Good Order And Discipline
A short story about Echo and Kikao. I think this one will be mostly canon. But I definitely need to get off my ass and write actual stories for these characters, rather than lewd one-offs. Anyway, hope you enjoy.
Alex stretched her arms up into the air with a yawn as she sat up in bed. There was a slight popping noise as she arched her back, followed by a sigh of relief. From this position, the toned, white-furred abdomen of her naked figure was highlighted in the dim lights of her quarters. She worked hard to maintain her figure, but it had it's costs. She was still sore from yesterday's workout, and tired too. After getting out of the dust shower, she had immediately sprawled out on her bed and fallen fast asleep, not even bothering to put on any clothes.
But she'd be starting her shift on the bridge soon, so it was time to get up and make herself presentable. Still, she wanted some breakfast first, or at the very least, some coffee to wake herself up. Glancing at the clock, she saw there was plenty of time to head down to the mess room and grab a bite. Still groggy from her slumber, the painted dog stood from her bed and looked around for something quick she could throw on. She'd actually get into real clothes once she had her daily dose of caffeine. For now though, she settled for the simplicity of a black skirt and a pale blue blouse, not even bothering to button up the top before she shuffled out the door to her room.
She stepped down the metallic corridor of her ship as she navigated to the mess room, her eyes squinting in the harsher light as she slowly began to awaken. Her state of dress was rather... improper, especially for a starship captain. But it was her ship, and she could do what she wanted. Her shirt still hung open, barely hiding her modest breasts, and she hadn't even bothered to slip on any panties underneath her skirt. In part, due to how tired she was feeling right now. But also in part, because she knew Kikao or Magellan might be around. She wasn't averse to teasing them every now and then, and her dreams last night had left her more than a little aroused. The dog's heat cycle had started a few days ago, and while it could be suppressed with her birth control, there was always still a slight increase in libido.
Her mind wandered, and she began to imagine how Kikao might respond seeing her like this. Kikao was her XO, the ship's second in command, and a very close friend from their time serving together in the ISC. He was always so curt and reserved, and ever the professional. Though he did let his guard down on occasion, particularly around close friends such as herself and Dust. She imagined he'd probably reprimand her, saying how she needs to set an example for the rest of the crew. Maintain good order and discipline. And she'd give him the usual response, saying she was the one in charge, and he needed to loosen up a little. It was an exchange that happened frequently. Or maybe, she'd finally break him. Maybe, at the sight of her, he wouldn't be able to help but grab her, turn her around, and bend her over. Take out his frustrations for all the work she made him do, and...
"Easy girl," Alex said to herself. She shook her head, clearing the dirty thoughts from her mind. Normally her heat didn't affect her this much, but it seemed this cycle was coming on a little strong. She needed a clear mind if she wanted to remain alert on the bridge. The infamous Caldera Fleet seemed to have it out for them in particular, so pirates were always a concern when traversing the deep blackness of open space. And technically, they were also still on the run from the law themselves. Wanted criminals. The captain shook her head once again, this time in disappointment rather than to clear it out. While most bridge watches were uneventful, there was a lot that could potentially go wrong. She was definitely going to need to do something about her urges.
A set of cool gray doors stood before the painted dog, barring her way further into the ship. But her pace didn't let up as she strode down the hallway, and with a subservient hiss, the doors slid open at the last second for the starship captain. Now a little more awake, she strode into the mess room which lie beyond, eager for something to eat and start her day. Her eyes quickly scanned the room, and the first thing they were drawn to was Kikao leaning against the counter, his head bobbing to some unheard music as he munched on a bowl of oatmeal. Speak of the devil.
"Morning Kikao," she said as cheerfully as she could manage. A smile parted her lips, her sharp canines glistening in the light.
"Morning Captain," he replied with a nod. Always so formal, as expected. But the wandering eyes didn't escape Alex's attention.
"You're looking a bit... comfortable this morning, Ma'am."
