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#5 of Vore Stories

This story is about an aspiring survivalist who attends an annual festival he has been watching online for years. By some stroke of luck, fate smiles upon the runt of a coyote and answers his prayers to finally attend "The Hunters & Predators Tournament!". In a world where 15fteen foot gryphons and hunky himbo beastmen attend this event, what will happen to this little woof~? Did fate truly lead him to this isolated mountain retreat? Or was it something more... Sinister~?

Listed tags are for the entirety of ALL NINE DAYS of the story


By: Phamyne Plaguox

[WARNING! Contains: Male (???) on Male (Coyote) Oral Sex, Supersized Cocks, Cum Play, Second Person View Hard & Soft Vore, Non-Consensual Cock Vore, Soft Vore, and Asphyxiation (Fatal), and is not suitable for minors.]

~Day One~

Today is the sixth day of "The Hunter's Challenge"! It is a tournament meant only for predators that allows them to show off their survivalist skills in seven-day event. I have been overly excited from day ONE to finally be attending the competition for the first time ever! Something I have always dreamt of doing~!

Through sheer luck, I was chosen as one of seven to win a completely paid for weekly pass for the tournament! And the strange thing is, I didn't even enter any raffle or contest online to sign up for the ticket... Sure. I keep track of the site and their updates almost daily, but I never saw anything like vouchers for reduced prices offered to members or anything like that. Perhaps they just keep track of activity and I was entered into the draw that way? I'm not going to question it either way, because I am happy to be here either way!

I've been watching all the contenders compete through each tantalising matches and challenges these passed six days and it's been absolutely fantastic! The trials consist of many different specialised tests to evaluate their abilities as survivalists. From close and ranged combat to stealth and foraging exercises, the hunter's challenge really does have it all! And all the best predators from across the world come to compete here annually. The best of the BEST in fact!

In all honesty, if it wasn't for being a bit of runt of a coyote, I might have even had enough courage to submit my own application and try pass the qualifying examinations! Not that I could ever hope to match against any of these behemoth like beastmen who sometimes even double my height, and outweigh me more than thrice over, I'd still give it my all! For "It's not the size of the hunter, but the size of their HEART that counts!".

Kyle: "Hehe~" I chuckle to myself as I recite one of the lines my role model always uses in my head, even feeling a little bashful at how fanboy it is to imagine his voice like this. Thank god no one can read my thoughts, for I'd surely have a few restraining orders against me by now...

I am currently walking around the bazaar styled, outdoor stalls set up across a large grassy field, east of the tournament grounds, just looking through all the different merchandise the colourful shops are selling. Seeing all this authentic, none of that cheap replication crap you'd find online, stuff has me bouncing around like the enthusiast I am. Anything from hunting knives to microfiber infused nylon tents to thermal underwear! This place has it all! It's difficult to contain myself as I jump from stall to stall with stars in my eyes and a hop in my step. I've given up long ago from trying not to appear as the spaz I am, for my inner dork was released from day one, and I'm one-hundred percent certain the shop workers will forever refer to me as "That crazy coyote kid".

I've been psyching myself up to try and survive out in the wilderness by myself for _yeeears_now. To just live off the land and see how long I can last in the bushes before my need for civilisation wins out. I'm still a bit too much of a chicken shit to just try and rough it alone, so I've been asking my friends to join me. But sadly, it's not their scene and have all refused. Normally through jokes about how they don't want to be eaten by a feral bear. And asking other wannabe survivalists I speak with online just seems too dangerous. I have no plans on being murdered out in the woods by some psychopath!

Heh. I can't say I'm surprised by my friends refusing though, they have long said I'm a spaz and a bit too enthusiastic about the scene. But hey, I've kinda been camping out here these past six days just fine! There aren't lodgings for attendees, so everyone just has tents set up in one area. Mine is pitched like everyone else's right beside my car in a field a few hundred feet from the market. So that sorta counts... Right? I mean if I don't include the porta potties... And while it's nice being surrounded by all these campers, I still wish I could have convinced a friend to join me. But whatever, I've been having fun visiting with the other enthusiasts. They are such a welcoming community. I mean, last night I sat with a group of strangers, just drinking, grilling meat and exchanging trade secrets as if we were long lost friends!

But with each passing day of me being out here with everyone, hearing their stories and just looking through all this different equipment, it certainly has me pumped up to try and go even further! Sleeping in a tent has proven to me I can definitely survive in the wilderness! So maybe when I get home, I will look into the regulations for camping in that forest a few miles from my city.

As I finish browsing through the species specialist backpacks at one stall, finding them all outside of my price range like almost everything else, I turn to run in the opposite direction so I can check out the mountain climbing gear, but as I do, I bumped right into someone!

Kyle: "Oh! Sh-shit! I'm so sorry!" I quickly splutter out an apology as soon as I catch my balance through flailing arms.

???: "It's no problem." I look up to the smooth voiced stranger to see who I bumped into, and my breath instantly catches in my throat.

Kyle: "O-oh! Y-y-you're!!!" I start stuttering as I notice the beastman I rammed is none other than Eric Calton himself!

The Alsatian may not be among the big leagues, but he IS one of my biggest role models! Mostly because he is perhaps the smallest predator competing in this tournament. Eric shows everyone that standing only six foot doesn't stop someone from being a beast~ Sadly, he was beaten before he could make it to the top seven this year, but that doesn't change how well known he is!

