THE HUNT: Day Three

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#7 of Vore Stories

This story is about an aspiring survivalist who attends an annual festival he has been watching online for years. By some stroke of luck, fate smiles upon the runt of a coyote and answers his prayers to finally attend "The Hunters & Predators Tournament!". In a world where 15fteen foot gryphons and hunky himbo beastmen attend this event, what will happen to this little woof~? Did fate truly lead him to this isolated mountain retreat? Or was it something more... Sinister~?

Listed tags are for the entirety of ALL NINE DAYS of the story


By: Phamyne Plaguox

[WARNING! Contains: Male (???) on Male (Coyote) Oral Sex, Supersized Cocks, Cum Play, Second Person View Hard & Soft Vore, Non-Consensual Cock Vore, Soft Vore, and Asphyxiation (Fatal), and is not suitable for minors.]


My eyes flutter open tiredly, light greeting me as the sun kisses my cheek and a soft breeze ruffles my whiskers. I clap my dry lips before yawning widely as I look up through the branches. But realisation quickly sinks in.

IT'S MORNING!?!? I shoot straight up in-between the shrubbery like a feral meerkat and look around for any sign of trouble before sighing out in relief.

Kyle: "Fyewf... I'm all alone." I mutter under my breath to myself and sink into the plant a bit more with heavy shoulders.

???: "Well... I wouldn't exactly say you're completely alone~"

Kyle: "AAAIIIYYYEEE!!!" I jump out from my crouching position like a spring-loaded coyote as I scream, moving to run forward as I land on my feet, but trip in my still half-awake state and slam into the ground hard!

Groaning in pain as I pull my muzzle from the grass, I roll over to meet the voice who startled me and yelp in the sight of Ryan towering over me! The nearly fourteen-foot black gryphon is looking at me with his deadly yellow gaze that burns like fire, and as he moves to speak to me with that same arrogant yet smooth and sultry tone of his, it's almost as if he's trying to serenade me into a state of complacency with it.

Ryan: "Well, you were rather easy to find~" Every strand of my fur puffs out at his wake, making me feel like a plushies as I gape in horror. I quickly find myself crawling backwards on my paws and away from him without realising it, ripping out grass with as I kick into the dirt frantically and fearfully.

Ryan: "Now now. No need for that. You're not my prey today little dog." My racing heart comes to an abrupt stop with those words. I remain frozen in this moment where he is leaning over me and I am look up to him in doubt. Gaping at the gryphon in mistrust for a full minute of petrified terror, Ryan still doesn't make a move to strike out and kill me. At the realisation of my momentary safety, at least from him, I promptly collapse into a spluttering pile of whimpers and cries as I pant through rattled breathes.

Kyle: "F-f-fuck..." Tears stream my face as I gasp for each breath. My heart is pounding so heavily in my chest that it is actually moving me around with each powerful convulsion. My whole body feels light and prickly as I stew in the adrenaline rush that fear brought. I almost feel out of body while I lay here and wheeze on my back, staring almost mindlessly up at the blue sky. I'm half torn between feeling relieved and being sceptical of his words, but after another full minute or two of steadying my racing heart where the overgrown bird still chooses not to attack me, I peek at the gryphon warily. He seems to have moved to sit down on his hind legs, looking almost bored by my near heart attack. Ryan side eye's me as I stare up at him before choosing to speak once more.

Ryan: "So. You really think a couple of thin bushes are enough to hide you from hunters like us?" I take a moment to continue inhaling the crisp air as I regard him uneasily.

Kyle: "I... I couldn't keep going. I was just so tired that I passed out." Using my shaky arms to push myself up off the ground, I shimmy myself away from him. And heaving one last breath, I look up and get a better look at Ryan.

The large gryphon before me has smooth pitch black fur and glossy feathers as dark as a moonless night. From what I remember reading about Ryan online, he is half raven and half black panther. The gryphon is around four metres tall and is pretty sleek looking. His fur and feathers reflect the sunlight as they lay almost tautly against his athletic build, displaying his well-trained muscles. His chest alone is just a little broader than a single bed!

But it is his eyes which are the most prominent. They are an almost golden shade of yellow, lurid and sharp with a killer's passion. His beak gleams in the sunlight, much like his avian like forelegs, both wreathed in in shiny black, latex like skin, edged with voracious talons which practically call out with bloodlust. Behind him is a nimble feline tail which sways curiously in tandem alongside his wondering eyes as his long and pointed ears flicker at the slightest of sounds. Despite his murderous intent, Ryan is by all means a very handsome fella. His features are sleek and well pronounced. And dare I say, even charming with that cocky look permanently etched on his face. A look that defiantly translates into his tone. Suave and arrogant. He defiantly lives up to his linage and could probably seduce anyone with just one, seductive gaze.

Ryan: "Hmm..." He hums sonorously in his throat while looking to the side and I take this chance to come into a fully seated position as I warily watch him. This feels a little awkward, but if he is not about to snatch me up, I need to take this time to rest a little more. My body is evidently still sore from yesterday.

