Track Meet

It had been 15 years since hilting high school had last won a state championship, shortly after jerry was chris, the horse's best friend, a german sheppard who had always been there for him.

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Doubling Down

I won those games fair and square. i won this suite. i won your attendance. i don't know what your boss told you, but..." her voice trailed off however as she saw a look in the lion's eyes.

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And finaly when they were done she won the first place award. the farmer was very happy which in turn made bessie very happy. but she was not to go home to the farm tonight. "now don't worry ole girl.

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If the box numbers matched i won that ammount. it seemed to me that it was a rip off and that i could never win. but i won. yes. i won. i was so excited that i was practically screaming.

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The Game

Normally in these sorts of games, it was gunju who usually won due to his energetic ways but things were different today and gituku had managed to pin down nkiru. ‘gituku? yay! you won!', nkiru giggled as she was pinned down.

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Coming Out Pt. 2

Jumping up and down chanting "we won we won!" over and over, no one seemed to care but us.

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Getting the Girl

If she could take my length in fully, without gagging, she won. but if she gagged, i won. she wrapped her tongue around my tip and swirled it around. she was getting me ready for the third part of the game.

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Chapter Three: The Battle

"yes we won, we won, i can't believe it we won" steve screamed running over to dragonite. throwing his arms around dragonite, hugging her, thrilled they had won.


Entering The Ring - Part 1

If they won, they got to keep the gladiator.

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A Rare Sight Ch.3-Walking Around in a Big Circle

Heracross was flung into the air and landed only inches from matt's feet, we won the fight. "holy shit, we won buddy," i kneeled down to pet buddy and give him a treat.

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The Skull cracker league

The inmate was near her pardon if she won she would earn her freedom. female on female alexia was against a female stantler. she was a bruit and more a butch that female in physical body.

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