Kyle: "I-I-I'm so sorry!" I repeat my apology with raised paws and a voice betraying my surprise. My eyes feel as wide as saucers while I continue look him up at down in disbelief. Completely star struck by the celebrity before me.

Eric Calton is a well-known German shepherd that that has been competing here for a few years now. He stands a little over a head taller than me, and despite him having the athletic built of a swimmer, next to him I look like an anorexic girl! He has a strong jawline, a piercing gaze and a devilish, suave lady killer smile that could entrap just about anyone! And accompanied by his vividly emerald green eyes and lush coat of shaggy brown and black fur, my heart all but flutters in my chest as he nods to me in dismissal.

Eric: "I's really no fur off my back." He says with a smooth voice that could melt chocolate while regarding me for a momentary glance before smiling.

Eric: "I've never seen you around before. You new to the scene or something?"

Kyle: "Hehe, uhm... Kinda? I've been a member of "Hunters & Predators Online" for years now. B-but this is my first event." My voice comes out nervous and it's taking a lot for me to not just swoon or simply freak as I stand here in front of my idol I was only moments ago thinking about!

Kyle: "Th-the only reason I've been able to attend this year is because I was lucky enough to win one of these weekly passes." I say while nervously gripping the black lanyard around my neck and showing it to him with a jittery smile. One he returns in kind. God that smile...

Eric: "Is that so~?" He asks curiously through a luring grin with a paw on his hip as his eyes look me up and down, almost as if after assessing me. Eric's gaze lingers for a moment longer, and before I can start feeling uncomfortable under the scrutinous stare, the dog speaks again.

Eric: "Lucky you. How have you enjoyed it so far?" I have to gulp through my throat which has suddenly turned dry before I can respond, and when I do, I wish I had rather just stared blankly at him like a creep.

Kyle: "I-it's great! I'm so happy to FINALLY come and watch the tournament up close!" I practically bust at the seams, blushing as he gets a little fright from my over joyous response. But I nervously scratch behind my ear when his surprise returns into that same friendly smile.

Eric: "Heh, I'm glad to hear that. I hope you enjoyed my performance?" I nod vigorously, my heart fluttering as I don't waste a moment to praise him.

Kyle: "Oh yes! I was rooting for you from the get-go!" The German shepherd chuckles softly in a sonorous voice before shooting me a wink, which in turn makes me feel silly for saying something like that so blatantly.

Kyle: "Err... Heh. I-it's just... You're the smallest predator to ever make it to the top ten finals! Y-you inspire me to one day try and enter myself..." My red ears are lying flat against my head and my tail is gently swaying behind me as I address him with my honest opinion. I can't stop myself from spewing out fanboy prattle. It's a wonder he hasn't grown uncomfortable yet!

Eric: "Heh, aren't you sweet~" His crooning reaction doesn't make me feel any better and I soon find myself wringing my paws together with my bashful face and looking towards the floor while whiskers twitch in embarrassment. D-did he really just call me sweet?? Jesus... G-get it together and stop blushing in front of your idol! Be cool Kyle!!!

Eric: "So other than me, do you have any other favourites?" I straighten up in surprise as his voice remains casual, seeming unphased by my awkward behaviour or nervous words. In fact, it almost seems like he is interested to hear what else I think! His congenial response paves the way for me to calm down a little and reply as if I weren't so star struck.

Kyle: "Well... While most people seem to be in favour of the bigger guys like Conner or Brian, I've always preferred the underdogs who use skills and talent over brute strength." I clear my throat of the tickle as his eyes remain locked on me. God... He is so handsome and just talking to him like this has my legs feeling week. But I power through and try to keep up appearances.

Kyle: "So... If you can't win this year, I'd like to at least see Leo or maybe Shane win." The canine nods in agreeance, seemingly happy with my response.

Eric: "They may be back a few points on the score board, but after today's archery competition, perhaps they might just catch up enough to take the lead." He adds to my assessment, and I nod in excitement at the prospect.

Kyle: "A-and no one can outmatch feline or canine noses when it comes to tracking! So if they do well with archery, one of them will more than likely win tomorrows finals too!" At my words, Eric closes his eyes and nods.

Eric: "Ahh~ The one and most important trial of all. "The Hunt!"." We both laugh in comradery, and I find myself wondering how in the actual fuck I came to be speaking so casually with someone I've admired for years!

I feel giddy and nervous all at once as we stand here in the middle of the market. It's taking a lot to not just act like a rabid fan in front of Eric. I almost let my fanboy slip earlier, but he didn't seem to notice...

Eric: "So I take it you'll be watching both the pre-finals today and the finale tomorrow?" I nod excitedly as I spare a glance over my shoulder towards the field where the archery test will be held today.

Kyle: "Of course! I'm really excited to be a part of the crowd this year!"

Eric: "Heh, looking for your thirty seconds of fame on the computer screens, eh~?" Having watched Eric online for so many years, I've known him to be pretty sleek and charming with his words, but having him speak directly to me is a whole different story.

Kyle: "I-it's nothing like that! M-more..." I look down and idly kick at the grass as I try to find the right words.

Kyle: "I feel like I'm a part of it now that I've been sitting in the bleachers. A-as if I were _actually_out there on the hunt with them!" I once more feel the excitement welling up in my chest and I have to quickly calm myself down before I really do embarrass myself in front of someone like Eric.

