W.O.L.F. 6 - Playful Void

Instincts would induce some feelings, feelings would guide the instincts, but the two belonged to separate worlds.

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Iron Stag (6/8)

The two continued like that for a while, and though askim was tempted to join in he just sat there and let them continue to separate.

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Starfall: Chapter 1: One Small Step For Mammal Kind

"this is mission control, we are a go for separation." t-minus ten seconds. as scripted, mission control goes first, usako muses. "this is the experimental space-craft-113, confirming your status. we are a go for separation."

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Book of Particles: Silver Stream Memory 2

The next part to that was a book stand, not really full of books between the one closet and a separate closet. the l shaped desk at the end of the long side pointed toward the middle of the separation between the two closets.

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Writing Tips vol. 2

The only time you don't need separation is when you are writing the omniscient view. the one thing i would caution you against, is switching the perspective of the viewpoints.

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It Starts With a Match

Bad for you" he said taking the bars and breaking them "now then separated were we?"

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Nations- chapter one

Or, of course, separate themselves from it altogether. this gave rise to worldwide subcultures that devoted themselves to denying that the troubles around them really mattered.

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Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 19 - Revelations Amongst Frauds

Ten pathways led out around them leading to into separate caverns. only one way led out of the caverns and to the final descent to the bottom of hell.

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Pills, Part 2

_ \* \* \* the girls decided to stay in separate rooms for the remainder of the day, not trusting themselves or each other. kelsey brooded over the possibility of being pregnant, finding the idea terrifying.

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New School, New Love? Chapter: 7

And were only separated during school and sleep while i am in my cycle. she didn't say were separated at all times after my cycle is through" she said trying to reassure him. she nuzzled her face to his chest after she finished.

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Beyond a Crush - Part 1

She looked up at him as they separated, hoping that he would understand. "if that's what you truly want..." he said, bringing them into another passion-filled kiss. he noticed his erection as they separated. "damn." he said, smiling widely.

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