Ryan: "It's not the fairest of means that we keep you unfed and crated for an entire day before unleashing you into an open field, forcing you to either run throughout the night or surrender your lives to both fatigue and ultimately us. While we sit comfortably back at the camp, feasting and resting for the hunt ahead." I blink in surprise, his words shocking me as they are dangerously close to what I was just thinking. What's with this guy?

They black hybrid tilts his head to the side and observes me for a moment longer before laughing mirthlessly through an amused expression.

Ryan: "Hehehe, don't look at me that way. I believe our roles should be balanced to some extent. Shouldn't we both be equally rested and pumped up before we begin the chase?" I furrow my brow in response and shake my head.

Kyle: "You're fucked up man. How can you talk so plainly about something so horrible? This isn't a game. You're fucking with our lives!" He blinks at my retort in surprise before looking over my shoulder and to the forest with an apathetic expression.

Ryan: "It's the nature of life, is it not? The big eat the small, the strong hunt the weak. Everywhere you look, it's the same thing. Whether it's out here in nature with the plants or wildlife, or back in the city where beastmen fight for dominance and power over one another." He returns his blithe gaze upon me.

Ryan: "What's the shame by indulging in the hunt with similar such ethics?"

Kyle: "Uhm... Because it's fucked up? Cruel and barbaric? And not to mention very illegal." I huff out indignantly as I frown at the gryphon. Strange enough, I still haven't gotten up. While I don't trust this overgrown pigeon at all, this moment of rest is well deserved. But just thinking this tells me I should be moving on and not wasting my time trading words with Ryan. If he is all the way out here, chances are my hunter may not be far behind.

Ryan: "Hmm... I suppose I can see your reasoning to some extent. But I cannot deny the call of the hunt, nor the thrill of it which feeds my soul~ It's an addiction that I'll never be rid of and a vice I am more than happy to bear until the end of days." I roll my eyes in response and am about to get up when Ryan suddenly lunges forward! He cuts the distance between us lightning quick and sets his large taloned claw on top of my chest! I am about to shout out, perhaps to scream my last dying breath as I realise he was deceiving me this whole time, or bark out in protest of his tainted touch, but he interrupts me faster than sounds can form in my throat.

Ryan: "Shh!" I don't understand why I obey his shushing, but I do start to grab at his claw in a vain attempt of removing it while shooting him a dirty look. Was this his plan all along? Pretend not to be my hunter then pounce on me!?

Kyle: "Get off of-" I cut myself off this time as I hear, and even feel, the approach of loud footfalls! Before I can even hone into where they originate from, Ryan is on me! The massive gryphon jumps on top of me, pressing his broad chest into my face and covering me beneath his bulky mass!

Kyle: "!!!" Before I have the chance to protest or even fight back, Ryan lowers his feathered body into me, fully encasing me with his paws and claws on either side of my body! He is keeping most of his weight from crushing me into the ground, but completely shields me from all light and most importantly, air!

My muzzle is smooshed into his feathers and keeping me from breathing properly! I am about to yell out that he is slowly suffocating me, but the sudden sound of a muffled voice speaking from beyond his plumage has me all but swallow down my words as I halt my breathing.

???: "Aah, Ryan. Taking a break already I see? Don't tell me those old bird bones of yours are tired already?"

Ryan: "Heh. Nothing wrong with taking a breather every now and then. You might not know anything about pacing yourself, but you should really try it."

???: "Hmph! You're going to let your prey get away at this rate." I can't really tell who the gryphon is speaking to, but his voice sounds kinda gruff.

Ryan: "I've circled all along the forest and I'm certain they are somewhere within. I've never lost my prey and don't plan to." The other voice moves to reply but cuts himself off on the first syllable. His stilted voice is quickly followed by the sound of him sniffing right next to my face!

???: "Hmm.... I can smell my prey is nearby, he must have come through this way..." My heart literally stalls in my chest as I lay completely motionless beneath the gryphon. My racing mind frantically comes to the conclusion that the beastman sniffing around is more than likely my hunter! I-is this why Ryan is covering me up?? He was talking about things being even and fair before... So maybe he wants me to have more of a chance to get away? I stop fighting with these thoughts as the other predator speaks up once again.

???: "You see anyone pass through this way?" My skin prickles as my throat tightens while I and my supposed predator wait on Ryan's response.

Ryan: "Hmm... Can't say I have. But do you really think I'd help in make things easier for you~?" I deflate under hearing these muffled words, but am still conscious enough not to breathe in too heavily, and thank god I don't, because I hear that same sniffing noise sounding out even louder and closer than before! It sounds like he is right next to my face! I stop breathing all together as time seems to slow down with each deliberately measured inhale. My mind races with the thought that my hunter only needs slip to his paws beneath the gryphon and I would easily be found. I become dizzy on the image him ripping me to shreds before eating my flesh. But fate would smile upon me as I hear the face pull away and growl out, sending time reeling forward once more.

???: "Grr... Can't smell anything but your feather butt!" I hear him spitting to the side as if trying to physically get the taste from his mouth.

Ryan: "Ha! Don't mock the musk till you've tried it friend~!"

