Pyro & Luma

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#14 of A Night She Couldn't Resist



Brooke has never been happier. She recently committed to her first genuine relationship while in her teen years, but once her boyfriend brings home a new pokémon-- a rather dominant midnight lycanroc that takes a certain liking to Brooke upon first sight, it quickly becomes a risky situation she has to make quick and constant decisions on.


Existing; complete stories:


(Male umbreon x fem trainer)

'Cassidy's Journey.'

(Male braixen x fem trainer.))

'All They Knew.'

(Male alolan ninetales x fem trainer.)

'Hidden Lifestyle'

^ Excluding 'Midnight' and 'Hidden Lifestyle,' all three works take place in the same universe.


All NSFW scenes:

Chapter 3: Brooke & Vix. M lycan x F human.

Chapter 7: Brooke & Vix. M lycan x F human.

Chapter 12: Brooke & Vix. M lycan x F human.

~ Non-canon:

Chapter 14: Pyro & Luma. M torracat x F alolan vulpy.

Chapter 15: Brooke & Vix & Pyro. M tycan x M torracat x F human.

Daylight shone through the window to Brooke's room. Luma woke up before her trainer did. She sat up on the bed and looked down at an asleep Brooke while yawning. The reason she woke up so early was that she was in heat. Luma had been through many heat cycles during mating seasons before she was caught but never searched for other pokémon to mate her since she was always so timid. Brooke owning her now made that a lot harder, but she remembered a pokémon that felt something for her at Parker's house a few days ago. Pyro, was it? He was sweet to her that night, and now that Luma thought of him, he had an attractive appearance. She wanted relief for once. Luma lied back on her stomach beside Brooke's face and tucked her paws under her chest.


An entire sleepless hour went by before Brooke finally woke up. "Morning, Lulu... How was sleep?"

Not so good. That's what Luma would say if she could speak.

"I have to help Parker bring in some items from the ferry terminal today. Something from his parents, I think?"

Luma lifted her head. She had to go with Brooke. It would be her only chance to get anywhere near that house. Brooke was getting dressed to leave at noon, and Luma hopped down from the bed this time to let Brooke know she wanted to tag along.

"What is it, Luma? I have to go." Brooke glanced at Luma while fixing her hair in the bathroom mirror. Brooke was rushing again so she wouldn't be late as usual and started to exit her bedroom - but felt her ankle being pawed at. Brooke turned and saw Luma staring at her. "Luma... you can't come this time." At least that's what she stuck to at first but couldn't resist her begging. "Ugh, fine." Brooke swiftly scooped her up and headed to Parker's residence. Parker was already standing outside, and Brooke walked to him quickly.

"...Brooke, you know we can't take her with us, right? The ferry is going to arrive soon. You can just leave her inside. We shouldn't be long."

"Right..." Brooke agreed. Luma would only be extra weight to carry and would slow them down a lot if she were to walk. Brooke set her down inside Parker's house, closed and locked the door, and hastily walked with him.

Luma looked behind at the front door and then at the living room in front of her. She took a few steps toward the couch and was about to sit on the carpet, but then she saw him.

Pyro must have been asleep. He exited the bedroom with sleepy eyes. That was until he saw Luma, then they dilated while he stopped in his tracks. The two pokémon stared at each other for a few moments, and Pyro knew he had to break their standoff. He padded to her, standing a few steps away. Pyro couldn't help but gaze at her face some more. She was charming, and a part of him felt nervous around her because of it.

Luma wanted to seem approachable to him, however, so she slightly grinned at Pyro. It seemed to give him a bit more courage.

He took a few more steps forward and sat in front of Luma. Upon him being in proximity, Pyro came across a unique scent seeming to emanate from her. It was a somewhat sweet, and overall strong aura that was hard to ignore. That was when Pyro realized what it could be. Luma was in heat. He didn't act on how the scent made him feel but leaned in to give her cheek a soft nuzzle with his.

She didn't want to leave all of the interacting to him. Luma placed her right paw forward, giving his cheek an equally affectionate nuzzle and even nudging his furry chest with her nose. Essentially, Luma gave Pyro more access to her by consenting.

He caught on and walked to her backside. He nuzzled his cheek against her right hind thigh, then leaned down and sniffed the small slit between her legs. She was in heat, and Pyro would gladly be of assistance. He could no longer contain himself and pressed his nose against it.

"Vul..." Luma suddenly inhaled and turned red in the cheeks. It brought her a small wave of pleasure that she desperately needed much more of. She raised her rear and fluffy tail upward, her body language begging Pyro for more.

He grinned shyly. He was in the presence of such an adorable alolan vulpix that threw him into a trance a few nights ago, and not only that, but she was willing to let him be the one to relieve her. Pyro stuck his tongue out and slowly lapped at her folds.

Luma closed her eyes a bit while pushing her hips against his wet tongue. It was precisely the best physical sensation she'd ever felt.

Pyro's face was pushed back slightly by her movement, but it told him he was doing a decent job at pleasing Luma. Pyro teased her vaginal entrance with his tongue. He felt her hind legs and backside slightly quiver while he did.

