SWAT KATS! "A Hot Day In The Hangar." Part: 1

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This is the first of two parts in this hot, gay, "Swat Kats" story.

I hope you enjoy!


"A Hot Day In The Hangar."

Part: 1

By: Axle Furret

This story takes place in the "Swat Kats" comic/cartoon universe.

Contains: Male, Male/Male, Gay, Gay Relationship, Oral, 69, Sweat, Musk, Underwear Fetish, Briefs, Thong, Swat Kats, Kat, Feline, Competition, Rule 34, Jake Clawson, Chance Furlong

It has been a week-long heatwave in the metropolis known as Megakat City and its surrounding areas, including the salvage yard where the vigilante heroes Jake "Razor" Clawson and Chance "T-Bone" Furlong, also known as the Swat Kats, stash their custom-made "Turbokat" jet and underground headquarters. A heatwave would not usually be a problem for these intrepid heroes, but the massive air-conditioner used to cool their underground hangar had catastrophically failed during their last sortie to save Megakat City, leaving the two kats with limited options to cool down as they wait for parts or their next emergency mission.

Jake Clawson sighs in satisfaction as he closes the belly panel of the Turbokat fighter jet. He stretches out his slim, ruddy-orange-furred body and flicks his fluffy tail about happily to the side as he lies on the wheeled mechanic's creeper under the jet. "Well... Finally finished that upgrade!" he says proudly to himself as he tosses his wrench into the nearby toolbox before wiping his dirty handpaws on his oil and grease-covered mechanic's coveralls. He looks up at the front of the jet from his spot on the ground, where his partner, Chance Furlong, is still working away inside the cockpit above. From the sound of grumbling and mumbled cursing, the larger feline seems to be struggling with some sort of mechanical or electrical problem, but Jake can't quite tell from his spot under the jet. It doesn't really matter though; it's not like they have any real missions scheduled for the time being anyway. They're just making the most of their downtime by repairing the Turbokat until their next big assignment or emergency arrives, which, as has been their usual luck, will be sooner rather than later. He decides it would be a good idea to see what Chance was up to in the cockpit as he slides out from under the jet, hops up onto his feet, and deftly clambers up the side of the Turbokat using the built-in steps and handholds.

Chance Furlong, the larger, more muscular, yellow-furred, and brown-striped kat of the team, is sorting out a tangle of wires, sitting down cross-legged on his usual seat in the cockpit with his head bowed forward, looking rather dejectedly at this particular wire bundle. He's still wearing his signature blue and red striped Swat Kat flight suit, but with the top half unzipped and tied around his waist, leaving his broad, muscular, bare furry chest and arms exposed. It was already rather hot in the hangar from the main air conditioner going out the day before, and being in such a confined space wasn't helping much with the heat either. Needless to say, he was sweating a fair bit as he struggled to trace a few melted wires behind one of the panels. A small bead of sweat rolls off his nose and drips onto the floor below him as he struggles to untwist them all enough to get a look at them. He sighs in frustration when he realizes he won't be able to do so without further disassembling the whole panel. "Dammit! This crap can never be easy!" he grumbles before glancing over his shoulder toward Jake, who has made his way up beside him. He gives the smaller male a slightly flustered grin. "Hey there, furball, you finish that engine upgrade already?" he asks, turning his attention back to the mess of tangled wires again.

Jake nods enthusiastically at him. "Hell yeah! It didn't take as long as I thought it would," he says as he enters the open cockpit and hops onto his usual seat behind Chance, looking over the larger feline's shoulders while placing his hands on the back of Chance's ejector seat. "Need any help there, big guy?" he asks enthusiastically. "You know how I love fixing things," he chuckles lightly while rubbing the back of his own neck his right handpaw, trying his best to not just take over, since Chance wasn't exactly the best at electrical repairs.

Chance smiles softly and shakes his head. "Nah, don't worry about it, Jake, it's just a few melted wires from that overload that nearly knocked us out of the sky... But it's so damn hot in here, it feels like I have sausage fingers!" he complains, wiping his forehead with the back of his beefy arm before reaching down to grab the wire cutters sitting on the seat between his legs. He gently bites his tongue and squints his eyes in concentration as he tries to cut out one of the melted wires, but he can't seem to keep a good hold on them as they slip out of his paw and clatter onto the floor in front of his seat. "Damn it! Arrgh! We need to fix the freaking air conditioning!" he exclaims in his momentary defeat. "It's too damn hot to get anything done in here!" he says as he slumps in his seat, trying his best not to punch something.