Now that he mentions it, I did notice Ryan's smell is a lot stronger than a normal beastman's, and I don't think it's just because he is bigger. I'm pretty certain it's a gryphon thing. Much like mustelids, Gryphon have smellier scents. Without fear completely overwhelming me, Ryan's smell becomes more prominent. His musk is particular spicy, like nutmeg but rich with hints of pine wood and fresh milk. There is however a heavy masculine tone underlying all of this that I cannot deny. It's salty, earthy and very animalistic. Kinda reminds me of that otter I once knew. Strange enough though, within these complex scents I can make out something almost sweet, like violets or some type of field flower.

???: "Grr... Whatever. I've wasted enough time here. Try to take a bath so you don't alert your prey to your presence, feather butt."

Ryan: "Honour in the hunt, brother." Ryan remarks snidely, complexly ignoring the jab at his stench.

???:" Yeah, you too." I listen to, and feel, as the other predator is once more dashing off. Hopefully far away from here and in another direction.

I lay completely still beneath the gryphon for what feels like ten minutes, but can't have been more than two, before my need for fresh air gives out and I start to struggle against him in an attempt to get him off. Ryan obliges without much hassle and casually stands up. I instantly jumped from beneath him and lurch to my knees, spitting out the taste his feathers left on my tongue.

Ryan: "Sorry about that. Just be glad you didn't get any of my fur in your mouth. From what I've been told, it is practically seeped in my divine flavours~" I scrunch up my face as I look to him in disgust before standing upright. And brushing the grass from my legs, I stare him down indignantly.

Kyle: "What was... Were you protecting me...?" I ask suspiciously, squinting my eyes as if it would help me identify this bird's objective. He nods in response before sitting once more on his haunches. I can't help but notice the spot where I once lay, surprised he was so gentle about it.

Kyle: "..." This guy... What the hell is wrong with him? His attitude has done a complete one-eighty since we last met...

Ryan: "What? Don't look at me like that. I already told you I believe in a fair hunt." I take a step further away from him before shaking my head. Not in scepticism of his ethics, but for how fucked up this whole situation is.

Kyle: "Well... I can't believe I'm about to say this, especially to someone like you who shouldn't ever deserve to hear such kind words, but... Thanks." The corners of his beak twitch into a crooked smile as he nods once more.

Ryan: "You are most welcome Kyle." I scowl at him, moving to ask why he knew my name, but remembered that whole interaction with Eric in the tent. So instead, I just shake my head once more and look to the forest behind me.

Kyle: "You mind telling me which way he went?" The large hybrid cocks his head to the side in an almost cute expression of confusion, one than doesn't fit his demeanour, but a moment later and Ryan starts chuckling in a way much more befitting of the murderer that he is. I strangely feel better hearing this laugh than watching him acting like some family pet.

Ryan: "Now that is something I would consider cheating, little dog~" Hearing him call me that again has me bristle, but I remain quiet as I watch him look to me for a moment longer before peering over my shoulder with a faraway look.

Ryan: "Trust in your heart." I roll my eyes and huff out a breath.

Kyle: "Pfft, yeah right. Whatever." This guy acts all kind and virtuous, but in reality, he is just some fucked up monster who eats people. I don't know why I'm still wasting my time trading words with him.

Kyle: "Well... See you in court." Ryan looks to me with genuine surprise for a moment before chortling in his throat congenially.

Ryan: "I like your determination Kyle. Perhaps you will see me in court after all. But if not-" The mighty avian stands up and spreads his massive wings to either side and looks to the sky for a moment before sparing me one last glance.

Ryan: "Honour in the hunt little dog." And just like that, he practically pounces skyward, soaring up with a speed I've never seen before. He spears himself high into the blue sky and through white clouds before disappearing out of sight.

Kyle: "..." What a fuck up... I WILL see you in court! Just you wait! I'm going to survive this and expose you sick fuckers once and for all!

Looking out towards the forest once more, I feel my determination to survive rising and my confidence building as I clench my paws into fists.

I decide after another moment of contemplation to walk down along the treeline for a few metres to the right before heading inside. Hopefully I don't run into that guy Ryan was protecting me from...

A few hours pass by silently as I trudge through the woods. It's much more humid than I imagined, but thankfully the forest isn't too thick. Though, there _are_concentrated areas where the foliage is clustered together. I make sure to walk in the more open areas as to not tire myself out climbing through bushes.

Thankfully I haven't run into anyone else, nor even heard a sound that tells me they are near. It really feels like I'm completely alone out here. But the fur standing up on the back of my neck tells me otherwise. The hunters are out here. Somewhere...

All seven predators are busy tracking us, right this very second... That realisation is harrowing and puts urgency into my steps the more I think about it. Did we all make a break for the forest? It's the only thing on the other end of that field behind me after all... Did we all even make it to the forest? Perhaps the other prisoners took off to the farthest points where the mountains flank the valley and started climbing? No... That would be a stupid idea. Other than the festival grounds, there isn't anything else up here, even they must know that. They had to have come this way...