Luma had to start softly breathing through her mouth as the pleasure she experienced hit her in constant waves. It faded in seconds to her disappointment, and she looked behind her to see that Pyro had pulled his face away.

He didn't want to tease her forever; besides, that had aroused him as well. He was already erect for her, an almost average-sized rod just as eager to please as he was.

Luma's eyes fell onto his member quickly, and she felt her face heat up upon its sighting. That was what would enter her? She was glad it'd be Pyro and not a random male. Luma was curious about what resembled mini spikes on his shaft, but she was too shy to ask.

Pyro knew he was bigger and a lot heavier than Luma, so he'd have to be gentle. He raised his right front paw while standing behind her and placed it on her inner thigh. Pyro then gently placed his left on top of her upper back and stepped forward. He'd have to work on not pushing down on her body too hard.

Meanwhile, Luma was currently enjoying Pyro being on top of her in the first place. She felt him tug on her inner thigh with his paw, which dragged her body toward him.

Pyro carefully positioned the tip of his erect member at her slit and glanced at Luma. She appeared to be nervous.

That's because she was. Luma lowered her front half onto the floor and rested her chin on top of her front paws. She kept her rear raised and brushed her bushy tail against his chest to let Pyro know she was ready.

He promptly pushed his hips forward after a second, and a bit less than half of his length fit inside of her because her hymen stopped it.

Luma inhaled upon feeling Pyro's shaft penetrate her narrow entrance, and she was still holding her breath. His size slightly stretched out her vaginal opening, but what Luma braced for was him having to push through her hymen.

Pyro slightly pressed his paw into her back, and with pressure, pushed his hips forward the rest of the way, hilting his length inside of her gripping walls. It was a snug fit. He heard a soft squeal emanate from Luma's mouth beneath, and Pyro knew he had to keep moving. He moved his hips at a slow rate to start, softly murring to himself while watching his firm cock glide in and out of Luma's small hole.

Luma's body was still tense, and her teary eyes winced from the dull pain that continued to be present in mixture with pleasure, but it somewhat subsided in a few seconds of Pyro's shaft being thrust deep into her increasingly wet walls. Her body still stiffened each time Pyro pulled his hips back as the barbs on his tip rubbed her walls. "V-Vpi..." It pained her deeply, but Luma felt enough pleasure to bear with it. As he increased his speed, and because she was lightweight, he pushed her rear forward with his every thrust. Luma's focus fell onto Pyro mating her. "Pix..." she cutely murmured while panting blissfully. She felt his tip hit her cervix.

Pyro huffed while pumping his twitching erection into Luma's constrictive walls with more force as pleasure overtook his mind. Pyro started to pant, and his audibly wet thrusting further aroused Luma. "T-Torra..." He tugged on her inner thigh, and his left eye was completely shut. She was such a tight fit. Pyro knew he'd release soon.

As his thrusting became more vigorous, Luma had to ground her front paws into the carpet to avoid falling over. She winced her eyes, resisting the urge to cry out from his barbs grinding against her walls. Her hind paws practically left the floor each time his hips hit her body, but Luma wasn't complaining. Other than the pain, Pyro was mating her well. It felt like a flame inside her being doused, and she enjoyed every second. "V-pix..." Luma's tongue slightly hung from her mouth while she panted.

"O-Orra..." He pushed his paw into Luma's upper back, spurting more pre inside her as he dominated her. Before he knew it Pyro felt his coming orgasm slowly stir inside him, his thrusts into her luscious pussy now brought her hind paws off the floor entirely.

"Vv..." Luma felt so weak. She'd cum at any given second. Her hind paws curled as Pyro's shaft both massaged and harmed her pulsing walls, and she struggled to keep her quivering front paws grounded into the carpet. Her eyes welled with tears from constant pain that wouldn't fade, but Luma didn't want Pyro to stop. She'd done well at keeping it to herself.

His murrs grew louder, and after a few more thrusts, Pyro thrust deep into Luma as a powerful orgasm hit him, pushing his hips against hers. "C-Cat..." He humped his hips against her rear while hot fluid filled her and marked her as his.

The pain and delight brought Luma to a strong orgasm of her own. She desperately pawed at the carpet as if trying to cope with such a sudden and extreme onslaught of pleasure, her hind legs trembling.

Pyro and her stood there until they recovered. He unmounted her, feeling Luma tense in response. He lay on the carpet with her and spooned his warm body around Luma while giving her head a few loving licks.

Luma leaned her back against him and closed her eyes. She felt very safe snuggled with him, and after letting Pyro mate her like that, Luma didn't doubt she'd very quickly begin to fall for him, though she didn't know how much she could endure of the barbs on his member. Perhaps she'd get used to it one day?

How She Feels

Brooke pulled her skirt up and adjusted her clothing, then straightened the blanket on the bed and headed into the living room with Vix trailing behind her. Brooke let Luma out of her pokéball and woke Pyro from his catnap. "Hungry?" She grinned and...

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"Luma... Luma, wake up. It's time to go." Luma opened her eyes and saw Brooke standing over her. She was already dressed. She wore the pink shirt chosen the night before and a short black skirt that cut off halfway down her upper thighs. While Luma...

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