Eric: "Heh, I know what you're talking about. It's actually that feeling you have that made me want to compete here in the first place." Despite my worry, he seems to completely understand what I'm feeling. Eric's face becomes more neutral and falls into a deeply contemplative look for a moment.

Eric: "The thrill of the hunt, it is unlike anything else in this world..." His expression turns even more serious as he says that and I quickly feel my silly smile fade away to join in his more prideful one.

Kyle: "I-I'm sorry you weren't able to compete in this year's hunt Eric. I KNOW you would have beaten them all!" The Alsatian looks to me with a stern gaze after I speak, and for a moment I think I've said something wrong. But then the canine's expression softens as he raises a paw and gently places it on my head before ruffling my headfur. The act immediately causes me to stiffen on the spot and look up to him with wide eyes.

Eric: "You're too damn cute, you know that?" Eric smiles broadly and ruffles my headfur a little more roughly. My face immediately heats up. So much so that I can see the blush beneath the tan fur on my snout! I CAN'T BELIEVE HE IS PETTING ME LIKE THIS!!! J-just keep calm Kyle! Don't freak out!!!

Eric: "I never got your name by the way." Eric's voice snaps me back to reality as his paw falls from my head. My ears perk up and I straighten my posture as I try my best to look presentable despite my blushing face.

Eric: "OH! I-it's Kyle Collins!" The German shepherd nods through a wry grin before winking at me as he responds with a cheeky tone.

Eric: "Heh, "Kyle Collins, the Coyote". I like it~" I've been teased in the past about this very thing. But when Eric says it, I all but melt under his tongue.

Eric: "Well it's nice to meet you Kyle, not many fans can be as cool as you. I can't tell you the number of creepy emails I've gotten from people." He chuckles as he says this, but I blush harder under his words. Keep it together Kyle... You don't use your real name online... So he shouldn't know that you are among many of those "Creepy" people sending him emails...

Eric: "Hey. So after the archery contest today, do you think you would like to hang out with me?" Wait... What?? I am quickly snapped from my worries of him finding me out and look to the canine in disbelief.

Kyle: "P-pardon?? Y-you want to h-hang out with... ME!?" Sh-shit... That came out too eager didn't it...? Defiantly too award... Through despite responding like a total spaz, Eric seems to move on with the conversation without pause.

Eric: "Yeah! I've really enjoyed speaking with you so far and it'd be nice to get to know you a little better. Maybe you could even help me figure out things I can improve for when I compete next year ehy?" He adds with a wink while resting a paw on his hip.

Eric: "After all, you are my "Number one fan" Riiight~? You should be able to give me a few pointers in the areas I could improve upon." My blush renews under his playful tone. My ears pin back, and my tail starts going bananas behind me as I giggle like a whore on a carrot farm.

G-goddamnit Kyle! J-just be cool! Don't fuck this up like you always do!

Kyle: "W-w-y-YES!" Th-that would b-be great!" I stutter out beggarly and instantly feel even more embarrassed. Fuck... I'm really bad at this!

Eric: "Awesome! How about you come to my tent after the archery challenge? We can have a few drinks and talk about how the other competitors did." The Alsatian however still acts as cool as ever, maybe even sounding excited that I agreed. This however only increased my inner fanboy to explode shamelessly.

Kyle: "AH! Y-YES P-PLEASE ERIC!!!" I basically bark that out in his face and his happy expression immediately falls.

Oh my god... H-he probably thinks I'm a weirdo with an outburst like that! Just look at that expression he is pulling!!! I start crying inside my head and berate myself for being so uncool, but my inner turmoil is soon alleviated as I feel his paw return to my headfur in a jovial petting.

Eric: "Hehehe! You really are too damn cute Kyle~" I can only stare wide eyed at the handsome dog as he pets me. My face feels like it's on fire as my tail idly wags behind me, but I dare not move as I watch him with starry eyes.

H-How can he still want to hang out with me after I acted like that!? This guy is even cooler than I originally thought! And who would have ever imagined a predator would be so kind and welcoming!? They always seem so tough!

Eric: "Alright then-" Eric says as he withdraws his paw with a nod.

Eric: "I'll let security know that you are allowed in the competitor's area and have you added to the list as my personal guest. So just give them your name and make your way to my tent when you're ready, alright?"

Kyle: "O-okay! Th-thank you so much Eric!" I know he can probably see my blush through the lighter fur in my ears and around my snout, but I beam a smile up at him regardless, with all the gratitude I can muster in a single smile.

Eric: "Cool. I'll see you later then Kyle. Be good alright~?" He adds with a wink before sauntering off, waving over his shoulder as he struts away. I energetically return the gesture even though he doesn't look back.

F-fuck... Did... Did that really just happen?? I find myself still standing there waving long after he vanished into the crowd and realise people are starting to give me weird looks. But I could care less right now! I CAN'T FREAKIN' WAIT TO GO BACK THERE!!! I wonder if he could introduce me to some of the other competitors? OOO! Maybe we they could even tell us all about their strategies and tactics for tomorrows Finale!?

AIYEE!!! I scream inside my head as it feels like I could literally take off from the ground and fly away with how fast my tail is wagging right now! I-I better get myself under control before I go out there for the archery contest however. I don't want to embarrass myself on live camera!