I sigh out as I start to feel my hunger pains return and slow me down a little. I really need to find water today if nothing else. I am so parched...

Carefully, I make my way forward between the trees, keeping close to the shrubs and bushes in case I need to duck and hide. My ears have been strained this whole time, perked and alert for any indication or sound. A crunch of the leaves, a shifting in the dirt, a brushing of a branch. But all I can hear are my own foot falls and the stifled breathes I heave as I march onward.

I can't afford to run now, I need to be smart about how I go about surviving out here. With no supplies, I really have to rely on nature and nature alone. In some weird way, I've been training for this all along. I wonder if that's what they were hoping for by choosing to abducting people from their site?

Thinking back to everything I have ever read about surviving out in the wilds, all of it seems absolutely useless to me right now. Remedies for cleaning wounds, tricks on filtering water or even that "How to" on building a makeshift tent, none of it is exactly going to help me find food or water, let alone survive these predators... Finding food is going to be especially hard with so little variety in plants out here. Leafy bushes, spiky shrubs, twiggy sprouts. These are the majority of plants I've seen so far. And I have yet seen a single trace of feral animals out here. Not a den, not a burrow, not even droppings. Neither could I catch one without tools anyway... The predators really couldn't have chosen a worse place to dump us. Or... Is that exactly why we have been sent here? It's not like they expect us to live...

I sigh out as I try to clear these dark thoughts from my mind. I wish I read up more on how to survive predators, even if that would only apply more to the feral kind of predator. But instead, my head is swimming with ways on how to track animals and what plants are forageable. Urg... Typical.

But I'm still keeping my eyes peeled for anything that seems familiar or that rings any bells regardless. Wild berries, certain shrubs, rabbit holes, bird nests, even insects are on the menu if I become desperate enough. There are a lot of different plants out here, but nothing really stands out.

Hehe... Thinking back to that survivalist I used to watch "Gill the Bear", he would always go on and on about how "Pound for pound, insects have more protein than meat!" urg... But the memory of him nomming them up is more than enough to dissuade me from considering eating insects. I shiver as I recall his slurping up those cricket legs like chicken wings.

Shaking off those thoughts for now, I try to keep my spirits up. "I can do this!", "I can survive!" I chant these words in my head as I keep my eyes alert, and my ears raised. I've trained for this. I can make it out alive!

It is much later in the afternoon when I find myself walking just as blindly through the forest as before. Still no water, still no food, still just me. I took one break about half an hour back, but as I sat there, I thought I heard something behind me, the sound was enough urge me to keep moving forward despite my fatigue. I am still very tired, but I keep pushing on. I just have to find-!

Kyle: "I-is that..." I freeze in my tracks and strain my ears a little more. My nose twitches as I pick up the very distinctive scent of moisture in the air. The taste of it causes my mouth to salivate and my legs to move on their own in the direction my nose is leading me.

Please please pleeease be water! I rush through the foliage and break through the other side of heavily clumped bushes. Landing on my feet, I look up and see a small glade, no more than fifty feet across. It's heavily shaded by the towering trees and bathed in the dying beams of light that dance across...

OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! Without thinking, I jump forward and practically shove my face into the water! I quite literally inhale the liquid and have to slow myself down when I begin to choke. But after gasping for breath, I quickly resubmerge my entire snout in the pool and drink more than my fill, only calming down when my throat is completely saturated. Finally, I pull back with a sigh as droplets fall from my furry chin and onto my bare thighs.

Kyle: "F-fuck..." I sit up straight and use my paws to cup water this time, making sure to keep my pace steady as I overindulge on the heavenly liquid. I start to feel a relief like I have never known before. Water has never tasted so good in my entire life!

After a moment longer of drinking, I start to realise where I am quenching my thirst. Sadly, it only seems to be a pond and not the river I was hoping for. But my senses catch up with me and I pause in my next pawful as I look to the undisturbed pool before me. Shit... I remember reading that so long as the water is moving, it is usually pretty safe to drink. But this water is as stagnant as the forest is quiet. It is however, pretty clean looking... A spring of sorts then? It tastes fine... I take another experimental sip and clap my tongue against my pallet as I take in its flavour. It tastes alright... I think? Dammit! I hope this doesn't make me sick and I wind up dying from cholera or something even after escaping this place! Ha, wouldn't that be the biggest joke...

After drinking one last uneasy sip, I rest on my haunches to observe the glade. The pond is so heavily surrounded by trees and that I can't make out much past the shrubbery. I don't feel safe out in the open like this, but I am reluctant to leave this water behind... I don't have anything I can carry more with me, and none of these leaves seem suitable for folding into a makeshift flask...

Fuck... I slowly get to my feet and look down to the water contemplatively for a moment longer before steeling my nerves and turning around to run back where I came from, but as soon as I turn around, I rush right into something furry, and very much solid!

