Julie & Ari & Lusi

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#7 of Oneshot Directory


I actually like this more than a lot of my existing scenes. The concept and how it plays out is arousing. Too bad it's non-canon. (Julie would never do such a thing.)

Julie lay on her back on Anna's living room couch in socks, soft pants, and a long-sleeved tee one evening, watching a sitcom on the TV across from her.

She held a big lump over her stomach and under her shirt, scritching it with her nails.

"Hey Julie," Anna said while walking in from the kitchen. "You still wanna watch that movie? Gonna be late soon."

Julie tilted her head to look at her. "Oh, sure."

Anna chuckled after noticing Julie's stomach. "That Ari under there?"

"Yes." She grinned a little. "He hopped on the couch earlier and was shaking, so I brought him under."

"Has to be one of the cutest vulpix out there. Glad he warmed up to you so quick." Anna turned around and went back to the kitchen. "Hold on, let me see if we have popcorn."

Julie turned back and blankly watched the show. She'd been at Anna's for two hours now simply to hang out, which was unlike Julie toward anyone but Alyssa, but Anna was just as chill.

Julie ensured Midnight knew exactly where his mate was this time, but she still wanted to be back soon to smother him in snuggles and kisses.

"No popcorn and no soda. Bummer," Anna said upon returning. "Mind if I run to the store really quickly? Not a movie without them."

"Not at all," Julie replied.

"Wicked. It's like ten minutes down, so I'll be quick." Anna went to her bedroom to grab her keys and slipped into her shoes by the door.

"Take your time. I'll be here." Julie glanced down as Ari shifted against her stomach.

"Enjoy. I'll be back."

Julie heard the door shut and hugged a concealed vulpix while stretching her legs, then released him after he shifted again. "Ari?"

She pulled her shirt from over him and watched him sit up while shaking out his fur.

"Vul." He looked at her and swished his tails.

"Did you get tired of sitting still or did it get too hot under there?"

Ari moved up to her chest and lay on his stomach with wagging tails, eyeing her with a slight grin and big eyes.

She giggled a little. "I'll take that as both." Julie reached and ran her palm over the tuft on his head.

Julie's grin slightly faltered as she eyed him, and she tilted her head.

The filthiest image had grazed her mind out of nowhere for no apparent reason-- Ari topping her. Julie had never yearned for pokémon, and Midnight was never a gateway. He was her lover; however, the fact was a daily aspect in her life.

This vulpix-- Anna's vulpix-- was cute in the most innocent of ways, and Julie had imagined something so revolting.

Revolting. "But..." Julie glanced at the door, then looked back at Ari, who had rested his chin on his paws. The temptation was strong, and time wasn't on her side.

Julie slightly opened her mouth, then snuck her hands down to her pants. She raised her rear off the couch enough to tug and slide them and her panties under her rear cheeks, then lay back down. "Ari."

He lifted his head.

"Sit up?"

He did, his eyes on her with evident curiosity.

Julie eyed his chest and stomach, then raised her hand and reached between his legs, which his eyes followed. She touched his furry sac with two fingers and drew her digits over it. "Have you ever mated?"

Ari stared down at her motions with a slightly raised forepaw and tensed a little as she held his sheath and stroked his covered length. He shifted up to her face but glanced down several more times.

"No?" Julie glanced at the door again before grabbing his sides and setting him on the cushion beside her. She rolled over onto her stomach, which exposed her bare rear cheeks.

"Vi?" Ari looked at her butt, then back at her with squinted brows.

"Ugh, I'm... asking if we could do it really quickly-- b-before Anna gets back." Julie exchanged a stare with him. "Do you not want to or do you not know how to?"

Ari stood and watched her eyes fixate on his exposed tip.

Julie broke a subtle grin. "You have to mount. Climb on me."

Ari studied her back, rear, and legs, then placed his forepaws on her lower back and climbed on.

She watched him turn and press his forepaw into one of her buttcheeks, forming a slight indentation from his weight, then move to drop between her legs.

Julie felt him sniff at her clothed crotch. "Ari, no."

He lifted his head.

"You can't have that... Here." She reached her hand back and held one of her cheeks, parting it to reveal her puckered hole. "In there."

He stared and leaned in to sniff at her hole, then climbed atop while looking ahead at Julie with a slightly open mouth and curious gaze.

Ari rested his chest and paws on her lower back while his crotch and hips were over her butt. His hind legs outstretched and splayed over the backside of her upper thighs, along with the topsides of his hind paws.

Julie's grin grew. She felt his warmth and erect tip press her skin; she pushed her hand under his tummy and groin, holding his tip between two fingers.

She guided it between her cheeks and bit her lip after it poked her hole, tensing her legs. "Push your hips."

Ari pushed and pressed her anus, though he couldn't seem to penetrate. He looked back.

"A bit harder," Julie said and took another glance at the door. She watched him shift and pudh with more force, wincing as he penetrated and stretched her sphincter.