Jake chuckles as he pulls a pair of wire cutters from his coveralls and leans over the seat to help the big sweaty kat cut the melted wire. "Hey, I can build and fix a lot of things, but that stupid-huge compressor pretty much disintegrated while we were out the other day. It's still going to be another day or two till the replacement parts arrive... And besides, we could always get out of these clothes and go commando; maybe it wouldn't feel so bad then... Hell, you're already halfway there, tiger!" he says playfully with a mischievous grin as he snips through another wire for Chance.

"Oh yeah? Well, I think you just want to see me getting all hot and sweaty in my undies again!" Chance says with a chortle as he starts splicing in some new wire, grabbing the wire cutters from Jake to carefully crimp on a new wire connector.

Jake, still grinning, exclaims playfully, "Hah! I sure wouldn't complain... Flaunt what ya got, I say!" He teases as he pulls out yet another pair of wire cutters from a pocket and begins fixing another of the melted wires. He drapes himself over the back of Chance's seat to get at the bundle of wires better, feet off the floor and kicking behind him while he affectionately rubs his ear and the side of his head against the larger male's neck.

The fur on the back of Chance's neck stands on end, sending a pleasurable shiver down his spine. He moans softly and begins to purr at Jake's touch. "Mmm... Yeah... That sounds like a good idea... And it's not like anyone else would see us," he admits with a deepening purr.

Jake smirks as he continues to work on the wires over the bigger feline's shoulder. "Heh heh... You still wearing those tight red and blue 'X-Treme-G Flyboy' undies, with the bulgy horizontal-fly pouch upfront I got you for your birthday?" he asks teasingly.

Chance blushes slightly at the mention of his favorite underwear. "Uh-huh... Best undies ever! I wouldn't fly without them... Why?" He asks sheepishly, trying to hide the growing bulge in the crotch of his flight suit by leaning forward toward the mess of wires in front of him, causing Jake to wrap an arm around his back and slide down a bit more, practically upside down now with his feet in the air and tail flailing about wildly above as he is pulled over the back of Chance's seat and down the larger male's bare-chested frontside.

Jake's face was mere inches above the larger kat's groin now, and he could clearly feel the warmth radiating from the fabric of Chance's flight suit. "Mmmph... This heat is really making me thirsty," he says, wiggling his eyebrows playfully up at Chance.

Chance laughs at the smaller male's antics. "Alright, I get the hint. This would be a lot more fun if we ditched the outfits," he says, still chuckling. "But hey, only if you insist..." he says teasingly as he helps Jake up and back behind him.

The slim feline grins as he stands back on his seat behind Chance again and quickly starts unzipping his coveralls. "Oh, but of course! I insist wholeheartedly! I insist to the fullest extent that can be insisted upon," he teases, "Let's get these off so we can get the right kind of hot, eh buddy?!" Purring happily as he slips the zipper down past the waistband of his blue and red pouch thong, revealing the bulge of his thickening furry sheath and rather nicely sized balls behind the clingy fabric of his underwear. He then slips his arms out of the coveralls and lets them fall to the floor of the cockpit to step completely out of them.

Chance watches the slim, ruddy-orange feline stripping in one of the cockpit rearview mirrors, smiling as he starts to unzip his flight suit. "Oh! The red and blue thong again? You only wear that when you're horny and want to get me all riled up!" he says with a laugh as he pulls the zipper on his flight suit down quicker, exposing his team-colored bulging briefs while watching the smaller male behind him.

"Well, it's supportive and comfortable," Jake chuckles, "And also... Yes and yes, to those other two parts!" He says this while striking a silly little sexy pose for the bigger male to see in the mirrors, sticking out his butt and arching his back while raising his tail up behind him, trying to look like a sexy Air Force male pin-up model.

Chance shakes his head, laughing as he watches Jake posing like a sexy wartime pin-up model. "Dude, you are such a nut sometimes..." he says playfully as he slips out of his flight suit, lifting his rear off the seat to get it off his muscular ass and legs, revealing those tight red and blue bulging 'X-Treme-G Flyboy' branded briefs. The pink, bell-shaped head of his rather large cock is already sticking out of the horizontal fly in the form-hugging undies. "Speaking of nuts... Are you sure you want to do this in the Turbokat again? There are still some crusty buttons and stains up here from last time," Chance says, looking over his shoulder with a sly grin as he reaches forward to rub a crusty, flaky spot of dried-up cum left on a panel from the last time they got a bit frisky in the Jet.