I bounce off it like hitting a brick wall covered in fur and am sent slamming backwards into the grass, hitting my head hard on the ground! My temporary confusion is drained from me as I realise someone has found me. I look up in horror and see Leo towering right overhead! My heart stops right then and there. I am about to open my mouth and scream for what would likely be my last breath in this world, but the lion is too fast. He jumps on me and wraps his paw around my snout while completely immobilises me with his remaining limbs! Legs tighten around my thighs as his other arm pins my shoulders to the ground! Leo's large frame completely smooshes me to the earth!

Leo: "Tshh tshh tshh~" He shushes me with a vacuous timber, one that swallows me whole. I use my paws to slap at him with my remaining mobility, but he only bares his weight down on me more profoundly and further crushes the air for my lungs, instantly halting my efforts.

Leo: "Hey, HEY!" His slightly raised voice gives me a fright and the lion looks left and right before smiling down at me with a lecherous grin.

Leo: "Now. I'm not here to hurt you kitten~ In fact, I'm here to help you." He exclaims in a soft tone while smiling devilishly at me. All I can focus on however is his fang filled grin that has the blood in my veins stall.

Leo: "But if you scream, you're going to chase away the other prey, and then I'll have no reason to help you when I lose my target, you get that, don't you~?" His sultry words, which are enunciated with a very iconic lion growl in each tone playing across his lips, calm me down from my raging panic as I hear him state I am not his target. As soon as I stop squirming beneath him, his grin becomes even wider and his weight eases from me slightly before he continues.

Leo: "Now. You're not going to scream. Right~? I might just have to punish you if you do kitten~" The lion says through a very stern, yet playful expression, almost as if he was begging me for the later while threatening me to obey the former. Leo's silver eyes bare into me like twin moons bathing me in a heinous light. A tainted, evil light that seeks to devour my soul. He easily forces me to completely submit to him, I go utterly limp and idly nod my agreement.

Leo: "Good, goood~ Now remember. Shh..." Leo says while raising a clawed finger to his lips and making a shushing motion as if speaking to a kid, before he gently releases my muzzle from his large paw and stands up nimbly.

It's only now that he is towering over my chest that I get the full image of the beast who just pounced me. For one, Leo is completely shitless and in only a pair of black shorts. The lion above me is around eight feet tall and build like a shit-brick house. Muscle upon muscle line every inch of his frame to the point that I can even see the veins protruding from beneath his golden coat of fur.

He bears a devilish smile as he stares down at me admiring his form, going so far as to flex for me. His full, carefully groomed rust coloured mane only adds to amplify how sexy he is. Leo has always been eye candy out in the field when I'd watch him online, and up close, it's even more intoxicating. He could make any guy out there drop their pants with a single word if he so wished. He's just got this charm to him and the perfect body to match his arrogant grin.

I am about to open my mouth and speak, but I am once more silenced as he offers a paw to help me up. I look to his outreached fingers, his pink pads appear soft and welcoming, but I ignore it and shuffle back from the Leo in the process of getting to my feet. He said I wasn't his target, that means I'm not his prey... Right? It doesn't seem like he intends to hurt me...

Leo: "Now. While you're gallivanting out in the open like a kitten asking for a handsome mug like mine to sink his fangs into your succulent flesh, you might want to think twice before you do something so careless again. Unless of course... You're looking to be ravaged~" He is speaking in hushed, sultry tones that practically purr form his lips. Besides it being a voice you would reserve for lovers in bed after sex, it does cause me to keep my own voice lowered.

Kyle: "Uhm... I-I needed water." He smirks at me, baring his white fangs in a wicked wry smile as his voice threatens once more to beguile me.

Leo: "Took your sweet time doing so kitten~ In and out, as fast as you can. You don't have time to traipse around like that unless you're looking to get devoured~" As he speaks, the lion moves backwards while making paw gestures until he comes to a cluster of bushes close to the pond.

Leo: "Right here-" He says while crouching down at the water's edge, half shielding himself behind some of the foliage as he keeps his eyes on me.

Leo: "This, right here, is where you should have crouched." Getting to his feet once more, Leo dusts off his paws as he watches me. I hesitate for a moment, but I move to his side behind the cover and spare a quick look behind us at the open area of the pond. As I turn back to face the lion again, I find his naughty grin having grown more overbearing, it forces me to take an additional step away from him and into the shrubbery.

Kyle: "Why... Why are you helping me?" Looking up at the large cat, he bares his gleaming fangs for me once more in a most lecherous smile before practically purring his next words.

Leo: "I've _always_enjoyed hunting prey that is smart~" Leo says while placing a very heavy paw on top of my head and sensually runs his fingers through my headfur. I don't even have time to pull back before he did.

Leo: "And you seem like you'll do just about anything to survive as long as possible kitten~" Wh-why did he phrase it like tha-

Right as I was questioning his phrasing, I notice a particular bulge in his black shorts and am cut off midway through my thoughts. Even though the situation I find myself in is completely perilous, I can't help but blush and avert my gaze as my eyes had started to trace along the curve of his erect lionhood beneath the soft fabric. Unintentionally measuring him out.

Leo: "Heh, you scared of my hard-on now kitten~?" Leo moves to wrap an arm around my back and pulls to press me against his well-defined body. His stiff cock immediately jabs into my stomach as he starts to rub himself along my naked form before I can even protest.