"Nh-" she briefly curled her toes from the hint of soreness and exhaled through her mouth. Julie sucked her bottom lip after he started to hump and fit more of his length inside, leading to his knot. She pulled her hand away.

Ari's eyes half-slacked. He pushed his hips to her butt while moving them and pressing his forepaws into her lower back, sliding his cock inside her anus.

Julie crossed her arms in front of her over the cushion and rested her chin on it, gazing back with a subtle grin hidden by her forearm. "Mhn..." His size brought her minimal pain and warmth as he drove in and out, which was an exhilarating balance.

"Go faster, Ari." She raised her rear off the couch and felt him start to shift his hind legs against her thighs.

"Vul." He pawed at her back with his forepaws and dragged his hind ones against her thighs. He brought them up after several tries and ground his pads into her rear cheeks, creasing her skin. He spread her ass with his paws as he raised himself slightly off them and humped harder.

"Vulpxx," Ari whined and breathed through his mouth while her smooth walls hugged and pulsed around his glans, and her sphincter puckered around him, making him ooze pre.

"Hu, dh." Julie's vision fluttered; she pressed her fingers into the cushion and opened her mouth more, sighing. As he loosened her and moistened the environment, his thrusts slicked.

"That's-s perfect..." She watched his hips audibly tap and jiggle her parted cheeks. His tails swished with his motions.

Julie spread her legs some and arched her back as the friction increased and pleasure rose, gasping as he sped up. Sweat formed on her face and under where Ari lay.

"Vhl, hv," he moaned between pants and shut his eyes. His knot pressed her anus every time he pushed in. Ari curled his hind paws against her butt and kept pumping, his breaths rising.

Julie grabbed at the cushion while her breaths quickened. "Uhh. Hmm..." she hummed while he thrust and gave half ones in between.

Ari often paused, then sped up with several quick thrusts. He stiffened his tails and clenched his teeth. "Vpih." His hind paw started to slip down her cheek, which he pressed into her skin and pulled back.

Julie rolled her hips against him and gasped as his next forceful thrust squished and forced air from her hole. She nuzzled her nose into her arm and closed her eyes, letting out subtle moans as he shoved his hips to her butt during his next few.

"V-" Ari pushed his tongue out more and kept himself pressed to Julie. "Vhhii..." he groaned and cocked his head aside with soft eyes, rocking his hips against her butt and grinding her hole with his knot.

"Mhmnn." Julie shuddered and pushed up against him while he came, softly sighing as he slowed and stopped.

She opened her eyes and relaxed her body, glazing over his sulked form. "I almost wish you would have knotted us, but, uhm..." Julie shifted to the door. "Unmount?"

Ari pushed off her lower back with his forepaws and stood, slipping out of her ass and falling back while some of his thick release oozed from her hole. His tush hit the couch.

He then double-glanced aside at the floor.

Julie turned over. However, as she started reaching for her pants, a twice bigger orange furry creature climbed onto the couch and forced Ari off, taking his place.

"Lusi?" Julie froze under his stern gaze. She almost never interacted with Anna's lycan.

He sat before her while running his verdant eyes over her exposed rear and overall form.

Julie shot her eyes from Lusi to the door at least three times. "I'm- I'm sorry, Lusi, but Anna'll be back any minute."

He stared at her, then bared his teeth.

"Uh, what?" Julie placed her hands on the couch and started moving back after he stood and took slow steps toward her.

She did this until the couch's arm stopped her, and Lusi stood inches before her. Julie tilted back against the arm as he leaned into her face and growled deeply in it, making her turn away from his hot breath and frown with pursed lips.

"O-Okay, f-fine, but please be quick." Julie slid down some and stuck her rear out for him, slightly spreading her legs.

Lusi glanced down and brought a forepaw up, which he set on her crotch while eyeing her.

Julie shook her head. "You... you can't have that. I-"

"Lycn." He peered and bared his teeth again.

Julie reached and held her waistband as he pulled his paw. "Mh..." She sighed, then pulled her pants and panties up slightly over her thighs to expose her vulva.

Instantly, Lusi scrambled on top of her, making her gasp. He pushed Julie so her lower back rested against the arm, placed his forelegs over her thighs by her waist and into the couch, and sat again, shifting his hips between her parted legs.

"U-Uhf... Ah." Julie watched as he pushed his hips against hers repeatedly and felt his tip pressing and rubbing her labia.

After a few more, he prodded between and parted her lips with a push of his hips, slipping inside her pussy with a soft grunt.

"Hhmmuh." Julie opened her mouth and stiffened her legs while his glans ran along her walls.

Lusi huffed through his nose and leaned in, shutting his eyes while rocking his hips. His sac dragged against the cushion. He kissed her delicate lips that yielded just barely with his knot, tightening and pulling on his cock. He opened his eyes and stared at her pink cheeks and dazed expression, pushing her body back more so he practically sat over her.

"Ahnm... Mnnh..." Gentle groans rolled from her throat; her eyes flickered and shot upward. Julie slightly raised her legs in the air and placed her palm on the couch by her thigh. She set her elbow on the couch's arm beside her and let her other hand dangle off of it.