Kyle: "HELL YEAH!!!" I bark out form the bleachers alongside the crowd as Shane shoots yet another perfect bull's-eye! Shit! I think he beat his previous record from last year with that! It was so fast! And I'm certain he trounced everyone else with the scores he's rounded up. But only time will tell!

I hate that the tournament organisers don't show us their scores until AFTER tomorrow's finale. But I guess it just adds to the suspense. It certainly keeps their online ratings up. And I am one of those fools who sits up at the dead of night, waiting for the results to be posted so I can see their statistics for the year. I've always liked to study how well they individually do indifferent challenges.

Shane has _always_been the best marksman. He constantly scores one-hundred points above everyone else, every year, without fail. And watching the brawny white wolf draw back the compact bowstring with those muscular arms of his... WOOF~! It just adds to how much more amazing it is to watch him in person!

But then you get people like Brian, who clearly outdo everyone when it comes to foraging. The burly brown bear certainly has a knack for it, so much so that others can't come close to matching his efficiency or speed. He always seems to find and distinguish the right herbs for healing or cooking so much faster.

But then there is Conner. The black badger in question is one of the biggest beastmen on the planet! He wins the paw-to-paw combat, paws down every year! Well, being just over fifteen metres tall, it's no surprise. In fact, it's not even fair! But there aren't exactly height or weight divisions in these contests, so the other beastmen have no chance against him. In this case "The biggest always wins" is certainly true.

The screens overhead announce in tandem with the presenter that the archery contest is concluded. Everyone joins in one final cheer for the last seven finalists as they come to stand side by side with the announcer. The sight of them leaving the large field ahead of us marks that tomorrow will begin the finale, and with it, a new champion will soon be crowned! I see the green lights on the cameras around us go red and know they are no longer broadcasting. I did my best to not look directly at and appear like some spaz, but I'll have to go through the comment section on the site later to see if anyone has been hating on a dorky coyote who was more than likely foaming at the mouth...

Everyone starts to get up and make their way from the box stand, and more than likely to the drinking tent to join in the celebrations, or perhaps just to retire to their own tents out back. I know the guys I hung out with yesterday said I'm welcome to join them tonight as they plan on grilling again, and as much fun as I had with them, I have someone I can't possibly pass up on turning down! I hop from my seat, fully of excitement and turn to dash towards the VIP section, but as I take my first step, I trip on someone's tail and crash right into them!

Kyle: "Gaaah!" I topple and slam face first into their chest, sending them crashing into the metal stairs with a "THUD!".

???: "OOOF!!!" I land so heavily on the stranger that I actually hear as the breath leaves their lungs. And I hardly weight sixty kilograms!

Kyle: "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry!" I quickly scurry to my feet and help them up, realising that the only reason I was able to knock them over is because they are statured practically identical to me.

I aid the black feline to his feet, finding him dressed in khaki shorts and a red and white flannel shirt. He has brown leather lace-ups on his feet that look pretty expensive. In all honesty I've never been one to wear them or even shoes, they just felt wrong. Looking up, I find his furious blue eyes set on me with a look that'd make children cry. I quickly release his arm and take a step back.

Feline: "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!?" I cringe under his loud voice, my ears pulling back as I shy away. I did not expect that pitch or tone from his lithe frame. The feline's voice makes me think he might be better suite at a metal concern than in a hunter's convention.

Kyle: "I-I'm sorry I'm sorry! I didn't mean to trip on your tail! Honest!" I say with raised paws to the cat glowering at me as he nurses the end of his tail, which seems slightly ruffled. And after a moment longer of being sent a death stare that could erode metal, the angry feline grunts in annoyance at me before breathing out a heavy breath that I'm surprised didn't exude fire. Sheesh. What a grumpy guy, I said I was sorry...

Kyle: "It was an accident, I swear! I'm really, really sorry! A-are you hurt?" I try to further convey my remorse as continues to rub his thin tail, the cat's angry gaze now set out to the field on our right on nothing in particular. And after a moment of awkward silence, he returns his indignant gaze to me.

Feline: "I'm fine. But you should really be more careful. You know how painful it is when someone stands on your tail, don't you? You could have seriously injured me. Do you realise that? Don't you look where you're walking or something?" He says tersely, baring his blue gaze into me like daggers. Gaah! He's really giving it to me! Despite his height or voice pitch, he is kind of intimidating as he sneers at me through bared fangs.

Kyle: "I-I'm so sorry! Is there any way I can make it up to you??" He finally lowers his tail to his side before rubbing his forehead in exacerbation and sighs out yet again, folding his arms and looking even more apathetic than before.

Feline: "If you want to make it up to me, just be more careful in the future." Wait... Am I off the hook!? Yes! I subdue my relief as he continues dryly.

Feline: "Have you ever heard of "Taking note of your surroundings"? We ARE at a hunter's festival after all. Shouldn't you know these things?" Oof... Apparently not off the hook enough for him to continue degrading me further... I feel myself shrinking more under his sharp words as he chastises me.

Kyle: "S-sorry..." I barely whisper that out and the feline moves to sigh for what I hope is the last time before unfurling his arms from across his chest.

Feline: "It's fine. Just stop apologising already." I was just about to say sorry right as he said that, but thankfully stopped myself in time. But now I'm just left fidgeting on the spot, which isn't much better...