Jake shrugs. "Eh, we can detail the cockpit later, when it has cooled down a bit... Now, let me get a good look at that hot joystick of yours! I haven't had a chance to check its wiring yet and push all the right buttons," he teases as he drapes himself head first over the back of Chance's pilot seat again and slides his way down the larger feline's chest to that hot, bulging crotch of Chance's. The smaller kat growls playfully as he sees Chance's thick, dickhead already poking out of the fly-pouch opening in the front of those tight undies. "Oh, it looks like someone is prepped for action already!" he says with a smirk.

Chance grunts as Jake flops over him. "Hey! Watch it, buddy!" he says as Jake slides down to his crotch, chest to chest, upside down, in a vertical 69 position. The slimmer kat rests his knees on Chance's shoulders for support, while the larger feline helps Jake move around a bit until Jake's bulging thong pouch is right in front of Chance's face, staring directly at the smaller male's not-so-small package. He couldn't help but take a deep whiff of his partner's crotch, pressing his nose against Jake's bulge and purring softly as he inhaled the sweet, masculine, musky scent coming off of the smaller male's groin. He gladly nuzzles the slim feline's quickly plumping furry sheath through those skimpy, clingy blue undies... Holding Jake by the hips, he pulls the ruddy-orange feline's crotch in closer to rub and kiss with his nose and lips.

Jake growls softly as he pushes his bulging thong into Chance's face, moaning a bit as he begins to nuzzle the bigger feline's quickly growing erection with his snout and furry cheek. "Mmmm... Oh, man! Your cock is absolutely soaked in pre!" he moans as he runs his rough tongue tenderly along the mushroom-shaped glans and delicious flesh of Chance's lengthening shaft from tip to base, giving the larger male's swollen cockhead a few quick licks before returning to give the sensitive underside of the sweet pulsing shaft a few loud slurps too. He then kisses Chance's muscular inner thighs and abdomen as he continues licking and sucking on Chance's rapidly swelling prick, slurping loudly on it between kisses and nuzzles. Of course, making sure not to forget to give Chance's hefty dangling balls a good lick and nuzzle now and then through the fabric of those Flyboy briefs.

"Uhhhhhnnnnggghhh... Yeeeessss!" Chance moans deeply as Jake's warm, wet mouth sloshes all over his hard, throbbing erection. His eyes roll back into his skull as he feels Jake's skilled, rough tongue working its magic on his thick member, slowly licking up and down his now throbbing-hard, veiny, pink cockmeat in long, slow drags, paying special attention to every little contour and vein of his pulsing shaft with each pass. As Jake's expert tongue works its way down to his heavy sack, Chance groans aloud, "Awwwww yeahhhh..." as he leans back on his seat, enjoying Jake's talented tongue bath of his cock, feeling his big balls being lovingly kissed and nibbled on, occasionally getting a nice firm squeeze or pinch from Jake's paw.

The larger feline gently nips at Jake's scrotum through the thong once in a while, just enough to make the smaller male yelp in surprise and moan out with pleasure as Jake's cock quickly fills out the front of his form-hugging, thong underwear. Already forming a wet spot of precum in the fabric over the head of his now straining cock.

Both males are rather gifted size-wise down there, with just around eight inches in length each, but Chance's big pink member is quite a bit thicker than Jake's own. They'd always joked about who was more hung, ever since they started fooling around back in their Enforcers days. It was usually pretty close, though, but Chance seemed to win over Jake in terms of sheer girth. They are quite proud of how well-endowed they both are, and this was likely one of the big reasons both males were so confident in their day-to-day lives. Sure, Chance might be the expert pilot, but when it came to packing heat between the sheets, the smaller feline had no trouble keeping pace with his larger partner.

Chance's heart beats faster as he feels Jake sucking on his thick prick, taking the larger feline into his silky mouth, and wrapping his hand around the base of his shaft, holding him firmly inside the warm, slippery cavern of his cock-hungry mouth.

The smaller male pulls the fly opening of Chance's briefs down to help get those big, furry nuts out of their confinement, giving them a good, firm squeeze when he does, eliciting a deep groan from the larger male. Jake pants heavily through flared nostrils as he leans his weight back onto his forearms, arching his back a bit more to allow Chance easier access to his bulging thong, and relaxing a bit as he suckles on the head of Chance's throbbing manhood.