Leo: "You seemed more_than interested in it the night before when I went to take a piss~ I bet you'd loved to have been beneath me as I unleashed my golden stream _all over your pretty little face and mark you as my own, hmm~?" I try to pull away from him in revulsion at his words, but Leo's grip is too tight and despite the depravity spewing from his mouth, the dominating way in which he is speaking down to me is sadly turning me on. But one thought stands out and I speak up before my sheath can plump up too much.

Kyle: "I-I'll scream if you don't let me go." His poking of my stomach with his erection ends almost immediately. But in the same instant, his razor like claws unsheathe themselves from his fingertips and start digging into my fur. Leo prickles at my skin with his sharp, needle like claws, almost threatening to pierce my flesh as he growls his obvious scorn at my threat. But a moment later, I feel them retract as he relents through a displeased grunt.

Leo: "Hmph. You're a cocky little kitten. You're very lucky I don't show you your rightful place by having you scream my name." Leo lets me go reluctantly and I immediately take the opportunity to take a few extra steps away from him while still keeping hidden in the shrubbery.

Kyle: "Now. Why are you trying to help me? And don't tell me it's because you're expecting some quick blowjob or something. Because that's not going to happen." The lion snickers a silent laugh before shaking his head and winking.

Leo: "Heh. This-" He says while shamelessly grabbing his crotch suggestively.

Leo: "This is a result of hunting. Whenever I'm on the prowl, my hormones rage and _TWO_beasts awaken in me~ One you just had the pleasure of feeling pressed up against your cute little belly~" The lion says through a lascivious lick of his soft lips.

Kyle: "Hunting ... Gets you hard...?" I ask in disbelief, feeling nauseous even as I say those words. At least... I hope it's just the words and not that questionable water I drank that's making me feel sick...

Leo: "Heh. Well I am well known for having a... Particular taste in my targets after all~ Let's just say... I like to eat my prey... Cream filled and wriggling~" My mind instantly goes to Jake and my scowl deepens as my voice raises.

Kyle: "What do you plan on doing to JAKE!?" He reacts in kind, face becoming furious as his voice deepens threateningly in a way I've never heard from him.

Leo: "I'll RAPE him till his ass bleeds if you speak loudly again." The fury behind his silver eyes fills me with almost as much fear as the threat.

Kyle: "..." Sh-shit... He just riled me up and I couldn't control my voice...

Leo: "And just for your information, your little friend isn't my target this year. As much as I'd like to fuck that tight pucker of his till he's coughing up my cum, he sadly belongs to someone else. So stop crying like some spoilt housecat." He grunts dismissively with his arms crossed over his broad chest, looking almost like an unruly child who didn't get their way.

Kyle: "B-but.. I-I heard you only like hunting felines...?" I felt dirty just saying that, and it is not made any better by the lecherous look dawning on Leo's face.

Leo: "You been listening in on tales my conquests, huh kitten~?" He purrs and licks his lips seductively while looking to me with renewed lust.

Leo: "Well sure. I do_have a thing for felines. Eating their flesh just seems to empower me more than any other species does. I could go into the details of how devouring your own kind feeds not just your body but your _soul. However, I doubt that's something you'd enjoy~" Thank goodness he seems to have_some_ sense in him...

Leo: "But nevertheless. That black kittycat is sadly not my mark this year." He says with a quick wave of his paw as if swatting away a fly before licking his lips as his tone becomes even more sultry than before.

Leo: "There is this cute, shy, little lion cub running around out there this very instant~ The poor things mane hasn't even come in yet~ I can practically hear him calling out for me to pounce on him~ MROWL~!" The lion bares his fangs while massaging his erection through his shorts. The disgust I feel while witnessing this is almost enough to make me throw up.

Kyle: "What do you want from me?" I say tersely, already done with him and this conversation. If he's just going to stand here fondling himself, I'll leave.

Leo: "Ahw... You're really no fun at all, are you kitten~?" What the fuck is wrong with this guy!? I'm finding it harder and harder to contain my anger with how childish he is acting.

Kyle: "No. I'm just a bag of walking bones to you guys, of course I'm not fucking fun right now." I say sarcastically, but only seem to widen his smile.

Leo: "Nwah~ It's not like that at all kitten. Promise! For you see... The bones are for dessert~ You'll never know how erotic it is to suck the marrow from the bones of someone you just fucked rotten. Umph! No amount of debauchery can match it~!" I grit my teeth and put everything I can into not swiping at this guy.

Kyle: "What. Do. You. Want?" I glare, seething through my teeth, and to my amazement, the playful expression falls from Leo's face as he instantly seems bummed out. But that look is short lived and soon replaced by a completely impassive expression.

Leo: "So listen kitten. You need to eat, drink, shit and piss, right? Places like this one that I've just shown you? They will be your biggest ally while doing all of these things." His whole demeanour has changed. He almost seems bored while telling me this through lazy paw gestures.

Leo: "But keep in mind that if your take a leak or a crap, your hunter is going to know where you might have gone based on the smell you leave behind." The lion says this while crouching down and digging his paws into the dirt before raising to his feet with two pawfuls of mud, letting them drip between us.