Feline: "Where were you running off to in such a hurry anyway? Couldn't it have waited?" His voice has calmed down considerably. Honestly, it doesn't sound any more approachable than his shouting voice. Nor has his expression changed much either. Sheesh. Talk about resting-bitch-face syndrome.

Kyle: "W-well, you see.... I was invited to the competitor's tents by Eric Calton today and I was just really excited to go meet up with him is all..." The black cat immediately perks up, his fur practically puffing out under my words.

Feline: "ERIC CALTON!? Are you two friends or something!?" I brighten at his reaction. For a second there I thought he was going to berate me for my lame excuse. But I know that look in his eyes all too well. I see it reflected in my computer screen after all~

Kyle: "Hehe, well... Not really, no. You see... I bumped into him earlier on at the market this morning and we got to talking. And he ended up inviting me to come hang out at the VIP section after today's trial."

Feline: "Bumped into him?" The feline reiterates my words in a dry tone that causes my cheeks to redden and ears to pull back.

Feline: "I guess you're just the clumsy type if I'm the second person you "Bumped into" today. Maybe I shouldn't hold my mangled tail against you after all." I'm torn between blushing deeper and frowning at his comment, but I chose instead to just brush it off. Nothing I haven't heard before after all.

Feline: "How do you even go from "Bumping" into Eric Calton, to him inviting you to visit him in the VIP area?" He asks with a paw on his hip and an unconvinced expression.

Uhm... Charm maybe? Hehe, I know that's not really true... I couldn't charm a noodle out of a Chinese restaurant.

Kyle: "Well... I'm not sure." I shrug while shaking my head as I continue.

Kyle: "It's my first time attending the festival. I actually only got in this year because I won the online contest and well... I told him I would love to enter as a competitor one day, so maybe he just wants to show me the ropes? I guess I just got lucky." I surmise with a shy smile. The black cat's raised brow still making me feel like a kid trying to explain why there are cookies missing from the cookie jar and crumbs in my bedroom.

Feline: "Lucky indeed" His expression finally relents after face palming and the shaking of his head, returning to something more neutral, but no less stoic.

Feline: "More like the god of the hunt blessed you with every ounce of his favour in a moment of pure pity. And if you know anything about him, he has no mercy for anyone." Ouch... This guy has a really sharp tongue... I chuckle sheepishly as I rub the back of my neck, but it's in this awkward moment that I realise there might be some way to make it up to him after all.

Kyle: "The names Kyle by the way." I say with an extended paw, trying to be as welcoming as possible. The feline studies me with a suspicious expression for a moment before taking it. I honestly expected a death grip some guys use to make themselves appear tougher, but it's surprisingly gentle.

Feline: "Jake." He says simply and with a single shake before retracting.

Kyle: "Well Jake, how about I take you with me to the VIP section as an apology? I can't promise they will allow me to bring someone with me, but I could at least try."

Jake: "R-REALLY!?!?" He shouts with wide eyes immediately after, and I smile in response, despite the volume. Yip. He is defiantly as big a fan as I am.

Kyle: "Yeah! I mean, it's worth a shot, right?" I nod along to his awestruck face. The black cat quickly looks off to the side as he tries to settle his expression back to something neutral, but the blush insides his pink ears and wildly thrashing tail betray him. He closes his eye and takes a deep breath as he recomposes himself before replying so softly, I almost don't hear it.

Jake: "Sh-sure..." Heh. This guy is kinda cute when he isn't scowling. I smile as I nod and look over his shoulder before addressing him.

Kyle: "Great!" And without another word, we quickly walk down the stands together, much more carefully than before, despite the lack of people sitting around, and hastily make our way off to the VIP section.

Jake and I arrive at the competitor's area in no time. The section is blocked off with a high meshed fence surrounding large white tents that litter the inside. The tents are all uniformly set apart and completely identical. Twenty feet high and made with thick, creamy white canvas, they almost look luxurious compared to the mismatched collection of tents where I've been sleeping. There are a few security guards posted around the area, more than likely to stop fanboys like us from trying to scale the metal fence. We ignored the accusatory glares and kept heading for the entrance.

On the way, Jake and I speak a bit about our interests. He seemed to really open up once we got here. Perhaps it just the excitement? It just so happens he is one of the other seven lucky people to have won a pass to this event. And stranger still, he too didn't enter any contest to acquire the special pass. But from the sounds of it, the cat is a big-time nerd for stuff like this, just like me. So... Maybe they do keep track of profiles and observe who viewed the videos and posts the most, who commented more or bought their merchandise? I mean... That makes sense, right? Why not reward their loyal fan base instead of just picking people at random?

We arrive at the entrance to the competitor's tents and come to a stop a few feet from it. There is a massive bulldog guarding the open gated entryway. He is at least ten feet tall, wearing a murky green, form fitting sleeveless shirt and brown pants. The bulldog has dark fur and strong features befitting his scale and is absolutely packed with more muscles than a seafood dish! While I'd love to drool over him from a distance, like I'm accustomed to, I need to approach him. So through a deep breath, I steady myself and look to Jake at my side.

Kyle: "Alright. Just... Stay close to me and let me speak to the guard. If he doesn't allow you to come with me, I will just go find Eric and then come back for you, alright?" Jake nods a bit too conspiratorially for my liking, but thankfully follows close to my side in silence as I walk up to the hunk with as much confidence as I can muster.