Chance eagerly takes advantage of that momentary relaxation and presses his muzzle tightly against Jake's furry inner thigh crease, pushing his nose up under the elastic and pouch of the smaller male's thong, moving it to the side, and rubbing his nose and whiskers all across Jake's upside-down furry ballsack, giving them both an intense tingle throughout their entire bodies. He then gives his friend's fuzzy testicles a couple of playful licks before shifting his head down a bit to give the underside of Jake's veiny shaft a long, toe-curling lick, from the glans to the plump furry sheath at the base, even slipping his thin, rough tongue into the smaller male's sheath to lap at the sensitive, hidden cockflesh within.

Jake shivers and shakes as Chance teases him and begins licking his painfully hard erection with that amazing tongue. And, indeed, Jake's toes curl as he lets out a steamy breath around the larger male's meatpole buried in his muzzle. A shudder goes through his frame as the Chance's tongue swirls around the underside of Jake's throbbing boner, causing a strong twitch of excitement to go through him as he starts breathing heavier. He already felt like he could blow his load at any second, just from the heat and sweet masculine scent of their two sweaty bodies alone.

Chance shifts his grip on Jake's hips, using one paw to hold the smaller male steady while he wraps his fingers around the base of Jake's shaft with the other, squeezing it tightly and tugging it towards himself with a soft moan. He angles the lithe male's hot kat-missile at his mouth and opens wide to swallow the whole thing in one go, taking every glorious inch into his hot muzzle until the head of Jake's cock is tickling his tonsils.

Jake purrowls out in a surprised yelp of pleasure, closing his mouth over the larger male's straining cock and noisily slurping on it. He bobs his head up and down with short, rapid thrusts, his throat muscles flexing and clenching involuntarily as he tries desperately to accommodate the girth and length of Chance's massive pole sliding into his throat each time he buries his snout against the larger kat's groin.

"Ahhhh!" Jake moans out loudly around the large male's dick as Chance's agile tongue swipes across his engorged knob, swirling around the sensitive corona and making Jake's toes curl again as his tail poofs out in excitement. "Nggghhh... Nngghh... Mmmmph!" he gasps as Chance keeps his lips tightly wrapped around Jake's throbbing rod and begins vigorously pumping his mouth full of his friend's huge dick, sucking hard and fast on the smaller male's twitching meatstick. Jake can feel the pressure building up in his balls as Chance's cock throbs and leaks its sweet precum into his mouth, and he knows that if Chance doesn't let up he'll climax way before the larger feline. It was taking all the willpower he could muster not to blow his load first... But holy crap, Chance knew how to service Jake's cock like a pro!

Both males continue sucking each other off like this for a few minutes, slurping, sucking, licking, and jerking each other's twitching, precum-leaking cocks, trying desperately to get one or the other to cum first.

Chance began to grunt and moan more, his balls tightening as he felt a massive load building up in his heated loins. "Uuungh! Oh crap! I'm gonna cum!" he exclaims as he involuntarily pulls away from Jake's pulsating prick with a slick slurp and gasp, a strand of Jake's clear precum stretching between the smaller kat's cock and Chance's lips as he sits bolt upright in his pilot's seat and throws his head back in an almost lion-like roar, while every muscle in his body goes tense as his cock spasms and rockets out the first massive glob of steaming-hot, sticky, white sperm! Shooting out the tip and blasting into Jake's muzzle with enough force and volume to make Jake's cheeks puff out with the mouth-flooding eruption of cum!

Jake barely manages to catch most of it in his mouth, gagging a bit as a good portion squirts out around his lips and leaks down over his nose and all over Chance's balls. He lets out a muffled groan, doing his best to swallow the warm liquid spurting into his throat, chugging as much down as he could before the next blast would hit, savoring the flavor and texture of Chance's creamy seed mixed with the faint taste of his own saliva that lingers on his friend's big, throbbing shaft. Gagging and sputtering slightly, just as he gets one payload of cum swallowed down, there is another right after it, and then yet another... Over and over again! Jake is completely overwhelmed by how abundant Chance's thick, gooey loads are, quickly filling his mouth and running along his upside-down muzzle and nose, dripping from the corners of his open, panting mouth, and spilling all over Chance's crotch and the seat beneath them.

Chance groans and grunts with each powerful rope of cum he shoots into his partner's muzzle. But he wasn't finished; even as his pulsating shaft was blasting out the last few spurts, he quickly takes Jake's wet, precum-leaking cock back into his muzzle, sucking on it like an industrial vacuum all the way down to that plump, furry sheath at the base, making sure to give Jake a nice big final load in the process.