Leo: "And no. I'm not insinuating this is what you do with your shit." He jokes through a bored eye roll and skew smile.

Leo: "You see kitten, you gotta be cleaver. So if the smell you leave behind from what your body expels isn't bad enough a risk to you, then your natural scent is something even more dangerous in telling us your location." I furrow my brows and raise my arms to smell myself, but Leo continues before I can.

Leo: "Nah, you can't smell it, you should know that." Err... I guess he is kinda right... I know smelling my own scent is almost impossible, but our senses aren't as strong as our feral counterparts either. He can't seriously be insinuating they are able to track us on our smell alone... Right?

Leo: "What I'm trying to say with all of this is that you need to cover your tracks. Take a dump in a hole and cover it. Same with piss. And while you're at it, cover yourself in mud to hide that musk you have going on. Honestly, I smelt you before I even spotted you." I scrunch up my face at his crass words.

Kyle: "Mud... Really?" He rolls his eyes for me before tossing the pawfuls aside and wiping his paws clean on the tree beside us.

Leo: "Yeah "Mud" pshaw! It'll make you much harder to track kitten, trust me. I smelt you a few metres away before I found you sticking out like a sore tail."

Kyle: "You... Might have a point." I feel like an idiot for not thinking of something like this in the first place. They have obviously trained their sense for years to accomplish things like this, of course they can smell me! And they did take all of our clothes... And didn't that dragon guy say they gave the predators "Samples" of our scent's? Urg... I can really be an idiot sometimes.

Leo: "There you go kitten~ Take my advice if you want to make this fun for everyone, okay~?" Leo says while patting my shoulder amicably and smiling at me as if he were some proud parent who just taught his kid to cross the street safely. I just scowled up at his stupid face.

Leo: "Hey. Are you going to keep making that sourpuss face at me or do you want a final piece of advice before I go?" Goddamit... I do my best to put on a smile. I know it comes off as fake, but Leo still smiles at it, his tail swishing behind him as he pats my shoulders with both paws a little more forcefully before gripping me ever so slightly.

Leo: "There's not a lot of food out here, right?" He says while leaning in almost conspiratorially and gesturing around with one paw.

Leo: "Well... I mean, you guys are out here... But you can't very well eat each other, amirite??" Contain your smile Kyle, just ignore the sick fuck and gather what information you can before this idiot dashes off.

Leo: "Anyway. So yeah. Frogs." He in says conclusion while finally releasing me and standing akimbo with that same proud fatherly look.

Kyle: "... Frogs?" I respond in disbelief, the lion on the other hand nods energetically before counting off on his fingers.

Leo: "Frogs, lizards, squirrels, worms, bugs. Whatever your grubby little paws can get a hold of!"

Kyle: "You... Want me to eat... Frogs?" Leo sighs and looks to me with an irritated expression at my deadpan delivery.

Leo: "Look kitten. It's that or starve. When last did you eat, hmm?"

Kyle: "Well... I kina ate a head of grasorum yesterday? Or well, I guess earlier this morning before the sun rose."

Leo: "Oh damn! You at that horrible thing?" He asks while grimacing.

Leo: "Never been one for my veggies. Always been more of a meat man myself! You ever tried eating penis? And I don't just mean sucking it! But actually eating it? I'd take dick over sausage any day! And the best part is that it comes with free eggs!" He laughs while puffing out his chest as if that were the funniest dad joke of the year.

Leo: "Anyway. Just try it kitten. There are bound to be a frog or two in this here pond." The lion says while jabbing a thumb over his shoulder before walking passed me and in the opposite direction.

Leo: "And take that mud bath sweetheart! You'll thank me later~!" And with that, he pounces once more into the bushes and is off on soft feet into the forest, leaving me behind without being able to get a single word in.

Kyle: "..." All these goddamn people... They are all freaking crazy bastards! I collapse to my knees and cover my face with my paws as I contain the urge to just scream out in frustration. Taking a few deep muffled breathes, I find my rage slowly sizzling out, but before I can even pull my paws from my face, I hear a distinctive "Ribbit!". And looking down beside me, lo and behold, a frog has hopped his way out of the water not two feet from me.

Kyle: "..." Please tell me this isn't some sign from the universe...

The black spotted green toad at my side is about the size of my paw and very slimy looking. What Leo said is really weighing on me as I watch the little guy eying me off with his brown eyes almost curiously. I don't have many options for food out here, and I can't just hope I run into another one of those plans...

Spying the frog, he seems almost completely unaffected by my presence, that, or he just doesn't care that I'm chilling out by his pond. I gulp and shake my head. You can do this Kyle... It's going to be disgusting, but you can do this!

Kyle: "You can do this." I say to myself before lunging to the toad with both paws stretched out and snatch him from the ground with hardly any effort!

Raising him to eyelevel, he hangs limply in my grasp, one leg kicks out beneath him as he makes another "Ribbit!" before looking at me with a face that practically screams "You want some bro?". I can almost hear the stoner voice inside my head as I look into his beady little eyes.

