Arceus Chapter 4

In the end, diana had seen everything william had done to protect arceus and he was forced to tell her truth including the fact that he was going to reincarnate soon.

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Dust: Road to Astuvila

#3 of dust: why was i reincarnated as a dire weasel? woooo finally got this completed. the holidays and work really got in the way, and delayed this. but it's finally done!

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