Kyle: "H-h-hello-" And with how I stutter out my first word, I am proven to not have very much confidence at all...

Kyle: "I need to enter the VIP area. My friend is waiting for us inside." The bulldog eyes us lazily without even turning to face us, his brown eyes trail towards us as if we are pigeons trying to steal his kibble.

Security Guard: "Sorry kid. Only competitors allowed beyond this point." He says in a deep voice that only aids in my continued desire to worship this Adonis of a beastman. But I am snapped out of my drool induced state by his words. K-kid? I'm twenty-five goddamnit! Why does my height and stature always throw people off? Grr... I keep my rude comments to myself as I continue more sternly.

Kyle: "My name is on the list. Eric Calton said my friend and I could come back here after the archery contest." I hesitated a bit as I say that, and really hope he can't tell how nervous I am. I mean... Eric didn't say me and a friend could come, but I hope the guard won't question it once he sees I'm on the list.

The bulldog's ear twitches at hearing Eric's name and he arches a singular eyebrow at me, still not even bothering to tilt his head towards us, making me feel really insignificant beneath him. But thankfully I watch as he raises the comically small pawpad up and looks to me expectantly. I guess he wants my name? I clear my throat and speak clearly.

Kyle: "Kyle Collins." I say confidently and watch him raise a clawed finger to swipe across the screen for a moment before nodding stoically.

Security Guard: "Huh. Guess you're on the list after all." His impassive brown eyes glance over my shoulder at Jake and I feel the cat tense up against me. I quickly interrupt his questioning stare by speaking up.

Kyle: "So, where is Eric's tent? I don't want to keep him waiting for us." The guard huffs out a tired breath and jabs his thumb over his shoulder, biceps bulging and almost hypnotising me as he inadvertently flexes his arm.

Security Guard: "Down the ways and on the left." He eyes me off for a second longer before looking completely disinterested with us as his sights set out on the field behind Jake and I.

Security Guard: "If you want directions, best ask someone in there. Ain't my job." I contain my smile the best I can and nod in understanding.

Kyle: "Alright. Thanks." I quickly grab Jake's paw and pull him passed the himbo of a man before quickly darting passed him.

We make it a few meters into the camp before the feline forcefully pulls his paw from mine and speaks through a disbelieving gasp.

Jake: "I can't believe that actually worked..." I turn to look at him properly and find he has an almost villainous smile on his face as he looks to his open palmed paws before squeezing them into fists and practically shouts.

Jake: "I can't believe that actually WORKED!!!" My fur bristles and I quickly shush him with my raised paws while looking over my shoulder to the guard.

Kyle: "Shh! He might hear you!" The hunk of a dog doesn't seem to be looking our way, thank god. But looking at him again, I can't help but stare at his rounded ass and broad shoulders. Fuck... If only I had the time to dawdle...

Jake: "Screw that! NYEHahahahahaha!" He stars cackling like an actual villain from some corny, out of date TV show and for a moment I wonder if I've possibly made a mistake bringing him back here...

The black cat leaves my side with pep in his step, looking around with an invigorated glint in his eyes as he takes in all the sights and predators around us.

Jake: "Shit dude, this is AMAZING!" A deep smile creeps up to my face and I can no longer contain my own excitement as I fall prey to his jubilance.

Kyle: "I know right!?" I look around at all the tents, feeling myself bursting with fanboy overloaded energy. Just seeing all these hunters around us, even if they are looking at us with question looks, is enough for me to die a happy man!

Jake: "So... Do you mind if I ditch you?" I am caught off guard and almost fall flat on my face as his blunt question draws me back to reality.

Kyle: "Bwah!? B-but why??" I ask with paws outstretched in the direction I hope Eric's tent is, jutting them forward as to emphasis my point. But looking to Jake, his face is twisted into an almost awkward expression as his one paw grips along his left arm, making that tough act from before seem almost put on.

Jake: "Well... Not that I'm ungrateful for you sneaking me back here or anything. It's just that... If I'm here, I don't want to waste the only chance I will ever have to meet Leo Fernandez." I relax under the explanation, a knowing smile drawing on my face.

Kyle: "Oh~?" I ask without really expecting a response, for his voice gave it all away. Jake fidgets on the spot at my tone, twirling and tracing his foot on the floor like a timid child, he speaks with a soft, affectionate tone.

Jake: "Y-yeah...I mean... I've always looked up to him as a role model you know?" He says while raising his face to mine, his eyes definitely much softer than I have ever seen them as he continues.

Jake: "It would be stupid to not take this opportunity to go introduce myself. Even if he winds up thinking I'm some kind of stalker..." I laugh in my head. This guy is just like me~ I'm surprised I didn't notice it earlier when we were talking.

Kyle: "Well, if it is for such a shameless reason like that, then I guess can accept you using me for gaining entry before carelessly tossing me aside like some dirty rag~" I playfully jab, causing his eyes to widen.

Jake: "I-it's not like that! I'm very grateful for your help! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I smile toothily at his shaken repose, deciding to let him off the hook.

Kyle: "Bwahaha! I'm just teasing dude~ It's cool man, I get it. Really, I do! If anyone gets it, it would be me!" I say reassuringly, and his worried expression fades to a timid smile.

