Breeding Centaurs Teaser

Story by Munkus69 on SoFurry

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#2 of Teasers

This is a reupload of a teaser of the story "Breeding Centaurs" which is currently being posted on patreon in a 1 a week rhythm. (The first version somehow ended up on MY journal. I think my tired mind simply went with "ok need to upload this journal entry" and clicked on "journal" The things you do when you are distracted or tired. It is a bugger.)

Currently I am developing that text-based game that i have been dreaming about, which is the reason why there has not been much around from me right now.

I hope that I will have something to show within the next few weeks. Not very good at programming though so... yeah. Need to learn a lot.

This story involves Loki of Asgard from the good old Norse Mythology (the one with the Sleipnir, not the one with horns).

Loki has been asked by Wodan to produce even more specimen of the Sleipnir, which is the fastest horse on all realms. However, Loki is extremely reluctant to go and bed the Svadilfari (Sleipnir's father) again, so he tries to find another solution that would help him produce more of Sleipnir's kind.

Here you can get day 7, which is the third part of the story (It involves so far the Introduction, day 1, day 07 + day 09)

Since the goddess of fertility of Asgard has refused the help, Loki decides to breed one of the Satyrs of Greek Mythology with one of the mares.

If you would like to read more of the story, feel free to check out my patreon account here

Day 07:

All right, here we go. I hit a few snags along the way, but so far everything seems nice and settled.

Managed to capture one of those goat creatures. They seem to call themselves Satyrs. Whatever.

I have acquired about thirty horses so far and came to a deal with someone who controls time. Don't ask what I had to give in return. No, it did not involve pole-dancing. Seriously not!

There are a few gnomes running around the compound to make sure that the horses and their respective offspring are being well cared for and I will not have take care of it anymore.

The safest thing to start with, is probably fertility since it will make the rest of the journey a lot easier. So I started by fetching the goat-boy from his cage. Hit the first snag directly along the way, apparently, Satyrs are a lot stronger and faster than they look like. Must be their goat legs and those stupid looking ram like horns. The latter however, do give a nice leverage to the situation.

Said Satyr was a rather ugly thing. It was dark brown and, like could be expected, he smells severely of goat. Mixed with a rather intense aroma of musk that I find in my current male form as rather repulsive. However I see that females fall for it. Him being partially a goat has endowed him with a rather large set of furry, kiwi sized balls. Also, this creature seems to have an excessive sexual drive.

I saw it jerk itself off several times when he sniffed the mares that were around. Only after about four hours of staying within its cage, I had to move it to a different location because the walls, the floor and even the ceiling were painted white. As well as the area about two steps around his cage. Will have to find a better solution for this individual.

However, it proved to be extremely useful. As soon as I had him firmly by the horns, I managed to drag him over to the mare that I wanted to start with. A light brown mare in the deepest part of her heat. She had been flashing her lips for about two days nonstop. The stallions around her had to be tied down severely after several of them broke out of their confines.

When I brought the Satyr to her, her fur around her cunt was smeared with wetness. When she smelled the deep aroma of musk and testosterone, she went wild. She shoved her ass back so eagerly that she almost flattened him against the stable wall the first time.

But when he had his large, muscular hands running tenderly over her rump, she seemed to calm down a little. "There my girl", the Satyr uttered, as he patted her behind. "Let's get a bit of the edge off, shall we?"

The Satyr bent forward and flicked his tongue over the lowest part of the mare's cunt, causing her to jerk violently in excitement. She threw herself in his face, poking herself in the butt when she hit those large curly horns. "Steady, steady", the Satyr chuckled and pressed his thumb on the point, weary of startling her again.

Once more the mare bucked backward as he used his index finger to slide into her. Another finger went in, then another, until he curled his hand into a fist and slowly applied pressure to her desperately twitching cunt. The mare stepped back eagerly, impaling herself on his arm up to the elbow. The Satyr chuckled throatily and reached in as far as he could. When his shoulder bumped against her backside, he started to pull back with a wet, sucking sound before punching back in.

When he had delivered three or four of those punching thrusts with his arm, the mare grunted lightly and snorted. The faintest bit of sweat appeared on her flank.

"That's it girl," the Satyr murmured as the mare huffed and lowered her head.

I was about to intervene, thinking that the stupid Satyr apparently only knew about masturbating himself or others, when I saw the gleam in his eyes. He looked like a man who has a three course meal of his favorite food just after he broke his fast.

The Satyr's own erection was hard and large. It was shaped like a human penis with a gleaming, bright pink mushroom head, just bigger than I had expected. His strange goat physiology seemed to have blessed him with a dick so broad that his own hand could not wrap itself around and was long enough that he could suck himself off simply by bending forward a little. Smiling, he slapped the large meat on the back of the mare's hindquarters with a sound like he was chastising a slave with his hands. Then with a grin, he placed himself at her entrance and thrust himself into her depths with a wet squelch. He moaned and leaned forward to trap his arms around her flank, tilting his massive meat inside her a little. The mare snorted and spread her legs further apart, apparently pleased with the spot that the mushroom head was hitting.

Grinning like a loon, the Satyr started thrusting himself into her, smacking her large, muscular hindquarters a few times for good measure and causing her to buck heavily. He grunted like a boar as he bred her for all she was worth. Female juices squirted out of her lips every time he impaled her with his mast. They were running down into his dark, shaggy fur and staining it almost black. Clear drops were running down his large sack and the hefty slaps into the female's backside splattered them all over the floor, his own cloven hooves and the underside of the mare's belly.

The footstools were starting to tilt with the power of his thrusts as he rode the female for all she was worth, grunting and cursing. Sweat was running in small rivulets down his body, mixing with the clear femcum of the horse in his shaggy fur in big, glittering drops. The Beast-Man shifted his grip on the mare to use her own legs as leverage for his increasingly more violent thrusts, grunting lewdly as he starts jerking himself off inside her as if the mare was a cocksleeve. His thrusts hard enough to cause the mare to sway forward lightly, grunting softly. He didn't seem to care anymore if the mare had any pleasure out of their union, as long as he got to empty his needy, aching balls into her and pump her full of cum. Growing more and more excited, his thrusts started to become faster and faster, his meaty balls smacking heavily against the mare's belly.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity, he slammed his hips into her especially violently. His tiny tail twitched with every eruption as he emptied his needy balls into the mare, floWodang her cunt with spunk. His hips were still rocking forward lightly with every thrust, making sure to pump his cream as deep into her as possible. Even after that he remained attached to her, his grip firmly locked around her, even though he had stopped creaming her.

Loosing my patience, I decided to intervene. "That's enough", I announced, marched forward and grabbed him firmly by one of his massive curly horns. The Satyr gave a startled bleat as I tugged him off the mare, causing his still erect dick to squelch out of her. Swiftly I replaced his dick with a plug, making sure that his cream would stay inside her where it could simmer and make sure that it took.

Then I led the Satyr away, his rock hard dick bobbing up and down as if it was attached to a spring. "I wasn't done. I usually do them at least four times in a row", the puny beast-man whimpered as I led him off.

"Well, you will not do that here. You have taken far too long today anyway. Time is of the essence. I will have to ensure that you cum sooner next time."

I threw the goat-man back into his cage and locked it magically afterward, leaving him alone in his still rock hard misery before moving back to the female. She seemed a little ruffled after the rough treatment, but keeping in mind that the Satyr was not as big as an actual stallion, I figured that she would probably be fine.

With a sigh I opened my pocket and touched her skin with an ankh shaped talisman. Thanks to my unspeakable deal with the god of time, she would be proceeding through a month of her time each day.

Time to think about how to acquire the other traits.

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