Alex knew exactly what he was insinuating, but she chose to ignore it. She gave a great, exaggerated yawn instead, "Ah, ya, was feeling a bit tired. The workout yesterday was rough." To emphasize her point, she stretched her hands above her head and and cracked her back yet again. She made sure to arch her back and jut out her chest, causing her nipples to peak free of the blouse for only a moment. "I could use a little something to wake me up before my shift." She was half-tempted to throw him a wink at that, but she wanted him to catch on of his own accord. "I'll got get dressed once I'm not so groggy."
She seemed to be having the desired effect. Kikao's eyes lingered on her body, and he subconsciously licked his lips. She stepped deeper into the room, making her way directly past him. Her tail swooshed just under his chin, wafting her heat-laden scent over his nostrils. This really was a good opportunity to clear her mind, albeit in a different way, and she wasn't going to let it pass.
Just as she had earlier, Kikao abruptly shook his head, vainly attempting to clear his head. "Echo," he said, using her familial callsign. "You really shouldn't be walking around like this. It's not setting a proper tone for good order and discipline."
There they were. The exact words she was expecting. Kikao was always the professional, and always the one making sure things went smoothly. You would think with as paranoid as he sometimes was, he wouldn't be so socially predictable. Perhaps a conversation for later.
"What? You mean my clothes?" She lifted her tail and twirled a full 360 degrees about a paw. The motion caused the frills of her skirt to flay up into the air, giving the stern XO the barest of glimpses at her pert cheeks and glistening nethers. "You know I picked this up at the last station. I thought you'd like it."
But she otherwise ignored his comment and moved to the pantry, studiously searching for the instant coffee as she bent over. The skirt was short enough, that she was certain she was giving him a good view. It was a confirmed a moment later when a she heard a low growl from his direction.
"Alright, fine," he said. "I know a bitch in heat when I smell one." He was already walking up to her from behind, and Alex gave a squeak of surprise as he gripped tightly around her hips. He manhandled her over to the table in the middle of the room.
"Kikao, what are you doing?" she exclaimed as she playfully struggled in his grip. The XO was a bat-eared fox with a much smaller build than the painted dog. There was no doubt in either of their minds that she could take him in a fight. But... she wanted this to happen. It was playing out just as she had imagined earlier, and a wicked grin broke out across her face.
The fox unceremoniously shoved her front end down on the table, giving her ass a firm grope as he did. Fortunately, there was zero clutter to get in the way. It wouldn't be good to have loose items about in a spaceship which might have to suddenly pull maneuvers. Despite Kikao's warnings, and her own proclivity to have some fun, the captain did run a tight ship. The crew was well-disciplined and maintained an orderly vessel.
"I'm about to put you in your place," Kikao growled in Alex's ear. He slid a hand up between her thighs, feeling how moist she was getting from the rough treatment. Slick, womanly juices were already beginning to leak from the painted dogs most intimate parts, her body becoming receptive to the strong male atop her. Seemingly satisfied with what he found, the XO kicked off his own shorts and positioned himself behind her.
"Kikao, no. You can't!" the captain cried out. She wiggled her hips enticingly and attempted to press herself back into his crotch. "Weren't you just talking about good order and discipline? What if the crew saw you like this?" She tried to angle her hips as best she could to give him access, relishing in the feel of his rapidly hardening member pressing up against her lips. "As captain of the ship, I'm ordering you to stop!"
The tan-colored fox growled at her again. "You can't order me to stop." He reach down and grabbed the blouse that was still draped around her torso, pulling it back so that only the sleeves still remained on her forearms. Then, he tightly wound the fabric around his hand, causing the shirt to bunch up and pin her arms behind her back, all while giving him considerable leverage over her larger form. "You know why?" She was pinned in place against the table by her second in command, and there was no escape. "Because this is a mutiny!"
And with that, he thrust himself home, sheathing himself inside the vice-like grip of her pussy. Her tail shot up, wagging like crazy. "Oh fuck," she moaned. Then he slowly dragged himself out, preparing for another thrust. "Please..." Alex begged.
"Please what?" Kikao teased her. He held himself at her entrance, letting the bitch's own heat-addled mind work her over this time. She tried to thrust back into him, to feel his dick inside her again, but he held her firmly in place.