Kyle: "I would have asked the EXACT same thing if I was in your position. And besides, Leo is one of my favourites too. So if you're going to ditch me for anyone, I'm glad it's that lion~" I add with a wink.

Jake: "Hehe, thanks man." Jake says through a soft expression that I think suits his face much better than that stone mask that hides his emotions.

Jake: "Really. I can't thank you enough for getting me back here Kyle. Even if Leo chases me away and calls that himbo back there to kick me out, this means the world to me~" I laugh along with him before nodding through a smile.

Kyle: "Anytime dude! Maybe I'll ask Eric if we can hang out with the other competitors, and we will see each other later?"

Jake: "Heh, I'd like that..." We seem to share a mutual appreciation for these predators, and this moment makes me realise we could be friends beyond this event. Maybe even start doing survivalist things together!

Kyle: "Hey. Can you send me a friend request on Hunters & Predators Online? I've enjoyed speaking to you and maybe next year we can sneak in together again?" Jake chuckles before pulling out his phone. He scrolls across the screen with his pink finger pad for a moment before raising his smile to me.

Jake: "Sure, what's your username?" Urg... D-damnit! The only flaw in an otherwise flawless plan! I blush immediately but respond through a stutter.

Kyle: "E-err... I-its "PrairiePup100"..." The feline doesn't skip a beat in typing it in, but I do catch the snicker.

Jake: "Aaand added~!" My grin reignites as I nod in appreciation.

Kyle: "Hehe, great! I guess I'll see you later then, yeah? If you get kicked out, just send me an IM and I'll ask Eric to add you to the guest list for real."

Jake: "Hehe, thanks Kyle. Your pretty cool for a clumsy canine~" I poke my tongue out at him and he gives me a cocky smile before darting off into the crowd. Hehe. I hope we get to meet up later. He really is a cool guy.

Turning my attention forwards, I look down the line of tents and feel my confidence falter a bit. Set between these towering tents are predators who are still eyeing me off curiously, I gulp down. I need to find my way to Eric's tent. Where ever it is... I can worry about asking him later if we can meet up with Leo, and hopefully Jake.

After searching through the area as inconspicuously as possible, by sneakily peering into each tent I passed on my left, I finally see Eric lounging inside the next flap of parted cloth. He is casually reclining on a cushion with a beer in paw and looking almost bored beneath the dim light. With a deep breath, I walk in fully, and without a way to knock, I speak up. I hope he doesn't think it rude to just barge in... I'm not sure of the protocol here...

Kyle: "He-hello? Uhm, Eric? Are you here?" I try to sound casual, but even I can pick up on my nervous tone as I stand in the entryway.

Eric: "Kyle~!" He says energetically as he jumps to his feet and walks up to me with a fast pace. The dog quickly throws an amicable arm over my shoulder and ushers me in the rest of the way.

Eric: "Glad you could make it buddy~ I trust you had no problems with security?" Sounds like this isn't his first beer. And judging by how casually he's draped over me... It doesn't look like it will be his last either.

Kyle: "Hehe, uhm... Not really. I hope you don't mind, but I snuck in another enthusiast." He looks down at me through blinking eyes, his hot breath right in my face as he replies with a coy tone.

Eric: "Ooh? Already taking advantage of my hospitality I see~?"

Kyle: "I-it's not like that! I-I just happened to trip over him in the stands and wanted to make it up to him!" He sniggers and removes his paw from me, the dog's devilish smiling cluing me in he was just teasing.

Eric: "Heh. Don't worry about it Kyle." He moves to stand in front of me, akimbo and with that trademark smirk of his. I can't help but be drawn in by how handsome the Alsatian is as he continues to speak with that smooth voice of his. God... I bet he never has problems in his relationships. All it takes is one suggestive wink and the fight is over before it even begins!

Eric: "Actually, I got a text from Leo a few minutes ago about some feline spying on him. _Apparently,_the cat had someone help sneak him in here~" I blush under his accusation, and he smiles wider with a paw gesturing to me.

Eric: "I'm going to assume this is the guy you're talking about?"

Kyle: "Hehe, busted huh?" Eric winks knowingly before waving me to follow.

The canine walks us over to the short wooden table he was sitting at, before plopping down on the purple cushion to the left of it. I carefully sit on the orange one across form him and rest my paws on the smooth table, taking in my surroundings properly.

The inside of the tent is pretty simple. In the centre is a thick wooden pole that keeps the heavy martial propped up high above us. They obviously make these for bigger contestants, I bet Conner has an even bigger one!

Other than a single bed behind Eric, that looks surprisingly comfortable for people meant to be "Roughing it", two metal chests somewhere behind me and a wooden desk and chair that currently has some papers spread loosely on it, the tent is pretty bare. It doesn't even have a ground sheet. I fiddle with the grass at my side as I look back to Eric who continues with his previous thoughts.

Eric: "It's no trouble at all. Leo said the guy is pretty cool and doesn't mind the company of a fan like him." I'm a little surprised, I thought for sure Jake would be foaming at the mouth and trying to steal a lock of the lion's mane.

Kyle: "Well... I'm glad I decided to sneak him back here then~!" I chuckle in relief. I thought for sure he was going to give me lip.

Eric: "Just ask next time and I'll be happy to add his name to the list, alight?"

Kyle: "N-next time??" I ask with raised brows, the Alsatian only giving me a smile as he leans back on one paw and raises a knee to get more comfortable.