"Mmfph... Mmmmppff..." Jake groans out through his cock-stuffed mouth as Chance pushes out one last glob from his orgasm while the larger male continues to suck and slurp on Jake's cock like his life depends on it.

Jake eventually stops sucking on Chance's beautiful cock, purring while he lovingly cleans it off with his tongue. That wet member slips out of his mouth quickly when he gasps at Chance's renewed focus on his throbbing shaft. "Ahhhh! Oh, man! WOW!" he moans out loudly, having to grip the larger male's thighs as he groans and purrs more, burying his snout in Chance's cum-soaked balls as electric jolts of pleasure shoot up and down his spine, visibly causing his tail to poof up again and the fur along his spine to stand on end. His heart races as he is quickly brought back to the edge of release once more by Chance's skilled cocksucking. His toes curl as he feels the younger, larger male's hot breath and muzzle pressed against his upside-down furry balls. This, along with the warm, slick sensation of Chance's rough tongue sliding up and down the length of his tender, throbbing cock, paying special attention to that sensitive frenulum under his glans, causes Jake to find himself, once more, rapidly approaching the brink of climax, moaning lustfully as he suckles on Chance's balls like a thirsty kitten.

Chance works Jake's cock like a professional porn star, sliding his lips up and down the shaft, occasionally pausing to run his tongue all around the sensitive corona surrounding the bell-shaped head of Jake's cock, even poking and prodding the smaller male's precum-leaking urethral slit with his dexterous tongue whenever he pulls back far enough. He grunts softly as he feels Jake sucking on his sensitive testicles, making Chance slurp harder and faster until Jake starts to buck and wiggle his hips forward suddenly.

Jake couldn't hold back any longer; Chance was just too damn good at this! Jake lets out a surprise and delight-filled cry, "Ooohh! CUMMMINNNNGGGH!!" He practically screams as his tail and toes curl and his body starts to go stiff.

With a quick yank, Chance jerks his face away from Jake's crotch, gripping the smaller male's hips with one hand and pulling back from his lover's swollen, leaking cock so that he can wrap his lips firmly around the swollen glans and begin furiously sucking on the tip like crazy. He begins to jerk the base of Jake's shaft with his free hand, while bobbing his head back and forth, loudly slurping on the big, swollen crown like he's about to receive the nectar of the gods. And boy, does Chance love the taste of his best friend's seed as the first blast rockets out of the smaller male's eight-inch member. Not only is it thick, salty, and delicious, but it always gives him such a rush of pleasure knowing that he is the reason for his beloved partner getting so riled up to reward him with that hot man-butter. He swallows down the first load eagerly, moaning happily as he tastes his lover's potent cream mixed with the subtle flavors of his spit and precum. He gulps down the next load of Jake's hot jizz, sucking it into his waiting maw with a greedy slurp as he continues to stroke the rest of Jake's swollen, twitching cock, eager to get every drop of that salty, sticky stuff into his belly as he sucks on his friend's cum-blasting meatpole like a straw.

"Oh fuck! Yeah! Uuhhhnnn! Ahhhhhhh!" Jake growls out as his cock throbs inside Chance's talented mouth, shuddering as waves of pure ecstasy wash through his whole body, causing his cock to twitch and jerk wildly in the slightly younger male's hungry maw with each load as Chance sucks hard and deep on Jake's cockhead, eliciting a soft, high-pitched mewl from his lover as Chance makes sure not to spill a single drop in the process.

After taking care of those initial shots, Chance is happy to see that Jake still has plenty of juice left in his balls. Taking advantage of that fact, he leans forward some more so that he can take Jake deeper into his throat, allowing the entirety of the smaller male's cum-squirting cock into his muzzle and throat, not stopping until his nose is pressed against Jake's tight, furry nuts. He makes sure to work his tongue all over the sensitive area below and above the head of that cum-gushing cock as it makes its direct deposit right into Chance's swallowing throat, over and over again.

Jake's body finally starts to relax as the last few spurts of his hot seed are pumped down Chance's gullet. The intense sensations coursing through him start to subside, leaving behind a pleasant tingle in his groin and lower abdomen as Chance gently suckles on Jake's now-spent cock. The larger male's purrs vibrate his sensitive member as Chance cleans off the excess mess with his tongue while keeping Jake's member trapped between his lips and his cheek, using his lips and cheeks to massage and tease the now hyper-sensitive shaft with his mouth as he laps and suckles on it.