For a moment, Alex considered keeping up the charade. Pleading with him to stop. But she was too eager at this point. And she did need to get ready for her shift soon. "Please fuck me," she begged him.
"That's more like it," Kikao said with a smile. He parted her folds once more and gave a moan of his own as felt himself enveloped by her warmth. The heat radiating from her inner walls was indescribably pleasurable against the bare skin of his knotted, canine member. This time, he didn't tease her. Continuing to keep her pinned in place, he pounded away at her pussy. The room was filled with a staccato of slaps each time his hips slammed into rear end. The table was securely bolted to the ship's superstructure, but Alex knew had it not been, Kikao's frantic thrusting would have pushed them half way across the room already.
Pleasure visibly coursed through the painted dog's body like electricity as a shudder ran up her spine. She was completely at the mercy of the rabid fox above her, and she was loving every second of it. Normally, she was the one that took the lead. It was her right as captain, after all. But sometimes, it just felt good to let it all go. To bend over and completely submit to the nearest male. To let Kikao have his way with her, since he was particularly good at it when she could coax him into it.
The dominant male released his grip on Alex's shirt, but she remained in place regardless, to lust-drunk to even notice at this point. She was focused solely on the rhythmic pounding of her partner, of the feeling of his cock spreading her open with each thrust. But she did notice when his pacing changed. Kikao took a moment to adjust his stance, and then redoubled his efforts. As the XO, he new the ship's schedule in and out, and he was well aware that the captain was next up for the watch. As fun as this romp was, they would have to wrap up quickly. He slammed into her with more and more force on each thrust, doing his best to bring her to climax.
Alex met his thrusts with her own, and she soon found herself on the precipice of what was building up to a powerful orgasm. She just needed a little bit more. Something to satiate that primal part of her brain that knew she was in heat. "Knot me," she pleaded through heavy breathing.
"What?" Kikao said with surprise, knowing they'd be stuck for a bit if he did.
"Knot me," she repeated. "I want you to make me your bitch."
Well he couldn't say no to that. Like the good officer he was at heart, he followed the captain's orders. He put everything he had into his next thrust, and with an audible pop, his swollen knot slipped insider her. The feeling was intense. There was an explosion of ecstasy in Alex's mind as her body finally felt the what it had been seeking. Her pussy throbbed and convulsed around the shaft insider her, squeezing and milking it as she climaxed. Kikao, too, was overcome with bliss. The feeling of pressure around his knot was too much, and he exploded insider her, painting her insides white with his cum.
Kikao continued to thrust throughout their combined orgasms until eventually, they were both left a panting mess atop the mess hall kitchen, fluids smeared everywhere across the glossy surface. A deep, low growl reverberated through the fox's chest as he leaned over and nuzzled into the back of the painted dog's neck. Alex gave a contented sigh before she spoke. "You're gonna have to clean this all up you know."
"I know," the fox replied. "But it was worth it." He grabbed her by the waist again, but this time, gently rolled her over on to her back, so that she was facing him. The motion caused the both of them to gasp as his member, still locked within, was subsequently twisted around inside her sensitive depths.
"But I've still gotta make my shift on the bridge. So first, you're gonna carry me back to my room. And that's an order." Alex gave a toothy grin at her subordinate.
"That's a bold move, still trying to give orders after a mutiny," Kikao shot back. "As I recall, you were begging me to fuck you senseless." Contrary to his comeback, he gripped her rear and pulled her up from the table, hefting her weight onto his hips. It was awkward, since they were still knotted, but it would allow them enough mobility to make it back to her quarters.
"Oh please, that was the heat and you know it." The captain gave a playful nip towards his neck as she wrapped her legs and arms around him. "You and I both know I give the orders around here. And that goes both outside and inside the bedroom."
"Aye aye, Captain," he said, a stupid smile on his face. He was more than happy to let that be the case. But just for good measure, he adjusted his grip on her thighs to better carry her, incidentally thrusting his hips as he did. There was a slight oof from the painted dog, and the fox's grin widened as he began to carry her back to room to get ready for the day.