A shiver of disgust runs down my spine as his body is far more slippery than I imagined, it's almost like holding a giant, wet and wriggling snarly. But I quickly swallow that down and look around before smiling to myself.

Kyle: "Perfect." There is a largish stone right next to me, so taking one last look at the poor toad weakly kicking his legs in my arms, I steel my resolve.

Moving to grab him around both legs with one paw, I release his body from my grip and don't waste the momentum. I swing him with all the might I can muster and mercilessly slam his face into the rock with a resounding "THWACK!". He goes limp immediately, but I slap him into the stone once more for good measure before raising him to dangle in front of my face.

Kyle: "..." Good. He's dead... I'm sorry little guy, I had no choice...

Closing my eyes and saying another apology for my merciless act, I grab both of his hind legs with either paw and rip one off as quickly as possible before just sticking it in my mouth and chewing on the wet end.

I am so very hungry that I should not care that I have a frog's leg sticking out my mouth, but this is even more disgusting than I thought! If I wasn't completely starved, I might just have thrown up! The texture is like... Chicken. But like, if a chicken lived underwater and made little tadpoles. Like a fishy kind of chicken without any of the seafood flavour. Maybe more like eel. I had unagi once and it tastes kinda similar.

I use my fangs to peel the flesh from his bones and just swallow it without chewing, and as I do, I find the aftertaste lingering in my mouth to be surpassingly much better than my initial assessment. It's actually not as bad as I though. And it really does taste like uncooked chicken! Almost...

After going in for one more bite of his leg and raking my teeth along his bones, I swallow down the last bit of leg fat before moving on to rip off his other limbs and one by one, clean the bones from his savoury meat. I start developing a taste for it, for by the time I finish off the last leg, I find myself shamefully licking his slimy juices from my lips, actually drooling in anticipation of eating his body. He tastes good and I want more!

So sticking the limbless frog into my mouth, I waste no time in biting down on half of his body and he immediately EXPLODES into a messy spurt! I quickly stuff his entire body inside my maw and try to not waste any of his delicious fluids. His insides aren't as good as his legs were, they almost have a sour taste to them, but they are still good enough to make me moan in delight.

I quickly slurp and chew him up as quickly as I can, drinking his juices as I continue to manoeuvre him around in my mouth. Ripping his flesh from bone with my sharp teeth, I swallow it down in clumps before I start to pull bone by bone from my mouth until all I can feel is a glob of what remains of the once arrogant toad. Swishing around his flesh and fat inside my mouth, I make sure there are no more bones before gulping down the last of his remains with a resounding sigh. I stifle a few coughs as he tickles my throat and quickly take a few mores sips of water before looking around at the treeline as I lick my lips.

"Don't stay in one place for too long." That stupid lion's words ring out in my head, and I hit myself mentally for agreeing with his logic.

Kyle: "I've got to keep moving." I whisper to myself as I look around.

But first... I dig into the pond with my paws and pull out some mud before hastily applying it to my body as best as I can. I find it much easier to rub in than I imagined, and once satisfied with my makeshift anti-predator repellent, I give myself a nod before taking note of my surroundings one last time.

Kyle: "..." Alright. Still alone. But I should keep moving. I feel almost instantly better with that frog in my belly, if a little sad that he had to die for me to feel this good. Taking one last sip of water, I make my way back into the forest to where I was before finding this place and continue my journey.

I have been carefully making my way through the woods for a while now. Thankfully I haven't run into anyone else. I've been even more careful after speaking to Leo. Despite the horrible presentation of his words, the advice the lion gave me is really good. I may have even thought of the things he said if I wasn't under so much stress and actually thinking straight.

I have become increasingly tired over the course of the day and now that night is once more upon me, I don't want another occurrence like what happened yesterday to sneak up on me. I can't just keep going until I collapse and hope no one finds me. Look how well that worked out this morning...

So after walking for a little while longer, I find two trees close enough to one another that look perfect for me to start a makeshift hideout. It takes me around another hour of gathering branches and vines, to uproot bushes and collect everything else I could use for cover, before building my little tent that will effectively hide me from view. Honestly, I feel pretty proud of it.

I found some big elephant leaves that make a nice little bed and the bushes I uprooted and set on either side make it look pretty natural. Walking by from afar to test its genuinity, I don't think even these seasoned hunters would be able to tell it's a tent!

Climbing into my little hideout, I cover up the one side again with the bushes before settling on my back and covering myself with two leafy branches.

Alright... Tomorrow I need to see what I can do for food and water again. I don't think it would be a good idea to backtrack for that pond again. I just hope going forward is the better idea... I can't really tell if I'm even going in the direction of the river, but my instincts haven't failed me so far.

I yawn and rub my eyes. I hope tomorrow will be as easy as today was. In all seriousness, while today was a complete fuckup of a day, it could have been much worse. But I am surviving a lot better than I thought would.

I can't keep my eyes open any longer and sleep steals me away from the world like a thief in the night, robbing me of the the light from my eyes and sending me into slumber...

~To Be Continued~