Jake nearly squeaks at the over-stimulation, unable to resist pushing back against Chance's firmly sucking muzzle as he tries to pull away from that talented cocksucker, but Chance holds fast, determinedly refusing to let go of Jake's softening prick, continuing to lick and suck on his lover's sensitive manhood. Jake groans out in frustration and whimpers weakly, "Uuuuugh... Fuck... Oh god, SCHTAAAP!!! Mmph! No more! I yield! I yield!" he pleads softly with a whimper, trying desperately to pull away from Chance's silky, hot muzzle but being held captive by the stronger male's grip as Chance continues to slurp and suckle on the softening glans of his now limp cock, causing Jake to spaz out and twitch involuntarily from the over-stimulation.

Chance chuckles heartily as he lets Jake's deflating kat cock pop out of his mouth, kissing it one last time before licking his lips clean and smirking at the upside-down male. "You yield, huh? You know that means I get to pick what we do later tonight!" Chance says with a smug grin as he lets go of Jake's hips, allowing the slimmer male to flop over into the foot well of the cockpit, where he lands heavily against the foot pedals there, causing the twin rudder flaps of the Turbokat's tails to go to the right. Chuckling as he pulls the horizontal fly of his briefs back over his cum and saliva-soaked balls.

Both kats are drenched in sweat, and their impromptu vertical 69 did nothing to alleviate the heat in the hangar and just ended up making them hotter... But damn if it wasn't fun!

Jake laughs as he looks up at Chance from the nook under the flight control panels. "Yeah, yeah... Those are the rules... But I'm not putting on a skirt and playing personal cheerleader boy for you again!" He teases with an amused chuckle as he gets onto his knees, reaching between his legs to pull the bright blue thong back over his furry sheath and nuts.

Chance grins. "Hey, you don't get a choice; maybe this time I'll get you some pom-poms too," he says with a teasing snort. He then sniffs the air in the warm hangar and quirks a brow, lifting his arm up to sniff at his armpit, before wrinkling his nose and saying, "Ooof! Oh dude... I smell like a week-old jockstrap right now! Woooo!" He complains playfully as he scrunches up his face and tries to shake the scent from his senses, waving his hand around in front of his face for emphasis.

Jake laughs at Chance's antics. "Yeah, I'm smelling a bit... Ahh... Ripe, too... Let's get this wiring fixed and hit the showers! We don't need to musk up the Turbo Kat. Again," he says teasingly, slinking out from under the controls and standing upright. He stretches out a bit and adjusts his underwear back into place before grabbing the wire cutters and electrical repair kit from the other side of the cockpit to get back to work.

Chance smirks, "Sounds like a plan to me!" he says as he stands up on his seat next to Jake, resting his firm, underwear-clad ass against the headrest to give Jake room to work as the smaller kat begins to effortlessly fix the electrical problem that was plaguing them earlier. He folds his muscular arms over his broad chest and watches the other kat work, reaching down to grab his own crotch, readjusting himself in his cum-damp Flyboy briefs as he glances around the large, sweltering underground hangar. "Why did the A/C have to break during the freaking summer?!? And a heatwave no less?" he says, grumbling. "Nah... It couldn't have been during the winter when we don't need it, and waiting a few days for parts is no big deal," he groans sarcastically while sweating. He glances back down at Jake and growls playfully as he ogles Jake's fine ass in that bright blue thong. "Mmph... Nice view though," he says with a chuckle as he playfully swats at Jake's fluffy tail tip.

The two males continue working on their custom-built jet... Well, mostly Jake does the work while Chance enjoys the view and makes it take longer than it should.


SWAT KATS! "A Hot Day In The Hangar." Part: 2

SWAT KATS! "A Hot Day In The Hangar." Part: 2 By: Axle Furret This story takes place in the "Swat Kats" comic/cartoon universe. Contains: Male, Male/Male, Gay, Gay Relationship, Underwear Fetish, Briefs, Thong, Locker room, Showering,...

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Clyde & Ollie: "In A Van Down By The River" Part 3

"Clyde & Ollie: In A Van Down By The River" Part 3 Clyde & Ollie Series Story #4 By: Axle Furret \*\*Story Contains: Male/Male, Gay, Gay Relationship, Size-Difference, Age-Difference, Character Development, River Otter, Stallion, Foreplay,...

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