Eric: "Sure! You'll attend next year again, won't you?" He asks while downing the rest of the beer and claps his lips together before crunching the can up.

Kyle: "O-oh. Well... Maybe. If I can afford it, that is. Honestly, I don't think I would have ever been able to come to the event without winning my pass."

Eric: "What if you were able to come back next year? Would you attend if you didn't have to pay?"

Kyle: "H-huh...?" Looking up, the dog is smirking at me with an expectant gaze as he rests his one arm on the raised knee.

Eric: "If you're strapped for cash, I can get you in next year Kyle. If you'd like, that is?" I just gape, unable to understand what he is inferring.

Eric: "As an aspiring hunter, you need all the experience you can get after all. And what better way than to watch the professionals in action~?" Who is this guy and what has he done with the rough and tough underdog I have been rooting for all these years??

I watch Eric in stunned silence as he rummages around in the blue cooler beside the table before producing two silver beastbrew beer cans and handing me one.

Eric: "Something wrong?" He asks through a neutral expression as he opens the beverage and downs a healthy sip before looking nonchalant despite what he just suggested. I hesitate for only a moment before responding with a soft voice.

Kyle: "Uhm... Why are you being so kind to me...? D-don't get me wrong! This is all a dream come true!" I quickly raise my paws apologetically, but seeing as he isn't angry with me, I continue in a calm, yet uncertain tone.

Kyle: "B-being able to speak so candidly with you like this, and sitting back here in the VIP section with all these strong beastmen as if I were a part of the teams is really like some dream for me! I-it's just... Why?" The German shepherd looks to me vacuously while taking another sip of beer, forcing me to do the same in the stunted silence. His expression almost looks annoyed, but when he speaks again, my anxiety eases.

Eric: "Well... I'm not too sure honestly. But, I think I see something in you?" It almost sounds like he's asking himself that more than confirming with me.

Kyle: "In... Me?" I ask with a jittery voice while trying to hide my distain for the bitter taste of cheap beer. Urg... I've never been one for the stuff and this one in particular has a terribly bitter aftertaste.

Eric: "Yeah of course! There is something special about you Kyle." He affirms through a more assured look that gives me butterflies in my stomach.

Eric: "Maybe you've got the makings of a great hunter? Or maybe it's just the passion you have for this lifestyle? I'm not too sure yet." I try to hide my blush through gulping down more beer, but the dog only laughs in recognition of my flustered state with a coy wink.

W-why does he keep teasing me like this!? Doesn't he understand I'm... God... I-is he gay too?? I haven't had any reason to believe he is before this...

Eric: "I can't say for sure until I see you in action. But that's my best guess." Eric says through a shrug as his expression shifts into a handsome grin.

Eric: "And if I can help a fellow under_DOG_ like me worm their way into this tournament, then I'm all for it!" His words bring a big goofy smile to my face that I have no hopes of trying to conceal.

Kyle: "Hehe~ W-well, I'm honoured and flustered by your kindness all at once Eric. Thank you~" God, if this is a dream, please don't wake me!

Eric: "No problem!" The canine downs his beer and pulls out another two cans. I quickly struggle down the last half of my own before setting aside the can next to the rising pile at the base of the plastic cooler.

Eric: "Besides. When you're a competitor, you won't need to sneak your friends back here ever again~" I nod sheepishly, and we clang out cans together.

Eric: "Now come. Let's drink and enjoy ourselves. Maybe after hearing about what you've done in survival training, we can go around the camp and see about introducing you to some of the other big shots." I nod even more energetically and practically guzzle down my new beer in anticipation of getting to meet with the other predators!

Eric and I ended up drinking late into the evening before we made it outside. The whole night became a little blurry after that, but I do remember meeting a whole bunch of different people. The most memorable of which was definitely Leo. I vaguely recall seeing Jake positively just as drunk as me, if not more so, clinging to Leo's side as we laughed and chatted away.

Eric became even more clingy as the night went by. And if I wasn't so drunk, I might have even tried to make a move on him. Hehe, I'm actually a little sad he himself didn't try steal a kiss from me whenever he wrapped his strong arm across my neck and pulled me into his side. But then again, it also makes me very happy that he didn't take advantage of someone as inebriated as me. He defiantly has a hunter's heart. Honourable all the way.

Even though the Alsatian drank just as much as me, if not more, he seemed completely composed at all times. Always in control, if a bit more happy than usual. Next to my stumbling and slurred words, Eric didn't even seem tipsy! His tolerance must be much higher than mine. But I guess I've always been a bit of a lightweight with alcohol. My friends always buy me shots when we go out drinking to see how long I'll last. Sadly, I don't at all, and always wind up being carried home by one of them... Lucky perk to being small I guess.

And just like that, my second to last day at the hunter's festival came to a drunken end. I vaguely recall Eric guiding me back to his tent and saying I can crash there. And with the prospect of waking up tomorrow, and getting to see the predators just before they go off on the final hunt, I certainly didn't mind~

And I was definitely too drunk to even think of refusing. Not that I would ever reject an invitation to sleep in Eric Calton's tent after all! What a twist of fate todays has turned out to be. I really am a lucky doggo~ I knew my clumsiness would one day be a blessing! I wonder if my luck will carry on into tomorrow~?

~To Be Continued~