She stared up at his dominant gaze and took in his low growls and gruff grunts with a swallow.

Lusi sped up and snarled while her walls flexed around his cock, slicking subtly while he moved between her legs. His hips tapped and rippled her plump thighs.

"Uh- o-oh, ohhnh." Julie tilted her head back and briefly clutched the cushion, then darted to grab Lusi's foreleg before letting her hand fall back on the couch while digging her nails into it. Her hair swayed, dancing slightly against the lycanroc's thrusts.

Her mind was a blank, blissful slate. Lusi was the biggest she'd ever taken. His dick was too good to reconsider, and his aggression shamefully turned her on, leaving her no option but to surrender to his slavering desire. "Uhhh, Lusi..." The sweat increased all over, deeply flushing her cheeks. She shuddered against his coarse fur brushing her sweaty inner thighs.

Julie wiggled her rear so she slid down on the cushion more, flexing her fingers and toes upward as his length spread her soaking tunnel and pushed deeper, stretching her labia that reluctantly conformed to his thrusts and rendering more pronounced slicks. "Ohh..." Her moan shook, jaw slacked, and eyes widened. "That's soo deep." It tended to every spot; her pussy burned with overwhelming bliss.

Lusi raised a forepaw and placed it on her lower stomach, pressing into it and forcing a huffy moan out of Julie. He pushed his other paw into the cushion beside her and moved it up. He spurted pre and humped faster, slightly pushing her legs back against his weighted motions. His sac tapped her sticky anus with his thrusts after she'd slid down.

He opened his maw for a moment, wet smacks filling the living room while their sex intensified. Lusi lowered his head, nudging and nuzzling her chest with shut eyes.

"Mhyeah, oh- oh yes." Her pitch rose. The pressure from his paw on her tummy sent tingled shivers that warmed her canal and clit, and the pressure he applied to her tits brought her additional frissons.

"Nhghugh." Julie went rigid and nearly crossed her eyes with arched feet and tightly curled toes. Her mouth watered; her breaths were rapid, hitching in her chest. "M-My frickin'... it's s-so frickin' good..." She raised her trembling legs higher and placed her hand on Lusi's thigh, letting it slip and clutching the cushion again. She shifted on her elbow but pulled it back, leaning against it and the couch while her arm quivered.

"Lycnn." He lifted his head from her chest and panted through his nose with her while pressing her stomach harder. He winced with a quivering lip and bared teeth, humping roughly and making her pussy slick louder. Lusi twitched his ear and opened his eyes, glancing at the door as the lock turned.

Julie stared, meanwhile, her eyes going wide enough to pop. "L-L-Lusihhm," she sputtered and kept her eyes on the door, pushing her hand into the couch as if attempting to sit up that his paw restrained.

It opened. Anna entered with a bag and shook off her shoes. "Back. There was some traffic so it took me a b-" she looked up and shot her eyes to her lycanroc sitting between Julie's lifted legs while pumping his hips.

He looked at Anna but promptly refocused on Julie, glazing over her rippling thighs and vulnerable face while grunting hard. Lusi eyed her open mouth and the soft moans coming from it. He groaned with a wince while humping her tight hole, his wet cock throbbing wildly against her gripping walls.

Anna then shifted to Julie's dark pink cheeks, mortified eyes that rolled back, and uncontrollable moans. Anna's mouth slowly went agape, and her eyes mirrored confounded bewilderment.

"Mhh- mhhh it's-s-" Julie squealed and lowered one of her legs, pressing her foot into the couch while slightly raising her hips and pushing out her other leg until it straightened. Her vision hazed as Lusi's tip stimulated her sweet zone and sent her over the edge.

Julie huffed harshly and sucked in her tummy as he pressed it in, then let out a stammered moan and shut her eyes tight, drool trailing from the side of her mouth while overwhelmingly tingly euphoria echoed around her clit and layered her walls, even shooting up her body in wavy frissons. She arched her back and pressed her nails into the cushion, slowly raking it.

Lusi moved his paw and placed it back on the couch, sliding both forward. He leaned in enough to reach her face and licked at her sweaty cheeks and open mouth, lapping up her saliva and at her tongue while humping with enough force to shift her back up against the couch.

"Wh-What the fuck. Th-That's enough!" Anna dropped the bag and approached, grabbing her lycanroc's scruff and tugging him. "Lusi, get off her." But by the time she arrived-

"Nnh..." Lusi thrust several more times and pulled his hips, giving the roughest he could manage and shoving his knot past Julie's moist labia while subtly swishing his tail. It then went stiff alongside his legs.

He contorted his face and pushed his tongue out his maw with a resounding snarl, tensing his cock and groaning under his breath while giving slow, deliberate thrusts and pumping Julie full of cum.

"Ew! Ugh, fuckin' Arceus." Anna ripped her hand away and gagged, bringing a hand to her mouth to suppress it. "Julie?!"

Julie swallowed and breathed rapidly while raising her head, staring at Anna with tears in her eyes. "I- I-I can... I..."